From Digital Transcription #7

Interviewer: It seems to me that you’re purposely misleading the investigators. Why would you of all people do that?

Victim: I’m telling you what I know. If you don’t choose to believe it, that’s your problem.

Interviewer: After what happened in your community, shouldn’t you want the perpetrators brought to justice? I would think you’d have a special interest in seeing them caught.

Victim: You’re still missing the point.

Interviewer: Why did you survive, when so many others didn’t?

Victim: A lucky break, I guess.

Interviewer: “Luck” seems a bad choice of words. Do I need to show you those photographs again?

Victim: I’m well aware of how my neighbors died. My friends.

Interviewer: Why were you spared?

Victim: Okay. [Takes a deep breath.] It was something my wife did. She’s a kind person. Always had a weak spot for children.

Interviewer: You keep mentioning children. It’s impossible that children could do this. [Lays a photograph on the table.] And this. [Another photograph.] And this. [Another.]

Victim: I will never forget their eyes, those empty eyes behind their awful masks. [Pause.] We were spared because…[Inaudible.]

Interviewer: What? Please repeat your statement.

Victim: [Pause.] We gave them what they wanted.