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Annette arrived early the next morning for a breakfast meeting with Alex and Slater before the photoshoot. As she reviewed her notes she looked up from her file when Alex came out of the bedroom. She observed that Alex looked complete with her life when she walked to Slater and kissed him, then ran her hand over Zach’s head while he slept against his father. Only six short weeks after giving birth and her number one client looked like she could walk any red carpet at a moment’s notice. Her body had returned to normal so quickly. She fixed her coffee with cream and sugar and watched as Alex walked to Kathleen who held Jake and placed a kiss on his forehead.
“Coffee?” Annette asked, and poured her a cup at her nod. “You look good, Alex. Really good.”
“Thank you,” Alex replied. She sat down across from her at the table and helped herself to a small serving of French toast. Her appetite was still strong with nursing the boys, but it wasn’t near as ravenous as it had been during her pregnancy.
Kathleen was curious as she looked at Alex. “Why the change of outfit? I thought you were wearing what you had on last night.”
“Oh.” Alex drank her coffee and looked down at her light blue cotton sundress. “I decided on this instead,” she said and took a bite of her toast.
“But why?” Kathleen asked. “I loved what you had on last night. I thought you did as well.”
“I liked it a lot, I still do,” she assured Kathleen and concentrated on adding syrup and fresh berries to her toast. “One of the boys spit up on it so...” She shrugged her shoulders, and let the topic drop.
“Your mommy’s full of shit,” Slater said quietly to Zach, but just loud enough for everyone to hear. “Neither one of you puked on it. Mommy’s outfit ended up in a wrinkled heap on the floor so she had to find a new outfit.”
“Slater!” Alex whipped her head toward him with a glare, her lips twitched on a laugh. “Knock it off,” she whispered.
“Ah,” Annette acknowledged with a grin. “I take it Dr. Green gave you her blessing?”
“It was certainly a religious experience for both of us.” Slater winked at Alex. He chuckled when she looked at him sternly, then spoke confidentially to Zach. “One day I’ll fill you and your brother in on that part of life.”
“Enough!” Alex turned her attention to Annette. “Ok, what’s the plan?” she asked, ready to get down to business.
“Hair and makeup will be here shortly with the photographer and the journalist. I thought some candid shots of the family together would be good. A glimpse into your life while you get ready for the shoot.” She looked between Slater and Alex. “The journalist has been briefed on what to ask and what not to ask, specifically Penthouse magazine.”
“Shh,” Alex hushed her. “I don’t want the boys to hear about that.”
“I’m pretty sure they don’t know the difference, but ok.” Annette shared a smile with Slater at Alex’s protective nature toward her sons. “National Enquirer may be brought up, but only on the surface. People magazine is well aware that this is an editorial about the babies and introducing them to the world. I’m confident they won’t step on any toes. You’ve always had a good relationship with them, Alex and they’re thrilled to be the ones to get the exclusive pictures.” Annette looked at her watch when there was a knock on the door. “I have one little surprise for you, and I’m pretty sure that’s it right now.” She stood up from the table and opened the suite door to reveal Ronnie on the other side. The makeup artist beamed happily as she zeroed in on Alex and rushed in for a hug.
“Oh, my God, Ronnie!” Alex gushed. She wrapped her arms around her friend and embraced her warmly.
“Congratulations!” Ronnie exclaimed. She walked to Slater and peeked at Zach, then did the same to Kathleen when she proudly showed off Jacob. “Oh, they’re beautiful. You have to let me hold them once we’re all done here. You did good mommy and daddy. And, Alex!” Ronnie walked to her again. She took Alex’s hands in hers and spread her arms wide. “You look fabulous! Seriously, did you not gain a pound through the whole pregnancy?”
“Oh, I gained plenty,” Alex stated, as she smoothed her dress over her torso. “And I still have a long way to go but look!” She looked at Slater and held up her left hand. “My wedding rings finally fit again!”
“I’m happy to hear that, baby.” He sat patiently on the outskirts of the preparations for the shoot and checked on Jacob when Kathleen sat down next to him.
Alex sat in a chair while the hairstylist put her hair in Velcro rollers, gave her tresses a good dose of hairspray, and hit the rollers with the blow dryer for a minute, then let them cool while Ronnie began her makeup. The journalist arrived shortly after hair and makeup. Annette made introductions to Alex and Slater. They talked through the shoot and conversed about the article while the photographer wasted no time and began to snap pictures of the preparations.
