WHILE THE WORDS ON THE page are my own, a great many people had a hand in the creation of this book—from reading the manuscript and making suggestions, to volunteering their expertise on language, geography, and warfare, to offering a kind word of encouragement at precisely the right time. I would like to offer my heartfelt thanks:

TO MY WIFE, SHANNON, WHO keeps me grounded, encourages me, and makes sure my castles in the air have a tether to keep them from floating off. A part of her is in every woman I’ve ever written. She is Dísa’s energy, Úlfrún’s convictions, and Halla’s wisdom. And she would not put up with Grimnir’s guff, either.

To my agent, Bob Mecoy, for his years of wise counsel and friendship, and for understanding that working with any writer is like herding cats.

To my editor at St. Martin’s, Pete Wolverton, who gives new meaning to patience—even as I give new meaning to “you’ll have it tomorrow.” And while his emails may be spartan, his editing notes are a master class in how to make a passable novel into a great novel.

To my beta readers this time around: Jeff Bryant, Rusty Burke, Vincent Darlage, Tom Doolan, Darrell Grizzle, Scott Hall, Josh Olive, Stan Wagenaar, and Eric Woods. Thanks for taking time out of your days to keep me honest, to listen to my whines, and to make sure I’m not spinning the dross rather than the gold.

To my friends and colleagues on social media, who answer the weirdest questions I pose without ever batting an eye. The well-thought-out answers to “How far can you chuck a severed human head?” were my personal favorites.

And, last but not least, to you, dear readers. You guys are the best.

To one and all, thank you!