Jolting. That was how I woke up, and I was pretty sure that under no circumstances was jolting a good thing.

Remy was jumping on the bed, then jumping on me.

Opening my eyes, it took me a bit to place where we were.




Turning my head to his pillow, he was gone, and his spot was ice cold. He’d been gone for a while. Damn. I didn’t even get to check his bandages. The damn stubborn man.

“What are you doin’ up, bug?” I asked Remy as I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her down on the bed, tickling her senseless.

Her laughter was beautiful first thing in the morning. Loved hearing it.

Katie came over an hour later, and the three of us had turkey and swiss sandwiches. Food was food. We didn’t complain one bit.

The afternoon started closing down, and still no word from Micah. I couldn’t keep Remy in this room any longer. Like a guardian angel, Blaze came to the door wanting to take Remy.

She was all smiles for my little girl.

“Come on. I have some things to do that are way more fun than any grownup stuff.”

“Meee cooookkkk,” Remy said.

“Cookie?” I interpreted, and Remy nodded.

“Oh, I’m sure we can find lots of those. Ma loves to bake for large crowds, and this sure is gonna be a big one.”

“Thanks, Blaze.” She gave me her brilliant smile then took my little girl out of the room.

It didn’t take long before I needed out too.

“Come on. Let’s see if they need any help with anything.”

Katie looked at me funny. “How can you help with an explosion?”

A chuckle escaped. “No. With food or whatever for all these people. According to Austyn, the entire club will be here with their families.”

Katie stood. “Better than hangin’ out in here wonderin’ when He-man over there will come over.”

She was so full of shit, but I let it pass. “Right.”

We left the room noting that when we did the doors locked behind us. Shit. I’d have to find Blaze and get that straightened out. She probably just forgot to give us the key.

We walked down the corridor, down the stairs, and out into the bright light. The day was beautiful, the sun shining like a beacon. One would never think something so tragic had happened yesterday, rocking an entire group of people to their core.

It was strange how the world worked like that. One moment everything was perfect. The next a complete mess. The kicker was if it didn’t affect you, you never noticed it being a mess.

As we walked, I couldn’t help but look for Micah. I hadn’t heard from him all day, and I was anxious to know if he was here or not.

Looking through the crowds of people, my heart stopped, and all the air left my lungs. It felt as if my world tilted for a moment, and it took me double that to get my bearings together.

Micah was standing in the courtyard with his arms around Emery, GT and Casey’s girl. The familiarity of it rubbed me strangely. Never once had Emery made me feel this way. But seeing her in Micah’s arms, his wrapped around her, her head tucked into his chest and eyes closed didn’t sit right at all.

“What’s wrong?” Katie asked, but I ignored her, not able to talk. The damn cat ran away with my tongue.

Micah kissed the top of Emery’s head just like he did mine earlier. Kick to the gut again. Emery pulled out of Micah’s arms, as she beamed up at him with her megawatt smile. Did I mention that Emery was absolutely beautiful? Beautiful blonde hair and a body to die for.

Jealousy was a bitter pill, and even though I knew she was married to Jacks, there was something in her eyes that I didn’t like. It set me on edge. An edge I’d fought desperately not to fall off of.

But it was Micah. He was the one who really hit me. The wide smile on his face was so big it was as if he’d won a damn prize or something. Like he was holding something precious. Something he cared deeply for. Something he loved.

“Earth to Ensley. Come in, Ensley,” my sister urged, studying me.

Not tearing my eyes away from the scene, I answered her. “Nothing. Let’s go see what needs to be done.”

“Nothing my ass. Are you gonna go all psycho killer on Emery or something?”

Killer… What? This pulled me out of my stupor as I turned to Katie. “What the hell? Have you been watching all that real crime drama shit on Netflix again?”

Katie smiled. “Yes, I have and happy to have you back. You know that Emery is Jacks’. No need for the long look, sis.”

More than anything I wanted to turn around and look, but I didn’t. Nothing would change what I’d seen seconds ago. Nothing would erase it from my brain.

“Let’s go see what needs to be done in the clubhouse.” I grabbed Katie’s arm and led her to the clubhouse. Hopefully they were cooking, and I could get lost in it. Lord knew I needed to get lost in something before I lost my damn mind.