Python packages

A Python package is a directory containing Python modules and a file. When we import a package, the code is executed. This file contains the imports and code that's required to run other modules in the package. These packages can be nested within subdirectories. For example, the file can contain import statements that bring in each Python file in the directory and all of the available classes or functions when the folder is imported. The following is an example directory structure and below that is the file, which shows us how the two interact when imported. The last line in the following code block imports all specified items in the subdirectory's file.

The hypothetical folder structure is as follows:

| -- packageName/
| --
| --
| --
| -- subDirectory/
| --
| --
| --

The top-level file's contents is as follows:

from script1 import *
from script2 import function_name
from subDirectory import *

The code mentioned below executes the __init__ script we mentioned previously, and it will import all functions from, only function_name from, and any additional specifications from subDirectory/

import packageName