August 24, 1960 -
Iron Man
• Athlete
• Humanitarian
Big deal. He never missed a day of work. Well, when you really think about it, it is a big deal. In fact it's one of the most incredible records existing in any sport --more important than the number of home runs hit in a season and more special than a tally of touchdowns, goals or baskets scored. The record we're talking about belongs to "Iron Man" Cal Ripken Jr. He played 2,632 baseball games in a row with the Baltimore Orioles. He did not miss a single game in 16 years! That's like having perfect attendance in elementary school, junior high, senior high and college!
Ripken actually broke the record for consecutive games on September 6, 1995. The old record was 2,130 - set way back in 1939. (See Explore Some More! at the end of this entry to find out who set the "old" record.) But on that special night of September 6th, the "old" record was going down. In front of 46,272 screaming fans, Ripken took to the field to play game number 2,131. We wonder how many times during all those years Ripken played even when he didn't feel like it. Maybe his shoulder ached, or he had a cold, or he was just having a bad day. But no matter what, he put on a great show for his fans. Wonder when he realized that his love for baseball would lead him into the record books?
Some people have said, "So what - all he did was show up for work." Maybe so. But if what he did was that easy, guys would be breaking that record all the time. And besides, Ripken didn't just show up for work -- he showed respect for himself, his teammates, his fans and the game of baseball by giving 100% every time out, for 16 solid years. We think that's something to celebrate. By the way, on that special night, number 2,131, the Iron Man also hit a home run.
"In my elementary school 'autobiography' I wrote, 'Reading is essential to become a baseball player. You have to be able to read a contract and other important papers.' True enough, but you have to be able to read proficiently, period…"
- Cal Ripken Jr.
If you like sports statistics, we're sure you'll want to look at all the records Ripken holds. When inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame in 2007, he was a first ballot inductee with the third highest voting percentage (98.53%) in Hall of Fame history. But his records alone don't make him one of our 50 heroes every kid should meet. It is his CHARACTER, and that trait is what we want you to explore.
What is "character? It's not something you can touch or hold. It's who you are - your values, how you treat others, the good things you do. And here's where Cal Ripken is a real record-holder too.
Lots of athletes charge kids for their autographs. Ripken’s autographs are free. Lots of athletes like to grab your attention by acting like maniacs. Ripekn was a gentleman on the field, and a devoted family man off the field. Lots of athletes play their sports mainly for the money they can make. Well, Ripken probably likes to make a buck too, but he also played because he truly loves the game. And he donates money and time to help others.
We want you to learn about the Baltimore Reads Ripken Learning Center in Baltimore, Maryland, which Cal and his wife Kelly set up in 1990 with a donation of $250,000. Its mission is to help adults learn to read, do math, and acquire the life skills they need to reach their goals. It is just one example of the CHARACTER that sets the Iron Man apart from all the rest. Why not surf the net and discover other ways that Cal Ripken Jr. is making a difference?
Cal Ripken Jr. by Matt Doeden (Twenty-First Century books, 2009), 106 pages.
Sports Heroes and Legends