Alex closed her eyes while Ronnie applied her foundation and concealer, then checked her work thus far. “Alex, you barely even need foundation, your skin looks amazing. It’s like you’re glowing-” She let out a snort of laughter at Slater’s interruption.
“I’ll take credit for that glow.” He sent a wink Alex’s way.
“Ignore my husband,” Alex muttered.
“Um, Alex.” Kathleen stood up and started to rock Jacob in her arms. “When you’re at a stopping point, I think we have a hungry baby.” She looked down at Jacob when he turned his little face into her chest to search for food. “Well, I think you may have to take a small break,” she spoke louder as his cries intensified. “He’s definitely hungry.”
Alex kept her face forward while Ronnie applied eyeshadow and held her arms out to Kathleen. She impressed everyone in the room as she held Jake with one arm, unbuttoned her dress with her free hand, and guided her baby to her breast without opening her eyes. “There you go, little baby,” Alex cooed softly to him. Jacob calmed at the sound of his mother’s voice and the assurance of food. “Sorry, Ronnie,” she laughed softly when she opened her eyes to see Ronnie shake her head in awe. “This is my life now. They’re both literally attached to me.”
“Motherhood comes so easy to you, Alex. You’re a natural.”
Alex closed her eyes and let Ronnie resume her work. “It feels natural.”
The photographer went from snapping pictures of Kathleen as she held Jacob and Slater smiling down at Zach to Alex. His flash went off as she fed Jacob.
“Wait a minute.” Slater stood up quickly, he held Zachary protectively. He walked to the photographer. “Let me see that,” he demanded. The photographer clicked to a new screen on his camera to show Slater the display of the moment he had just captured. “I don’t want that one in the magazine,” he said sternly. He made it clear that even though breastfeeding was a natural act, it wasn’t to be featured. The man nodded in understanding and his finger hovered over a button when Slater suddenly put a hand on his arm. “But don’t delete it.” He smiled at the image and looked up at Alex. “It’s a beautiful picture. I want a copy of that.”
“I’ll be sure you get all of them,” the photographer promised.
When hair and makeup were done and the boys were fed, the pictures went quickly. The photographer took advantage of up-close shots of the boys who were both alert, kept their eyes open for the event, and looked into the camera with their father’s eyes. Almost as if the two of them knew the magazine was about them. While the camera snapped away, the journalist spoke to both Alex and Slater. Questions were kept to the boys, the pregnancy, and the delivery. How Alex dealt with it all while being on tour with her husband and what was up next for the rock band and the actress. The two of them declared that time off was the most important thing right now because they both wanted to make raising their sons a priority.
After getting endless shots of Jacob and Zachary, it was time for family pictures. Casual pictures were taken of Slater as he changed a diaper and Alex smiled down at both boys as she held them in her arms. The final picture was of the four of them. Alex and Slater sat close together on the sofa, each held one of the babies, the boys were fast asleep in their arms.
Taking a small break from flash after flash, Alex leaned her head against Slater’s shoulder with a soft smile on her face. She felt utterly content. Her eyes lowered while she looked at the boys. Slater tilted his head to rest on Alex’s. He turned in just slightly to kiss her on the forehead. The two of them blinked back to reality at the flash of light.
Annette stood behind the tripod and watched the moment captured appear on the screen. She nodded with approval and patted the photographer’s shoulder. “I think you just got the cover.”
People magazine hit the newsstands two weeks later. One day before Slater and Alex arrived home with their boys. The magazine sold out immediately, clips of the article were featured on Entertainment Tonight and E! News, not to mention The Today Show and Good Morning America. All other national avenues of media and local stations showed the pictures as well.
Alex shared a look with Slater while they waited for the gate to their driveway to open. Flashes of light appeared into the car while paparazzi tried desperately to get a shot of them coming home with their children. Slater reached over the boys’ carriers in the back of the limo and held onto Alex’s hand.
“One day, baby,” he promised with a tired laugh. “One day they’ll be sick of us.” An idea hit him spur of the moment when he rolled down the privacy window and told the driver to stop the car as the gate closed behind them.
“What are you doing?” Alex asked as she shared a confused look with Kathleen.
“Your kindness seems to be rubbing off on me, Allie.” He unbuckled Jacob from his seat and held him in his arms. “Get Zach,” he instructed Alex, then opened the car door and jerked his head toward the photographers. “Let’s give them what they want, just this one time. Plus...” He smiled down at Jake. “I’m pretty damn proud of these two and don’t mind showing them off for a minute. Hey guys!” Slater greeted as he got out of the car. He held up a hand for silence and a hush fell over the group of reporters. He held Jacob close to his chest while he waited for Alex to join his side, flashes of light went off repeatedly. “I’m going to let you see our boys for a minute and introduce them to you, but you all need to do me a favor and go the hell away afterward. If you can promise me that, we’ll let you get a few shots.”
