One of the things I like the most about godwinks is that they are tangible signposts from God, making His presence known in our lives every single day.
If you want to be certain that God has been in your life all along, take the time to excavate your past, to uncover prior winks from God that you didn’t notice, shrugged off, or forgot about. I recommend a mapping expedition of yourself.
Go back to those times in your life when you came to a crossroad. Your life changed abruptly. You lost someone you loved. You found a soul mate. You had a new baby. You moved geographically. You ran into someone that completely changed your career—or your belief system.
Revisit each of those times in your past to uncover godwinks that were sent to you even if you weren’t paying attention. Make a list of the “coincidences” and answered prayers.
I will use stories to speak my message and to explain things that have been hidden since the creation of the world.
This is what you’ll discover: when there were multiple paths that your life could’ve followed, there were always signposts of reassurance—godwinks of personal communication—to you and to no one else on Earth.
Here’s more good news! The map of winks from God will continue to unfold long into your future. Just look for them. And acknowledge that He is communicating directly with you.
Please join me in thanking some wonderful beings who made this book possible: my resolute literary agents Jan Miller and Michael Broussard; Paula Major, a marvelous editor; Nelson Books executives Jonathan Merkh and Greg Stielstra; and such key supporters as Heather Adams, Curt Harding, and Brandi Lewis. Almost most important . . . my support system in life . . . my lovely wife, Louise DuArt. And most important, God. He wrote it. I wrote it down.