As shadows lengthen,

as the horizon smudges

into secrecy,

as the ocean withdraws

into a misty November opacity,

feelings begin to grow more medieval.

And I long for you

as other lovers have before me

in a great melodic deluge

awash through history,

veined silver with melancholy,

deep-throated, brine-flecked, with yearning.

Twilight is the light

for lyric poetry,

a stab of blue kingfisher poetry,

a small blaze of longing

and regret

that is almost love,

too slight for immortality,

too intense to go unsung.

I almost understand now

why the women

in those poems I’ve ritually deplored.

wandered over to their mirrors,

tracing against their lips

the winestain of an unforgotten passion,

coiling against their necks

seething torrents of hair

into a muted tempest,

still electric with desire.

And it feels like I too could

wait for you,

while I perform

the erotic liturgies of another world,

wait for you,

who understands like none other

the prosody of my breath,

wait for you

and you alone.