“We promise!” Random people called out simultaneously, the group vibrated with excitement that not only had Slater Heart spoken to them, but he was also going to let them take pictures of his sons.
“Slater,” Alex whispered at his side. “Are you sure about this?”
“They’re going to grow up in the public eye, baby.”
“But.” She shook her head, her voice full of worry. “It’s just so many flashes. I don’t want it to ruin their eyes or hurt them in any way.”
Slater leaned in and kissed her. He loved how protective she was of them. “They’ll be fine,” he promised.
“Alexandra, you look amazing! Alexandra, over here!” They all seemed to speak to her at once, their voices soft and respectful. “Can we see them, please? Just a peek?” The questions and pleas were endless.
Alex finally gave in with Slater as they both uncovered their baby’s heads at the same time, turned and presented them to the public. The two of them shared a laugh together at the oohs and ahhs coming from the group as they snapped their pictures. Slater introduced them like the proud father that he was. They both smiled at reporters and answered questions through the gate, accepted congratulations, and compliments on their sons, and let them take their shots. He and Alex both took a few steps forward to let them get better views. They knew this would be all over the news tonight. Had it not been for the gate that provided the barrier between them, Alex didn’t think she would have trusted that they wouldn’t be rushed at while they presented their sons. Slater let it go on for a few minutes and spoke up to get their attention. Not that he needed to. Just the fact that he stood in front of them willingly had them all hanging onto his every word.
“Ok, that’s enough. Now you all have to do what you promised because if you don’t, I’ll never be nice to you again. If you don’t believe me, just ask the asshole whose nose I broke because he got too close once upon a time. I know you love to get pictures of us and now I know our sons are going to grow up being people of interest simply because of who they are. All I’m asking is for you to respect our space and theirs. If you do, I’ll be nice to you. If you don’t...” He gave Alex a wink and turned to the reporters with a grin. “Well, that’s your choice. Thank you.” With a curt nod to the group, he handed Jacob to Kathleen and took Zach from Alex’s arms while she waved goodbye to the reporters and slid into the limo. She took him back when Slater got in next to her. The reporters thanked them for their time and the pictures. The group of them lowered their cameras and turned to leave the scene to give Slater and Alexandra Heart and their sons the respect he just requested.
“Wow.” Alex shook her head in wonder at her husband as the limo moved up the drive to the house. “That was out of left field. What made you do that?”
He shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know. A lot of them like the chase. Maybe if they don’t have to chase us so much, they’ll finally get sick of us. Plus.” He smiled at his boys. “I’m proud of our work, I didn’t mind showing them off.”
Alex looked out the window as the limo came to a stop. “Home sweet home. What’s that?” Alex asked Slater as she pointed toward a black Suburban in their driveway.
“That’s the huge SUV you requested,” he said proudly.
“When did you get that?”
“I have my ways,” he said evasively while Alex admired the vehicle when she got out of the limo.
“Oh wow,” she breathed. “This thing is definitely huge. I may need a stepstool to get into it.”
“Come on.” He guided her toward the front door with his hand on her lower back. Kathleen held Zach as she followed them into the house.
“Oh!” Alex exclaimed as she stepped into the entryway. “Oh, it feels so good to be home.” She smiled down at Jacob, turned, and reached a hand out to caress Zachary. “We’re home, little babies. Oh, my God!” She stopped abruptly as she walked into the once empty formal living room. The spacious area was filled floor to ceiling with gift bags and boxes and balloons all in welcome and celebration for their sons. She turned to Slater, her eyes wide. “Annette said gifts were being delivered, but I had no idea. Look at all of this!”
“Shit.” Slater shook his head in awe with her. “It’s going to take us at least a week to open everything. I had no idea people would go all out like this.”
“We’re definitely going to need your help with this, Kathleen.”
“Not a problem, but I think it can wait.” She passed Zachary to Slater, kissed both boys, and quickly embraced the two of them. “I’m going to leave the two of you alone to get acclimated with the boys and get unpacked. Unless you need me,” she said quickly. She wondered what kind of schedule she and Alex would adapt to once they were all rested.
