
Chapter 14


With Slater, Chris, Mark, and Drummer all tucked away in their dressing rooms getting ready for the pending concert, Ben gave Alex and Mona a tour of the venue. It was due to start filling up with anxious fans within the hour. Upon arrival, the two women were presented with lanyards and wrist bands for full access. Not that they needed those items. Everyone knew exactly who they were and what connection they had with the band.

“Wow.” Alex stood at the sound stage set up in the middle of the arena floor and turned in a circle in awe at the number of empty seats. “This is sold out tonight?”

“Yes.” Ben nodded and glanced at the seats with her. “In under an hour, this place will be busting at the seams with around twenty thousand people.”

“Holy shit, that’s a lot,” Mona said.

“We’ve had bigger crowds,” Ben replied with a shrug.

“Wow,” Alex repeated. “Between A Step Ahead and the movies I’ve starred in, I know I’ve reached crowds like that, but not all at once. Not right in front of me, at least.”

“It can be pretty intense,” Ben agreed. “But this isn’t even the biggest crowd they’ve seen. Some places hold up to fifty thousand.”

“That’s crazy,” Alex murmured. Her eyes scanned the empty seats. She tried to picture how the house would look when it was full. She could only imagine the kind of energy Slater would have to perform for that many people.

Mona walked to the soundboard and looked at all the bells and whistles. “I’ve seen equipment like this in editing and in the studio when we did the duet, but this is insane. What are all these buttons for?”

Ben stepped to her side. He looked out of place as sound and stage crew bustled about. Most of them wore jeans, boots or sneakers, and Heart & Soul shirts. The band’s manager looked professional in a suit and tie. “They’re all personalized for each member of the band, for vocals and instruments.” He pointed to the buttons labeled with names and pointed to another section. “These are levels programmed for the backup musicians and singers. And these.” He showed them another set of levels. “Are for the effects added to the show. This one will control what’s shown on the Jumbo-Tron and this one will control the pyrotechnics.”

“And I thought they just showed up and jammed for the crowd,” Mona mused.

“Not quite,” Ben said with a shake of his head. “There’s an absolute science about it all. A choreography. It’s all staged and timed, but the engineers have to plan for the spontaneous side of the band. If Slater suddenly decides to work the crowd on stage right, but it’s planned that he’ll be on stage left, they have to act quickly to make sure the lights are just right and the sound levels match where they were supposed to be. The band isn’t the only one performing tonight,” he said with appreciation for the crew.

“Oh, I’m so excited!” Mona clapped her hands together and hopped up and down with joy.

“Me too,” Alex agreed. She blinked quickly to fight off a new wave of fatigue.

“You ok, Alex?” Ben asked as he watched her stifle yet another yawn.

“Yeah, I’m good, just a little worn out from traveling today.” She forced brightness and energy. “We’ve seen backstage and now the house. What else do you have to show us?”

“What you two will probably think is the best part of all,” he said with a grin.

“Do tell,” Mona said anxiously.

“Come with me, ladies.” He walked backward with a quick wag of his fingers. “To the merchandise room.”



Slater tied a bandana over his long red hair to complete his look for the stage as he thought about how happy he was to have Alex with him again. He glanced at the clock and wondered where she went. She said she would be right back and that was nearly an hour ago. The opening act was ready to hit the stage. He turned as he heard her voice outside the dressing room door. When he opened it, he found Alex posing with Mona for the band photographer as he got candid backstage shots.

“Where have you been?” Slater asked. Amusement was on his face as he saw what she had on.

Her eyes sparkled with excitement. “Ben gave us the full tour, then he let us sift through all the merchandise.”

He looked her up and down. “Are you wearing all of it?”

