I used to want to be a teacher,

veterinarian, or preacher,

or the guy who tells the weather on TV.

But now what I want to be the most

is a superscary ghost.

I’m serious. That’s the job for me.

I’ll be grim!

I’ll be dreary!

I’ll be spooky!

I’ll be eerie

when I do my scare-o-rific ghostly dance.

Yes, I’m wanting

to be haunting!

To be mean

and unseen

till I yell “BOO!” and make you pee your pants.

First I’ll haunt the kids who giggled

when I fell down in the gym.

And that nasty old bus driver?

Oh yes! Definitely him.

There’s only one problem—

it’s a big one, I won’t lie.

If you’re gonna be a ghost,

well, then first you’ve got to DIE.