As if she read her mind, Alex sent her a reassuring smile. “I think we’ll be fine. Take your time and make yourself at home. Tomorrow we’ll go over how this is all going to work. If the two of us feel like we can’t handle things tonight, I’ll come find you. Thank you.” She kissed Kathleen on the cheek. “You’ve been amazing so far, I’m sure we’ll fall into a comfortable routine.”
They bid Kathleen goodnight. Slater took Alex’s hand and walked up the stairs with her. “Come on. Let’s show these two their bedroom.”
“This,” Alex said softly as she opened the door to their room and stepped inside. “Is your bedroom.” She spoke calmly to the boys. “I think you should share a crib for a while until you get too big, but it’ll be ok.” She walked Jacob to the large round crib in the center of the room dressed in soft shades of blue. “Look, I got you a big one so there’s more than enough room for both of you. Do you like the bed set?” Running a hand lovingly over Zach’s head while Slater held him, she inspected the room. The room she hadn’t had a chance to set up. She looked everything over. Paid attention to the details of the wall hangings and the placement of the rug on the floor and the rocking chair next to the crib. She realized, albeit stubbornly, that Mona knew her well enough to know exactly how Alex herself would have decorated the room. She turned to Slater and knew he waited for her to list off changes she would want.
He could see she was satisfied with how the room turned out and wondered if she would acknowledge the fact, or if she would stubbornly have the last word, no matter how subtle. He voted for the latter and waited for Alex to make her move. He chuckled softly to himself when she walked to the dresser and took a snow globe off the wall shelf, picked up a small teddy bear on top of the desk surface, and switched the items’ places.
Alex nodded with approval. “There, that’s better. For now.”
“Come on.” He jerked his chin toward the door. “Let’s show them our room.”
“Who would have thought?” Alex spoke softly while she followed Slater down the hall. “When I left here to come see you on tour all those months ago I knew we would be coming home with one baby. I had no idea we would be coming home with two.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Slater opened the door and let her walk ahead of him.
“Oh, I missed our bed!” She sat on the edge and looked around their bedroom. “It feels really good to be here.”
“Yeah, it does,” he agreed and sat on the other side of the bed. They turned to face each other, then placed Jacob and Zachary in the center of the large bed and watched the boys sleep. “Think they’ll ever wake up?”
“I think we should cherish it,” Alex stated. “I’m pretty sure soon we’ll be wondering if they’ll ever go to sleep.”
Slater leaned over the boys and kissed her, the two of them smiled together at the turn of events in their lives. He opened the drawer of the bedside table and held up the remote. “Want to see our arrival home?” he asked with a grin.
“Sure, why not?” Alex settled against the pillows and curled into the boys while the television clicked to life, just in time for the opening segment of Entertainment Tonight. “Look!” Alex smiled at little babies and pointed at the television. “Your television debut. Oh,” she sighed wistfully. “I remember mine.”
“Tampon commercial?” Slater teased.
“No!” Alex smacked his shoulder playfully. “I was in a Barbie commercial when I was twelve.”
“I know. They always show it in your True Hollywood Story. Let’s watch.” Slater turned the volume up, the two of them listened to the broadcast.
“And on the heels of the first official pictures in People magazine, Slater and Alexandra Heart shocked reporters awaiting their arrival home from Heart & Soul’s ten-month long tour. They stopped their limo and got out with their two-month-old baby boys and introduced them to the group. Notoriously private and edgy with photographers, Slater Heart surprised everyone, including his wife by the look on Alexandra’s face, by speaking with the reporters and introducing their sons, allowing pictures to be taken.”
Video was shown of the moment, only a short time ago, of Alex as she exited the car with a bewildered look on her face as she whispered to Slater. Slater kissed her just moments before they both turned to show the paparazzi their sons.
“Slater let the picture taking go on for a few minutes,” the host said, laughter in her voice. “But made it clear that he demands respect and space for his family. With that line drawn, and the promise to be nice if it is, this could be the beginning of an interesting journey for the Heart boys. Congratulations to Slater and Alexandra! Jacob and Zachary Heart are absolutely adorable with their mother’s dark hair and their father’s green eyes as we saw in the People spread. We can’t wait to see what they look like as they grow up.”
“I’m still amazed at how quickly they work. This was only about an hour ago,” Slater said with a shake of his head. He glanced at Alex when she didn’t respond. She was curled on her side facing him, sound asleep with the boys. He shifted to his side, looked at her face soft in sleep, and noticed the similarities in features she shared with the boys. The color of their hair was a given, but their eyebrows held the same curve and their little lips took on the same shape as their mother’s. He reached for her hand draped over her hip in her slumber, placed a warm kiss on it while he held on, and watched his family sleep. “I love you all,” he whispered. “I can’t wait to see what you look like as you grow up, either.”