Alex glanced at her clothing with a giggle. “Pretty much.” She adjusted the Heart & Soul baseball hat on her head, straightened the leather jacket with logos and tour dates splashed across the back, and held up a large shopping bag. “What I’m not wearing is in here. I got one of everything. It was fun shopping for stuff that has my husband splashed all over it. You guys thought of everything, didn’t you?” She dumped out the bag and perused the contents. “Key chains, buttons, a lighter.” She flicked the flame and held it over her head. “Is this for those sexy ballads?”

“We figured if people were going to hold lighters up during songs to set the mood, might as well make a buck off of them.”

“Like you’re not making enough?” she teased, as she rifled through everything. “Program.” She flipped through the glossy pages. “Great pictures! I can’t wait to sit and look through this. Guitar picks with Chris and Haze’s autographs. Sorry, Mark, not Haze.” She tilted her head in thought. “I know he’s trying to get out from under that stoned image, but he’s pretty much branded as Haze, isn’t he?”

“Yeah.” Slater nodded. “He’ll figure it out eventually. Those guitar picks are new and not for sale. Chris and Mark toss them into the crowd. Drives the fans nuts.”

“Socks.” She lifted the hem of her jeans slightly to show him the pair she had on. “They’re cute. I haven’t worn socks with heels since I was a teenager, but I couldn’t resist.”

“You’re cute wearing all that merch.” He smiled with her, impossible not to feel her excitement. It had been a long time since he had looked at all the items they put out to their fans. It was quite an experience to see it through Alex’s eyes.

“Temporary tattoos with the band logo. I’m totally applying those to either my boobs or my butt,” she snickered. “Pens, necklace and earrings for the ladies, wrist bands.”

“You like everything?”

“For the most part.”

“What does that mean?” Slater asked, mildly offended.

“Well.” Alex took off the hat and shook back her dark hair. “The hat is sturdy, I like it. Sweatshirts are nice.” She held up some additional garments from the bag. “T-shirts are good quality. The jacket, I love. I can only imagine how happy the person is who comes to a concert prepared to spend a couple hundred on this baby. Ben told me there are a limited amount.”

“Makes them covetable.”

“Nice touch.” She swiveled and modeled the jacket for him. “A collector’s item one day. I love it.” She took off the jacket and held out the front of her t-shirt to admire the personalization once more. “I’ve been getting a lot of compliments about this.”

Slater smiled at her. “I’m glad you like it.”

“And Mona,” Alex said with a shake of her head. “She’s parading hers around like a proud parent, telling everyone the news. I think she likes showing off her boobs, but that’s just me.”

Slater selected a beer out of a small refrigerator in the corner, held up a small bottle of wine, and offered it to Alex as she continued to peruse her haul. Oh, I’m really going to miss wine! She thought to herself and sighed wistfully while she gave him a negative shake of her head. Avoiding eye contact with him, she critiqued the merchandise and didn’t notice Slater’s look of confusion that she had turned down the chardonnay. He drank his beer and leaned against the vanity counter as Alex continued.

“Just about everything here is good quality, but there are a few things that need work. These.” She held a plastic card with earrings and a necklace attached to it. “How many of these break before the end of the concert?”

Slater reached for the jewelry and felt the materials. “Not the best quality, I’ll admit.”

“People are paying twenty bucks a pop for this set? They really should be made to last. I’d be pissed if I spent my money on that and it fell apart an hour later. It’s a cheap piece of crap.”

“Hey!” he protested.

“What? It’s not like you made it. I’m just saying, Ben should find a different manufacturer for this.”

“Ok, the jewelry is crap. What else do you not approve of, Alexandra?” he asked, his voice testy.

“My, aren’t we touchy? You throw my middle name in there, and you’re going to be in serious trouble.”

“You don’t have a middle name, you got rid of it years ago.”

“Good boy. I’m just pointing out the obvious. The jewelry should be better.”

“And?” Slater inquired. He casually hooked a thumb in his pocket and wondered what else she was going to insult.

