


Moments before Vincent met his fate with the Petrified Man, back outside the bus, the others besieged Cora to stay with the group.

Stacie pleaded, “Cora, you’ve got to come with us! It’s not safe inside the bus!”

“I already told you! I’m not a survivalist! I’m going to hide on the bus. I figure I got about as much chance there as out in the woods.” She turned and walked to the bus.

As they watched her enter and close the doors, Jack asked Stacie, “What’s next, O Mighty Survivalist Stacie?”

He noticed she was not amused with his remark. “Sorry, it was meant as a joke.”

Stacie bit her lip and smiled, “It’s ok.” She pondered his words, and although they were meant as a joke, it brought about a new line of reasoning. “If only we had an actual survivalist’s insight into what to do. Then, we might have a chance. Maybe we can enlist Lester to help us?” She blurted out loud.

“If only we could find him?” Jack noted.

A voice rang out from behind, “Your prayers have been answered.” Behind them stood Cole. He was holding Lester by the scruff of his neck. “I’ll lay odds this so-called survivalist will provide the elusive insight you’re looking for.”

Cole tightened his grip on Lester, which by all accounts appeared to cause him significant discomfort.

“Cole, you’re hurting him,” Stacie warned.

“Oh, I haven’t begun to do that. He shook Lester violently, “Talk, little man - what the Hell’s really going on here?”

“Cole, is that necessary?” Asked Jack.

“Sorry, but I don’t have time to play nice with a local trying to kill us.” He continued to shake Lester, which provoked him to yell at them.

“Y’all are the ones responsible for bringing Carl to life! You only have yourselves to blame for bringing his wrath down upon you...and now there’s nothing you can do to stop it.”

Cole shook him again. “What do you mean there’s nothing we can do to stop it?”

“I’m afraid it’s too late for y’all - Carl WILL find you- and when he does...He’s gonna kill you.”

Jack did not accept Lester’s ramblings, “There must be something that can be used against him?”

“Maybe, but y’all don’t possess what’s needed to kill him.” Jack’s eyes widened.

“Then he CAN be killed!” He exclaimed.

Cole reached down and forcefully pulled Lester up by his jacket. “You’ve been holding out on us, Uncle Freakster! What is it you’re not telling us? Now, talk, or I’ll throw your dead body into that pit you’ve been guarding all your life!”

“Cole! Stop it!” Demanded Stacie.

“Shut up, bitch! He’s gonna tell us, aren’t you, Lester?” Cole twisted Lester’s arm behind his back and slowly began to pull it upward.

“All right, all right! There is one thing, it won’t kill him, but it might give you a chance to get away from him-“

“What is it?”

“If you were to shine a bright light directly into his eyes, it will temporarily blind him long enough for you to get away.”

“I’m counting that one of us has a light powerful enough to do that,” said a hopeful Stacie.

“Then you’d better stay together...stay together and use that light.”

That was the moment when Vincent met his fate. Their conversation was stopped short when they heard the blood-curdling sound of a man screaming in the distance.

Stacie and the others looked in the direction where the scream came from. “That sounded like it could have been Vincent.” She reluctantly admitted.

“He should have stayed with y’all,” Lester told them.

Stacie was a little hesitant to agree. “Yes...yes, he should have.” She turned and faced the others. “Now, Cole, please tell us you have a powerful flashlight like Lester described in your backpack.” He did not respond. “Cole?”

They turned around to see Cole, who had flung his backpack over and onto his back. “Of that, you can be sure.” He said as he turned and walked away.

“Not again? You’re leaving us again?” A dismayed Jack asked.

“You got it. Face it. I have a better chance at canceling Lester’s ancestor alone than with you losers.” After a moment, Cole was gone.

“I can’t believe he’s going to do it to us twice,” Jack said as he watched him disappear.

“Yep, he’s gone.” Stacie added, “He’s not the only one.”


“Lester’s gone too. He took advantage of the commotion.” She yelled out, knowing Lester could hear her. “Can’t say I blame you for leaving, Lester! If it’s any consolation, we’re sorry this happened.”

Jack knew Stacie was doing her best to hold things together. “It’s no use, Stacie. It’s just you and me.” Jack said with a half-smile. “I wish it ‘were’ just you and me, but we’ve got company,” said Stacie.

There at the perimeter of the camp, stood Carl.

Jack was unable to move. “Crap! I can’t seem to make my legs move.” Stacie moved in closer to Jack.

“That makes two of us. Get ready to run on three.

“Which direction?”

“Wherever the Monster doesn’t. One...two....”