Fight Song

Sometimes you have to say it:

Fuck them all.

Yes fuck them all—

the artsy posers,

the office blowhards

and brown-nosers;

Fuck the type who gets the job done

and the type who stands on principle;

the down-to-earth and understated;

the overhyped and underrated;

Project director?

Get a bullshit detector.

Client’s mum?

Up your bum.

You can’t be nice to everyone.

When your back is to the wall

When they don’t return your call

When you’re sick of saving face

When you’re screwed in any case

Fuck culture scanners, contest winners,

subtle thinkers and the hacks who offend them;

people who give catered dinners

and (saddest of sinners) the sheep who attend them—

which is to say fuck yourself

and the person you were: polite and mature,

a trooper for good. The beauty is

they’ll soon forget you

and if they don’t

they probably should.