“And.” Alex kicked her shoes aside, unzipped her jeans and slipped them off, then removed her socks. She crossed her arms in front of her, tugged at the hem of her “Mrs. Heart” t-shirt, and pulled it over her head to reveal a scant bra and panty set with strategically placed band logos on the garments.  “This.” She waved a hand in front of her body. “This is cheaply made.”

“The body’s not.” Slater shook his head as he looked her up and down. He had no problem at all with what she had on. The bra and G-string combination had recently been added to the merchandise selection. He thought it was funny, something the fans would get a kick out of wearing. He looked at Alexandra Lorraine, now Alexandra Heart, his wife. She stood before him in nothing but two very flimsy scraps of material displaying the band’s logo and fully enjoyed the way it looked on her. 

“This bra barely covers my nipples.” Alex pulled and stretched the triangular top, she tried unsuccessfully for more coverage.

“I don’t have a problem with it.” Slater looked her up and down again, his gaze intent as she modeled the get-up for him.

“I’m sure you don’t. Leaves little to the imagination. Might as well be naked.”

“Works for me,” he said simply.

Alex turned to the side, checked out her profile in the mirror behind him, and arched her back slightly, sticking out her chest and her bottom. “Do girls in the crowd really wear these bras?”

“Some of them do, yeah.”

“Hmm.” She turned to give him a view of her backside and looked at him over her shoulder, all innocence. She knew what she was doing. Once she saw the set, she knew immediately that she was going to model it for him, turn him on and have herself some hot, hormonal sex with the lead singer of Heart & Soul. “Now this.” She ran her hand over her bottom. “There’s basically nothing here.” She ran her hand down her flat-for-now stomach and hooked her thumb under the front of the panty. “Another thin scrap of material, held together by elastic bands. I appreciate a good thong, however... This is just a scratchy piece of elastic between my butt cheeks, and this...” She was satisfied when she saw the glow of lust in his eyes. “This is just blatantly sexual, now isn’t it?”

“Explain,” Slater said quietly. He took another sip of his beer. Want for her stirred his blood.

“The Heart & Soul logo nicely placed over one’s pussy,” she giggled as Slater coughed on his beer, shocked at her use of the word. “Is blatantly sexual.”

He licked a drop of beer off his bottom lip. His eyes were wide with surprise. “What did you just say?”

“You heard me.” Alex walked closer to him, took the beer out of his hand, and placed it on the vanity behind him. Moving the bra triangles to the side, she exposed herself to him. She took his hands and placed them on her body. Her eyes closed as he caressed her breasts. She inhaled sharply. Her breath became heavy when he lowered his head and took her nipple into his mouth. He sucked on her with just a hint of roughness. The new tenderness of her breasts enhanced the sensations. Alex slipped her fingers into his hair and pressed him closer with a moan.

Slater lifted his head. His hands replaced his mouth on her body. “Say it again, Allie,” he demanded quietly.

“No,” she said softly as she opened her eyes and looked into his. “Touch me, Slater.”

Slater did as she requested. He slid his fingers under the thin material and into her hot, wet body. He moved against her, felt her hands grip his shoulders as the orgasm shot quickly through her. Alex’s chest heaved with each breath she took. He was incredibly turned on as he made his wife climax and once more lowered his head to her breasts held captive by the tiny bra.

Alex so rarely took the lead when it came to sex. She happily obliged when he wanted it, had rarely turned him down. It was a nice turn of events to seduce him. She felt powerful and sexy. It was a heady sensation to show him how much she wanted him. She vowed to herself right then and there, pregnant, or not, she was going to make this more of a habit. “I need you to do something for me, Slater.” She unfastened his jeans, slipped her hands inside, and wrapped her fingers around his hardness.

“What?” he choked out. He didn’t know where this vixen had come from, but he hoped she stayed around for a while.

“I need you to fuck me,” Alex said with determination.

He nodded quickly. “I can help you with that.”

“But first, I want to do something for you.” Alex pulled him to her for a kiss. “After I do this for you.” She moved her mouth to his ear and whispered, “I want you to taste me.”

