I wish to thank the following people for their help along the way:

Georgia McBride, for wanting to publish a book in which it’s widely accepted that animals can speak and for making the publication process so easy.

Laura Whitaker, who is such a brilliant editor, there are insufficient words for how brilliant she is. (Laura, help me out with some synonyms here!) Laura is the editor every writer dreams of: someone who sees the problem, identifies the solution and communicates it all in such a positive way, why would any sane author ever say no to her?

Everyone at the Georgia McBride Media Group – you people are rock stars.

My Friday night writing group: Lauren Catherine, Bob Gulian, Andrea Schicke Hirsch, Greg Logsted, Rob Mayette, Krissi Petersen Schooner – you make me better.

Greg Logsted and Jackie Logsted, best husband and best daughter.

Readers everywhere.