They spent the next few days settling in and took their time opening the gifts they came home to. They didn’t make nearly as much progress as Alex had wanted, because more seemed to arrive daily. With Kathleen unpacked and fully moved in, they fell into an easy routine. Having worked for Slater for four years now, Kathleen was already comfortable in the house. The fact that she and Alex had gotten along right from their first introduction helped her transition into nanny and full-time housekeeper. She helped Alex as needed throughout the days. Assisted in bath time and diaper changes often and left Alex and Slater to their bedtime routine at Alex’s insistence. She wanted that time with the boys but knew the offer stood from Kathleen that if she wanted a night off she could take one. Kathleen was everything Alex could have asked for. She knew when she was needed and always offered to run errands which seemed to be a daily occurrence. There was a kitchen to restock, extra linens for the new addition to be bought, and it seemed like every time Alex turned around, they were out of diapers.
Just as Ronnie observed, Alex took to motherhood naturally and often surprised herself with her instincts and her patience with their sons. Slater was just as natural with becoming a father. The world would be shocked to see Slater Heart, known for his anger and his irritation with people, become a big puddle of love when it came to Jacob and Zachary. He was willing to help with his boys at all hours of the day or night. Being a night owl, he took on the task of bringing the boys into their bedroom when they woke up hungry in the middle of the night so Alex didn’t have to leave the bed. She would wake up to feed them, he would change their diapers and rock them to sleep. They were a good team, just as he predicted.
In the month since they had been home, they were still making the news, but slightly fading since neither one of them had ventured into public alone or with their children. Since Alex had taken time off to be a mother, and Heart & Soul had taken a break from recording and touring, there wasn’t anything to report. They were still talked about, but they weren’t in the headlines near as much as they used to be, and that was fine with both of them.
Mona visited as often as she could in the four weeks since they had been home. Once the tour was over, Mona and Chris finally began to take steps to make things permanent and she moved into his home. Her movie had wrapped and she and Chris were enjoying the silence and each other’s company before their son arrived, which would be any day now. Annette showed up periodically with Mona. She put the feelers out to Alex as to when she would be ready to get back to work and enjoyed holding a baby anytime she came over. Alex always answered her with a smile that she would be the first to know when she was ready, for now, her sons came first. At three months old, the boys were alert and full of smiles for anyone who held them. Neither one of them were fussy babies, only cried in hunger or in need of a dry diaper. Alex loved the life they had fallen into. Not one thing was missing.
Over breakfast, Alex sat at the kitchen barstool. She drank coffee and fed Zachary while she perused a catalog of cribs. She glanced down at Zach, set her coffee mug aside, and ran her fingers over the hand he rested against her breast. Opening his eyes at Alex’s touch, he looked at his mother, stopped nursing, and gave her a big, happy baby grin. Her stream of milk squirted him in the eye.
“What are you doing?” Alex laughed. She grabbed a nearby towel to wipe him clean, then guided him back to her breast.
Slater came into the kitchen from changing Jacob. “What’s up, baby?”
“He keeps smiling at me. Zach stop that!” she giggled as he focused on her again and grinned widely. His dimple flashed and he let out a small squeal of delight.
“Are you flirting with your mama?” Slater teased. When Zachary looked up at the sound of his father’s voice, his cheek got drenched with Alex’s milk.
“Zach,” Alex said calmly and guided him back to her breast once more, unable to hold back the laughter when he kept turning and smiling between her and Slater. “You’re definitely a flirt, aren’t you? Ok.” She adjusted her shirt and dried his face, then kissed him fully on the mouth. “You’re not focused on eating at all, are you? Oh, you’re so cute, I love you so much.” She leaned toward Slater and kissed Jacob. “I love you both so much.” She held Zach over her shoulder and patted his back for a burp and addressed Kathleen. “They’re getting too big for their crib.” She pointed to her choice in the catalog. “Will you order two of these and see how quickly they can get here?”
“Oh, I like those, they’ll go great in their room.” Kathleen circled the item with a pen and placed the call to order right away.
