Acknowledgments can be tricky. There is always the risk of forgetting someone. I tried to keep this in mind when I was writing the acknowledgement section for my first novel, Love Thy Neighbor. Then I promptly forgot someone I had no excuse for omitting. So with that oversight in mind, I would like to thank my good friend, Tim Davis. Tim helped with both this manuscript and the last, and went as far as to try to teach me some proofreading symbols in his editing efforts. He is a better teacher than I am a student. So thank you Tim, and this time around you get top billing.
For this book, I would once again like to thank my A-team of readers: Jim Singleton, Fabio Assmann, Tim Davis, Michele Gates, Don Gilleo, Claire Everett and Sue Fine. I would also like to thank a couple of other people for their opinions, help, support, and in at least one case, a potential idea for a future book. So for their various input, contribution and support, I would like to thank Sharon Mitchell, Marlo Ivey, Cornelia Newbold, Amy Ganz and Jim Mockus. I would also like to thank Lou Aronica and The Story Plant.
And last, but certainly not least, I would like to thank my family and friends, in particular my wife, Ivette.