A Deeper Understanding of Primal Food Groups
One goes through three overlapping processes in learning to use primal foods as medicine. In the first, knowledge and understanding are acquired through study. Then one finds the desire and the will to put the information into practice. Finally, one must find sources for the foods one has decided are necessary. In this third part of the book we integrate these processes, examining primal foods and the production methods that make modern foods inferior to them. Understanding the differences between primal and modern foods helps provide the motivation to set and achieve health goals and serves as a guide to eating naturally. In our review of these foods and food groups, we continue to examine the differences between primal and modern foods, and the effects of their differences on human strength, resistance to disease, and longevity.
In traditional native cultures, fish and shellfish, animals (especially organ meats), and raw dairy products were considered of prime importance, as were vegetables and sometimes grains (albeit to a lesser degree). In the following pages, you’ll discover why this is so, and you’ll learn how to apply what you learn to part of a commonsense approach to your own primal diet that can prevent and usually reverse disease.