With bellies full, faces wiped with paper napkins, and Isabella holding the remains of her milkshake in the back of the car, Alice’s mood had softened. Still annoyed that Ben had managed to entangle himself in another criminal activity, she couldn’t help but feel that the sooner he was separated from Dave the better. After all, it was Dave’s idea to sneak Ben off to Bournemouth, it was Dave who had booked Kerry Valentine for the night, and it was Dave who was now responsible for this latest debacle.

She hated herself for secretly hoping the police had arrested Dave and would keep him locked up for a few years. If she and Ben wanted to start a family, she didn’t need Dave’s bad influence leading Ben astray when he had children to protect.

Starting the engine, they headed for home, and after ten minutes of silence the gates of the property came into view, as did the safety of their home. They were surprised to see a car parked near the garage, the figure of DC Hazelton behind the wheel. The feeling of dread swiftly returned to Alice’s stomach.

‘You two had better go inside,’ Ben said calmly. ‘I’ll handle her.’

‘What if she’s been sent to bring you in following what happened at Burley services? What if Dave did give you up or someone saw you?’

‘Watch from the window, and if you see her put me in the back of the car, call my solicitor. I’ve done nothing wrong; I was an unwitting passenger.’

‘What if she arrests me for aiding your escape?’

He considered her. ‘Babe, I’ll just tell her you didn’t know why you were picking me up. I’ll say I phoned you, but didn’t explain why I was there. I wouldn’t drop you in it.’

A wave of nausea swept through her as she opened the car door before heading around to open Isabella’s door. She’d barely got the four-year-old out of the car when she realized Hazelton was behind her.

‘I see you managed to catch up with him then?’ Hazelton said warmly, nodding in Ben’s direction as he struggled to get out of the small space from the back seat.

‘Yeah, I was going to get him to call you when we got back. Sorry.’

‘It’s no bother, I’m here now anyway.’

Alice eyed her suspiciously. Hazelton was far too calm for someone who’d been commanded to apprehend a fleeing suspect. Either she had no idea about the operation at the services or she was playing her cards very close to her chest.

‘You must be Isabella,’ Hazelton said, smiling at the youngster. ‘You look just like your mother. I’m Vanessa,’ she added, extending her hand, but Isabella pushed herself back and behind the safety of Alice’s legs.

‘Sorry, she’s a little shy around strangers,’ Alice said.

Hazelton was looking curiously at Alice’s outfit. ‘You been to the beach?’

‘Not exactly,’ Alice said, quickly turning so Hazelton wouldn’t see her reddening cheeks. ‘I’d better get this one inside before she catches a cold.’

‘Before you do that,’ Hazelton said, leaning round Alice to look at Isabella again, ‘I have a surprise for Isabella in the back of my car. Would you like to see it?’

Isabella looked from Hazelton to Alice and back again.

Hazelton held out her hand, gesturing for Isabella to take it and go with her. ‘It’s okay, I won’t bite, I promise.’

Alice nodded that it would be okay, gently manoeuvred the child towards Hazelton and watched as the two of them made their way to the back of the detective’s car. Isabella squealed with excitement as they drew closer. The rear door of the car opened, and a swollen face emerged. Tears streamed down Faye’s face as her little girl rushed over to her.

Alice’s eyes instantly filled as she watched Faye tentatively drop to her knees so she could look at her daughter and tell her how much she loved her.

‘She’s been released for now,’ Hazelton said quietly, Alice’s side. ‘Her account of what happened matches the conclusions drawn by the forensic team. Unless anything is found to contradict the story then it will be ruled as an accidental death. I hope it was okay to bring Faye here? I didn’t think she would want to go home yet.’

Alice wiped her eyes with her fingers. ‘It’s absolutely fine. Thank you. Thank you for getting her back to us.’

Hazelton fixed her with a look. ‘I told you before, Mrs Goodman, my job is about finding the truth, not just about locking people up. An innocent person deserves the same level of respect as a hardened criminal. It’s about truth and justice.’

Ben had made his way to the front door and opened it, when Hazelton noticed him disappearing inside.

‘Mr Goodman? I wonder if I can have a word with you before I go. I know it’s getting late but I just have a few questions. We can do it at the station if you prefer, but it would be less hassle for us both just to go through it now.’

Ben looked nervously at Alice before nodding and going inside. Alice showed Faye and Isabella up to the guest room and told Faye they could stay with them for as long as was needed.

Hazelton and Ben were deep in conversation when Alice rejoined them in the living room.

‘He was arrested earlier this evening,’ Hazelton was explaining. ‘DNA recovered from a scratch on the victim’s neck was a match to the sample we took from him on Sunday morning.’

Ben was perched on the sofa, his face buried in his hands. Hazelton was on her feet in front of the television.

‘So, Mr Goodman, what I want to know from you is whether you wish to change your statement about what happened during your stag do in Bournemouth?’

Alice quietly sat down, waiting to see whether Ben would turn in Dave, or whether he would obstinately support his best friend.

It couldn’t be easy for him, knowing that he was all that stood between his friend and a life behind bars, but he had to understand that a young mother had been needlessly killed and that the person responsible for that deserved to be punished.

‘My statement stands,’ Ben said after a moment, his face still buried. ‘After the dance the boys said we needed to get more booze and supplies, and as we went outside they jumped me and cuffed me to the lamppost. I remember watching them go, thinking they would come back and free me, but after a few minutes I realized this was part of their plan all along. I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I remember is them splashing water on my face and untying me. We headed back inside and drank until about three before we all passed out. He was with the group the whole time.’

‘Then how do you explain the scratch on Kerry’s neck? Did you see them interact inside the venue? According to your and everyone else’s statements, you were the only one she danced for, and the rest just watched. So either that’s a lie, or your account of your friend’s actions after you left the venue is a lie.’

Alice couldn’t take the deceit any longer. ‘Just tell her, Ben. Tell her the truth. Please? That poor girl is dead and her young son will never experience her love and kisses again. I know he’s your friend, but you need to do the right thing. Dave doesn’t deserve your loyalty.’

Both Hazelton and Ben looked over at her.

‘Mrs Goodman, the man we arrested tonight was Abdul Farrar. His DNA was recovered from the body. He’s in a cell in Bournemouth as we speak.’