“I have a couple of other things that are circled if you can get those too.” She whispered ‘thank you’ to Kathleen as she spoke on the phone and placed Zachary in the baby swing she decided needed to be in the kitchen. She buckled him in, took Jacob from Slater, and attended to him. She leaned forward suddenly when Jacob reached out, grabbed her hair, and gave her the same grin Zach had just moments ago. “Oh!” Alex gasped in surprise when Zach mimicked his brother and grabbed onto another lock of hair, the two of them smiled widely at her. “Ok, let me go!” She unfastened little fingers on her tresses, having to do so numerous times. Finally untangled, Alex sat back on her heels, set the swing in subtle motion, and gave them both their pacifiers as their eyes became heavy on the soothing action and the hum of the swing. She soaked in their beauty, constantly in awe that she and Slater created them. Reluctantly, she joined Slater at the counter to finish breakfast, took a drink of her coffee, and rested her head on his shoulder. “I love them.”
“I know you do, baby. I do, too.” He kissed her on the forehead and took his phone out of his pocket when it started to ring. “Hey, Chris, what’s up?” Slater asked. Alex lifted her head and sat up straight at his sudden attention. “Ok, when?” he asked, nodding at the information. “Sounds good. Allie and I will meet you there shortly.” He clicked his phone off and gave Alex a similar grin she had just received from their sons.
“What’s going on?” Alex asked. She took a bite of her toast and nearly choked on the food with Slater’s response.
“Mona’s in labor.”
“What?” She jumped off the barstool, her hands gripped the back of the chair. Jacob and Zachary jolted slightly in the swing at their mother’s raised voice. “Oh, my God!” Alex cried, then held a hand to her mouth when one of the boys started softly crying at her volume. She rushed to Jacob and replaced his pacifier, then waited until he drifted off again and looked at Slater expectantly. “When? Is she ok?”
“She’s fine,” he reassured her, and casually finished his coffee. “Chris said they got there early this morning and Mona just had an epidural. She’s moving along pretty quickly and she made Chris call us to tell us to get there. This is a direct quote from her, ‘Tell Alex to get her ass here because I’m not selfish like her, I want her in the room with me’.”
“Oh,” Alex said softly, her eyes filled with tears. “Ok,” she sniffled and turned to look at the boys, then noticed her appearance as she was still in her pajamas.
“Go.” Slater jerked his head toward the stairs. “Get ready as fast as you can and we’ll head out.”
“Leave the boys here,” Kathleen suggested. “They’ll be fine with me.”
“What if we’re there all night?” Alex asked, full of worry.
“Then you’re there all night,” Kathleen stated. “I’ve taken care of them overnight before, Alex. It’ll be ok. Go,” she urged at her hesitation.
Alex rushed to the boys and kissed them softly. She squeezed Slater’s shoulder as she passed him. “Give me ten, fifteen minutes, tops, then we’ll leave.”
“Sounds good,” he called after her when she bolted out of the room. “We’ll take the beast for a drive.”
Alex hurried up the stairs as she rolled her eyes and laughed at Slater’s description of their new vehicle. She quickly opened a dresser drawer and slipped into the first pair of jeans she grabbed. Her eyes popped open in shock when she looked down at the denim and realized they were her smallest pair of jeans and they fit just fine.
“Nice!” she praised herself and took a moment of vanity in front of the mirror to admire her reflection. She stifled the urge to sift through her closet and model clothing of hers she hadn’t been able to wear in months. She snagged a black t-shirt out of another drawer and was satisfied that the only place it pulled on her body was her breasts. Apparently somewhere along the way of traveling, nursing, and settling in at home, she had lost her baby weight. A victory she was going to celebrate with her husband as soon as they got home from today’s big event.
“Hurry,” she whispered to herself as she ran into the bathroom to do her makeup. “Hurry, hurry, hurry.” With swift hands, she applied her makeup. The task was nearly complete when she decided she wanted a specific lip gloss. She frantically opened vanity drawers and wondered at the shade’s whereabouts. She knew deep down in her heart it didn’t mean a thing, but she couldn’t help herself. Her clothes fit, she felt normal again, and Goddammit, she wanted that lip gloss!
“Where the hell is it?” She turned and looked around the bathroom. A cosmetic bag on the island in the closet caught her eye. She grabbed it from the counter, ran to the vanity, and dumped the contents out. With a shake of her head, she silently admonished herself for abandoning her products and realized she hadn’t touched one item in the bag since the morning Dr. Green released her from the hospital after the boys were born. As she sifted through the mess on the countertop, a small package caught her eye. Her jaw dropped in shock. Slowly she picked up three months’ worth of birth control and flipped open the lid. Not one pill had been taken.