There’s a cat named Raina

at the end of our street,

who’s all black with one patch of white hairs.

Just a fuzzy old kitty

with thin yellow eyes,

who sits in her window and stares.

Now, Charlie says Raina’s

not really a cat;

Charlie insists she’s a witch.

He says that cat

is her earthly form,

and if you watch her at midnight

she’ll switch.

Evelyn says Raina’s

not really a cat;

she’s a ghost, is what Evelyn swears.

Raina sees visions

from life’s other side

when she sits in her window and stares.

Taylor says Raina’s

not really a cat;

she’s a monster, a man-eating beast.

When Raina sits staring

what she’s doing is waiting

for a chance to set off for a feast.

I don’t know about any of that.

But I don’t get too close to the cat.