
(for ‘The Catalogue’, 2003, a multi-media exhibition by artist Vidya Kamat)

It begins in the body –

behind the drizzle of breath,

the habit of bone,

in the violet light where desires

surge like electrons,

perhaps in the womb.

Dark with rumour,

destiny veiled, secrets numberless,

a space rife

with rage

and promise.

There are toxins enough here

to burn a crater through this page.

Enough of the wounded Surpanakha

to slice off a few noses before sun-down.

Contempt enough

to dismiss those who aren’t friends

as simply so much noise.

Humus enough,

clotted and churning,

to dream a thousand planets

of rain-forested thought.

Fuel enough

to erase them

into centuries of ash.

And beyond

in the distant horizon,

in a flickering interval,

you see it rising to meet you –

a carnival of sun

and blood

and stillness.