His eyes flashed with want, desire, and surprise. “Did you just request that?”

“I did.” She gave him a sexy smile as she removed the bra and panties, pulled his shirt over his head, and pressed her breasts against his chest. “I want you to taste me, Slater. Will you do that for me?”

“Yeah, I can do that,” he breathed, his voice was raspy with need. His hands gripped the countertop behind him. His eyes closed. He took quick, shaky breaths as Alex slid her naked body against his, lowered to her knees, and took him into her mouth.



“Wow,” Alex gasped. She leaned against the couch strewn with Heart & Soul items. Her chest heaved while she took in air. “I think we christened every piece of merchandise you guys have for sale.”

Slater also caught his breath. He looked behind her at the t-shirts and other random items. “Looks that way. What happened there, Allie?”

“I couldn’t help myself.” She bit her lip and smiled at him. “I wanted you, is that ok?”

“It’s more than ok. That was awesome.”

“I could go for a cigarette right now,” Alex breathed. She was shocked when he opened a drawer from the side table next to her head and produced a cigarette and lighter. “But.” She took them out of his hand and set them aside. “Let’s not. What are you doing with that? I thought they messed with your voice.”

“Emergency stash.” He reached for the cigarette, he wanted it more than ever at this moment. “Come on,” he urged. “Have it with me. You can light it.”

“No!” Alex shook her head a little too emphatically.

“What’s wrong?” He flicked the lighter to life, his features glowed against the flame.

“Nothing,” she stated as she took the cigarette out of his hands and hurled it across the room. “I just don’t want you to smoke.”

“Hey! You didn’t need to throw it.” Slater tossed the lighter aside and nuzzled his face into her hair. He laughed at her dramatics. “Baby, tell me about this surprise you have for me.”

“Nope, not yet.” Alex moved her head to the side and allowed him access to her neck. “Maybe, if you put on a good show, I’ll tell you after.”

If I put on a good show? You are in for a treat, sweetheart.” He slid his tongue in her ear and laughed against her as she squealed. “Tell me,” he whispered and slid his tongue in her ear again.

“Slater, stop!” Alex giggled and squirmed out of his grasp.

“Tell me,” he insisted. He tried to keep her in his arms but was unsuccessful as she wiggled free. He wrinkled his nose in distaste when there was a knock at the door.

“Fifteen minutes, Slater!” Ben called from the other side.

“Saved by Ben,” Alex declared and gathered up her clothes.

“I hate it when you don’t tell me things,” Slater mumbled as he reached for his clothes.

“You’ll get over it,” Alex said lightly and tossed him her bra. She pulled her “Mrs. Heart” shirt over her head and decided to leave her jacket behind for the concert. “Now you have my bra. If you’re lucky, I’ll flash you my boobies.” She zipped up her jeans and walked to the vanity, a leather studded belt caught her eye. “Oh,” she gasped and picked up the belt with admiration. She quickly untucked her shirt and fastened the belt low on her hips. “I love this.”

“I was going to wear that.” Slater walked to her, put his hands on her hips, and tugged the belt just a bit lower so it fit snugly. “But it looks hot on you.”

“Aw.” Alex leaned her head against his shoulder and smiled at him in the mirror. “We’ve reached a whole new level.”

“What do you mean?” He slipped his hands low on her body and gripped her bottom.

“I mean, I can share accessories with my husband.” She tried on a few bracelets and rings he had laid out on the vanity counter. “You’ve got some great stuff here. Why have I never seen this?”

“Maybe because I don’t want to share?”

She batted her lashes at him. “Not even with me?”

“I’ll share anything with you.” He kissed her temple, then reached for her when she walked to the door. “Hey, where are you going?”

Alex turned with her hand on the knob. “I’m going to give you a few minutes to be alone before the concert starts. I always like a few moments to myself before a performance.” She blew a kiss to him as she opened the door. “Also, I’m going to go find Mona and tell her that I just nailed Slater Heart in his dressing room!”



