My mom, dad, and I arrived in Chicago for move-in day. It was exciting but a bit overwhelming. I noticed fellow, accepted students unloading cars and even truck-loads of their things onto multiple carts that the college provided. Why so much stuff? All of my belongings fit into a few suitcases and two medium-sized plastic bins. I honestly felt unprepared because of how little I brought with me, after seeing how much stuff the other students brought. There were various tables set up for us to sign-in, receive room keys, have our picture taken for security, etc. I lucked out with the best dorm room layout, which was apartment style. Four people, four individual bedrooms, two full bathrooms, a kitchen and living room.
Thankfully, I had talked with two of my three roommates during the summer via Facebook, so it was not as awkward when I had to meet them in person. Our diverse backgrounds were pretty cool. Two black girls including myself, a Polish girl, and a Korean girl all in one room. It was nice that we all clicked right away. We all had family or friends assisting us with our move-in, and we discussed what each of us would contribute to the main areas of the dorm. My parents and I made our way to the Target that was close by and bought what we were able. I had a little saved from the summer camp I worked at during the summer, and I would be getting paid through work study, working a job on campus, so I informed them that I would handle it if I needed more things.
After unpacking and having lunch with my parents, the inevitable approached; they were about to leave to make the drive back home to Georgia. I really hoped they could have stayed with me for a day or two, especially since classes did not begin for another week. Some students had their parents there with them for up to three days after move-in day, enjoying the city or just hanging out. I knew my parents could not afford a hotel, and I already knew they were not able to stay, so I tried my best to conceal my disappointment. Before leaving, they each gave me a long hug, and I think that was my first time ever in my life seeing my dad cry. My mom and I held it together, at least in front of one another, for each other. After they left, I felt nervousness and a pain in my stomach. It was natural to be nervous in a new environment. I also noticed that there were not many performing arts majors that looked like me. To keep myself occupied, I focused on organizing my room and preparing myself for the start of my college life.