Monday, January 25

Dear Little Jo,

Khang caught my attention on my way out of English class and sort of nodded in the direction of the box so I’d know you’d left me a letter. You can tell she gets a kick out of the fact that we’re hopelessly addicted to mail.

I know I’ll see you in Rhoda’s room today—at least I hope I will—but this note is to formally thank you for all your help with the SAT prep. I did okay I think. I mean there were lots of questions I had to skip but I managed to stick to the strategy and everything.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Jonathan Hopkirk. A couple of letters ago you mentioned that I make school easier for you. Well you make it easier for me too. I mean everything, all of it. You make everything easier. You make me feel like I can do pretty much anything.