Alex stepped outside Slater’s dressing room and pulled the door closed behind her. She glanced at Ben and blushed when he avoided her eyes and suppressed a smile. The flush on Alex’s skin made it obvious what had just happened beyond the door. “So,” she said, her voice light and airy. “Have you seen Mona?”

“Follow me. She’s in Chris’s dressing room.” He stopped at a door not too far from Slater’s room. “Here you go.” He knocked and stepped back when Mona answered. “I’ll bring you both some champagne. And...” He reached toward Alex’s hair and removed one of the Heart & Soul plastic earrings out of her hair. “I’ll bring you a hairbrush.”

“Those hormones are really messing with you, aren’t they?” Mona whispered. She pressed her lips together when Alex shushed her. “I’ll help her with her hair.” Mona winked at Ben. “Please bring her some seltzer water and I’ll have her share of champagne.”

“You need to stop that!” Alex swatted at her when Ben left the room. “I don’t want anyone else to find out yet!”

“Finding out what?” Chris asked as he emerged from the bathroom.

Alex ignored Chris’s question simply because she couldn’t speak. Chris was casual as always. For some reason, to see him in his concert attire of ripped jeans, a sleeveless t-shirt showing off his muscular arms, his hair perfectly messy, and flashing that charming smile of his sent her hormones surging once more. “Damn,” she whispered to Mona. “He’s hot.”

Mona bumped her hip playfully against Alex. “Get your own man.”

“I just had him,” Alex said under her breath. “Now I want him again.”

Mona turned when Ben returned and accepted the mini bottles of champagne. “Oh how cute! They come with a little straw!” She happily popped the top on the first bottle, inserted the straw, and murmured her pleasure on the first sip.

“I hate you,” Alex muttered. She accepted a bottle of seltzer from Ben.

“I got you a straw, too,” Ben pointed out.

“Gee, thanks,” Alex giggled, then whispered to Mona, “That makes my alcohol hiatus so much easier.”

“Alex,” Chris spoke up. “I have plenty of things you can mix that with.” He pointed to a mini bar in the corner.

“I’m good, thanks, Chris. I’m watching my girlish figure,” she teased and shook her head when Mona laughed softly behind her.

“You can stay away from alcohol and watch that figure all you want. There’s no way you’re stopping that waistline from expanding.”

“Enough!” Alex turned and playfully smacked Mona’s shoulder.

“What?” Mona asked innocently. “It’s going to happen soon enough!”

Ben shook his head in confusion at their banter and rolled his eyes with Chris. He looked at his watch and noted the time. “Let’s start heading to the stage.”

“Sounds good.” Chris clapped his hands once and jumped up and down in place to pump his blood with energy. He could already feel the crowd and knew it was going to be a great concert. The fact that he was newly engaged added to that adrenaline. He pulled Mona close for a kiss. “I love you. I can’t wait for you to see the show.”

“I’m excited.” Mona smiled into his eyes. “I’m sure it’s going to be amazing, even though we’re watching it from the side offstage.”

“Too risky to let you join the crowd,” Ben said and held the door open for Chris. “Let’s go.” He stepped out and waited for Chris. He looked at his watch once more and hoped Slater wouldn’t be too late. “Those two don’t make sense sometimes,” Ben mumbled as Chris closed his dressing room door behind them. He nodded at a stagehand, checked a note in his planner, and accepted a file from an onsite assistant as she sailed by. “I mean, I can understand Alex trying to maintain her weight for a movie role and appearances. But what was that all about, saying that Alex’s waistline would be expanding soon?”

“I don’t know.” Chris shook his head as he kept up with Ben. He let out a laugh as an overexcited fan pointed at him and screamed. “Those two talk in code so much, Slater and I don’t even try to crack the meaning anymore. Shit, Alex got so skinny there for a while, I can’t imagine her ever getting fat.”

