
A book is only as authoritative as the writer’s resources. Birds of North America Online (the American Ornithologists’ Union and Cornell Lab of Ornithology) is the essential reference for up-to-date information about every North American bird. The Audubon Society Encyclopedia of North American Birds, by the late John K. Terres, and Arthur Cleveland Bent’s Life Histories of North American Birds are rich in information not found anywhere else. I also consulted papers and books by professional and amateur ornithologists, too many to list, who study individual species. Miyoko Chu, senior director of communications at the Cornell Lab, reviewed the entire manuscript and made invaluable suggestions. The birds themselves have given me many wonderful glimpses into their private lives, never charging for their time or asking for a modeling fee.

— LE

My husband, Peter Wrege, dedicated biologist and talented handyman, deserves my special gratitude for his constant help and encouragement of my photography career over the years. My sincere thanks go to the many birders, scientists, and bird-loving friends throughout North America who have generously shared information about bird locations, given me logistical help, or offered me access to their properties to photograph birds. Finally, I am forever grateful to the birds themselves. Their lively beauty and fascinating lives have been, and will always be, an endless source of inspiration.

— MR