Standard data types

With our first script complete, it is time to understand the basic data types of Python. These data types are similar to those found in other programming languages, but are invoked with a simple syntax, which is described in the following table and sections. For a full list of standard data types available in Python, visit the official documentation at

Data Type



str(), "Hello", 'Hello'


Unicode characters

unicode(), u'hello', "world".encode('utf-8')



int(), 1, 55


Decimal precision integers

float(), 1.0, .032


Boolean values

bool(), True, False


List of elements

list(), [3, 'asd', True, 3]


Set of key:value pairs used to structure data

dict(), {'element': 'Mn', 'Atomic Number': 25, 'Atomic Mass': 54.938}


List of unique elements

set(), [3, 4, 'hello']


Organized list of elements

tuple(), (2, 'Hello World!', 55.6, ['element1'])


A file object

open('write_output.txt', 'w')

We are about to dive into the usage of data types in Python, and recommend that you repeat this section as needed to help with comprehension. While reading through how data types are handled is important, please be at a computer where you can run Python when you work through it the first few times. We invite you to explore the data type further in your interpreter and test them to see what they are capable of.

You will find that most of our scripts can be accomplished using only the standard data types Python offers. Before we take a look at one of the most common data types, strings, we will introduce comments.

Something that is always said, and can never be said enough, is to comment your code. In Python, comments are formed by any line beginning with the pound, or more recently known as the hashtag, # symbol. When Python encounters this symbol, it skips the remainder of the line and proceeds to the next line. For comments that span multiple lines, we can use three single or double quotes to mark the beginning and end of the comments rather than using a single pound symbol for every line. What follows are examples of types of comments in a file called When running this script, we should only see 10 printed to the console as all comments are ignored:

# This is a comment
print(5 + 5) # This is an inline comment.
# Everything to the right of the # symbol
# does not get executed
"""We can use three quotes to create
multi-line comments."""

The output is as follows:

When this code is executed, we only see the preceding at the console.