Ben nodded absently while he scanned the numbers in the file. “I know. I can only think of one thing that would cause her waist to expand.” He stopped suddenly and raised his head from his paperwork with a snap. His footsteps halted in tandem with Chris’s as they turned and looked at each other in shock. Realization dawned on the two of them at the same time.

“No fucking way!” Chris breathed. Simultaneously they looked over their shoulders, pivoted on their heels in unison, and rushed to Chris’s dressing room.

“Let’s find out.” Ben turned the knob and pushed the door open with force. “Alex!” He walked toward her with purpose, his eyes wide.

Chris slammed the door closed behind him, took long strides, and stood by Ben’s side. “Are you?”

“Shit!” Alex hissed. She set her seltzer water aside and sent Mona a playful glare. “You need duct tape over that mouth!”

“And you need to just tell your husband your news!” Mona giggled as she sipped her champagne.

“Answer the question, Alex,” Chris demanded, curiosity all over his face.

Alex looked between Ben and Chris with a nod. “Yes. I’m pregnant!”

“Great,” Chris muttered with a smile. “Just what the world needs, more of Slater.”

“Wow,” Ben exhaled. He stepped to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. “How are you feeling?”

“When are you due?” Chris asked, and took a step closer to Ben’s side.

Alex filled them in on how far along her doctor had estimated and answered both their questions about her overall health. “Everything looks good. As for me, I’m ok. I’m emotional.” She gave Chris a sheepish grin. “Even more so than usual.”

“God help us all,” he replied with a smile.

“I’m tired, so damn tired, and hungry, oh, my God, I’m so damn hungry.” She held a hand to her growling stomach.

“And horny,” Mona chimed in. “So damn horny.”

Alex looked at Mona with a grin, then looked between Ben and Chris. “That about sums it up.”

“I’m sure that’s a side effect Slater won’t mind,” Chris said, his face suddenly serious. “Alex, I remember the first night I met you. The night you took a punch for Slater at that club.”

“I’ll never forget that,” Alex said.

“After the gig that night, I noticed something different about Slater and I knew it was because of you. I remember specifically telling him, ‘Don’t go falling in love with her and fuck up the band’.”

“He wouldn’t have done anything to fuck up the band,” Alex said softly.

“No.” Chris shook his head. “He wouldn’t have. Even if it meant putting himself through hell for the next ten years, he was so in love with you. I saw it that night. I knew something was there. It’s always been there. He loves you so damn much, I hope you know that. God!” His eyes glistened ever-so-slightly with tears. “To say he’s going to be over the moon about this is an understatement. He’s going to be thrilled. But, I want you to know something, Alex.” His voice was fierce, his eyes pierced into hers. “This isn’t just a baby that you and Slater are having.” He shook his head with conviction and pointed to her stomach. “This is my niece or nephew you’re creating here. Holy shit.” He stumbled back a step and held a hand to his heart, his voice thick with emotion. “I’m going to be an uncle!” He grabbed Alex in a tight hug. He gently rocked her in his arms and blinked the tears away as he whispered in her ear, “Congratulations, honey.”

“Hey! I’m going to be an uncle, too!” Ben yanked on Chris’s arm and pulled him away to embrace Alex warmly. “I’m so very happy for you, congratulations.”

Alex opened her arms to both Ben and Chris. She laughed through her tears as Mona joined the group hug. “You’re both going to be uncles!” Alex’s smile faded as a thought hit her, worry snapped into her coldly. “Oh, my God!” she gasped and stepped back from the celebration.

“What?” Chris held her hand and squeezed at the worry on her face.

She repeated the phrase he said to Slater so many years ago, her voice barely audible. “Don’t go falling in love with her and fuck up the band.” She lifted her anxious gaze to Ben and Chris. “This is going to fuck up the tour, isn’t it?”

