
We would like to thank Dr. Jonathan Haas and Dr. Winifred Creamer for their outstanding work on Anasazi warfare. Dr. Debra Martin sent us a copy of her excellent unpublished paper, “Lives Unlived: The Political Economy of Violence Against Anasazi Women.” We’ve also relied upon Dr. Linda Scott Cummings’s work on Anasazi diet, and Dr. Ray William-son’s work on prehistoric astronomy.

Special gratitude goes to California State University in Bakersfield for a 1975 Humanities Research Award that sparked an abiding interest in the Chaco Anasazi, and to the National Park Service staff at Chaco Canyon, who have an impossible job and manage to do it extremely well.

Tom Doherty, our publisher, has supported us throughout this project, though we’ve often bored him glassy-eyed with the intricate minutiae of archaeology. Linda Quinton, associate publisher, deserves our sincere appreciation for her firm belief that the best way to bring the science of archaeology to the people is through this medium. And, as always, we owe a great deal to Harold and Sylvia Fenn, Rob Howard, and all the wonderful H. B. Fenn folks in Canada.

The debt we owe to Harriet McDougal goes beyond words. She is, simply, the finest teacher and friend that a writer can have.