3:00 A.M. Comedy

Sometimes it’s funny, this after-hour when

whatever hasn’t happened between us

hasn’t happened again, and I pretend

to be another kind of woman, who spends

the night on the couch in a rage,

on strike for affection—

How ridiculous.

I’m always in this bed,

if not having you, then forgiving you

exquisitely, consoling myself

with a lame joke: I’m a shrinking

being, tinier and tinier I grow,

there I go!

The last woman on earth

who even bothered about sex,

and now I’m nothing but a speck.

What a shame for all those lusty men;

their world without me is barren.

While you, my dear, get

larger: you’re a hulking, man-
shaped continent, a cool green

giant (I can hardly reach your leafy

parts), or a statuesque

philosopher-king, whose sleep soars

above mathematics, his loftiest argument.