Ben wasn’t about to tell her that was the first concern that popped into his mind. Instead, he shook his head and smiled at her with reassurance. “Let’s just take it one day at a time.” He shared a knowing look with Chris. They both knew Slater well enough to know the moment he found out this information he would be all over Ben to rearrange things. Or just plain cancel as they got closer to Alex’s due date, and they were sold out for the entirety of the tour. “Let’s not worry about that right now,” he said more to himself than to her. “First you have to tell Slater.”

“Why doesn’t he know yet?” Chris asked.

“I didn’t tell him when I got here, because...” Alex cleared her throat and blushed slightly. “I had an agenda when I got here today.” She snorted with laughter when Mona chimed in once more.

“Meaning she fucked his brains out.”

“And,” Alex said pointedly, trying to ignore Mona’s comment. “I didn’t want to tell him right before a show. I know what goes into prepping for a performance. I want to tell him after. Just the two of us.” She looked between Ben and Chris. “I love that you two know, but I hate it at the same time! It’s supposed to be just he and I, not thousands of people knowing.”

“Only a handful know,” Mona informed her. “Not thousands, let’s not exaggerate.”

“Ok, a handful, but still, I wanted him to know first. But now that that’s not realistic, I want it to be special. Clever and memorable. So, everyone just keep your mouths shut,” she demanded. “I’m telling him as soon as we’re alone tonight.”

Ben checked his watch once more. “You can’t tell him now anyway.” He looked at Chris and jerked his head toward the door. “You’re on.”

“Right,” Chris agreed. He pulled Alex to him and hugged her once more. “You have to tell him after the show. I can’t wait to hear how he reacts.”

“That’s what I said.” Mona slipped her arm through Chris’s with a smile. She kissed him on the cheek with a quick swat to his butt. “Go! I can’t wait to see you. Ben will take Alex and me to the best spot on the side.”

Chris led the way out, walked quickly to join Mark and Drummer, and waited for Slater outside of his dressing room door while Chris knocked. Ben escorted Alex and Mona down a hall, the two women turned when they heard a commotion to see people bustle about and react as Slater stepped into the corridor.

Alex unhooked her leather belt and handed it to Mona. Cupping her hands around her mouth she called out loudly, “Slater!” She moved quickly when he looked over at her call. A mischievous grin was on her face as she lifted her shirt and flashed her breasts to him. She lowered her shirt just as quickly and laughed at the look of surprise on his face.

“Dude!” Chris laughed and punched him on the shoulder. “Your wife just flashed you her tits!”

“She sure did,” he said with a proud nod. He sent Alex a wave as Ben herded her and Mona off in the opposite direction. “She’s fucking awesome!”

“You two have been making up for lost time, huh?”

“And then some.” Slater shook his head, his mind was boggled at his wife and her recent insatiable nature. “Fuck,” he let out a sharp laugh. “She’s like a horny little monkey that keeps climbing all over me.”

“Not that you mind,” Chris said knowingly. He kept his eyes on Slater and pictured him as a father.

“No, not that I mind.” Slater glanced at Chris and raised a brow when he noticed that Chris stared at him with an odd smile on his face. “What’s your problem?”

“No problem,” Chris answered with a shrug and slid his guitar over his shoulder.

Ready for their performance, the crowd alive with screams, Slater slapped a hand on Chris’s back and returned his smile. He understood the happiness his friend must be feeling at being engaged to Mona. “It’s a good night, huh?”

“It could get even better,” Chris said nonchalantly.

Chris ran onto the stage to start the music with Mark and Drummer and left Slater slightly confused as he waited for his cue to enter. He wondered what Chris’s statement meant. Shaking it off, he decided he would get to the bottom of that comment once the show was over. In the meantime, Slater closed his eyes and felt the rumble of the drums roll through his chest. The bass and guitar flowed into his veins and ticked off the measurements of the song in his mind. With a deep, cleansing breath, he grabbed his mic and made his entrance.