Teachers come in all forms and I have had many teachers who have taught me to accept my sorrows when they came my way and to look for ways to articulate hope whenever possible. This book could not have been written without my association with people who taught me that despair is absolutely unacceptable: Karen Fiser, Larry Schmidt, Denise Levertov, the late Arturo Islas (who saw me through the genesis of this book, but did not live to see it to completion), Barbara DuMond and Virginia Navarro (who always believed), Ricardo Aguilar, Teresa Melendez, The Lannan Foundation, Scott Michaelson, Bobby and Lee Byrd, The Before Columbus Foundation, Mary Helen Clarke, Denise Chávez, and Daniel Murphy.

I owe a debt of gratitude to Alison Deming, a gifted writer and friend, who urged me to send my manuscript to her agent. Jennie McDonald is one of the finest professionals I have ever had the pleasure of working with. A fine editor in her own right; she is literate, intelligent, and possesses a relentless sense of humor.

Yvonne Murphy at Hyperion was an astute and enthusiastic editor. Her faith in this book made its publication possible. At every step she was supportive and respectful of my work without losing her critical acumen.

And to Patricia Macias—the woman with whom I share my home, my life, my body, my mind, and my heart—I give my deepest thanks. She saw me through this book, and still she is smiling. Amor, te adoro. Eres un milagro.

Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to my parents, my brothers and sisters, and the people of El Paso/Juárez—my people.