Chapter 21
Over a very late breakfast, I opened my laptop and scanned through page after page of websites and blogs featuring general information, slang, music, and pictures from 1900-1930, uncovering information about Jack’s human past. My favorite part of research was the videos of people dancing the popular dances of the time, which were a hilarious combination of flailing arms and wiggling legs.
At one point, my dad came into the living room while I was following a dance tutorial for the Charleston. He leaned against the wall and watched, making me self-conscious enough to stop and pause the video.
“Hey, don’t stop dancing like a spazz on account of me.” He laughed.
“I’m not a spazz.” I pouted. “It’s hard moving your arms and legs like that.”
“I know. I’m just giving you a hard time. Why are you dancing the Charleston?”
I panted, a little out of breath from the rigorous moves. “Jack’s taking me to a restaurant that is 1920s themed, so I thought I would bone up on a little history, to make it more fun.”
“I’m so glad Jack is taking such good care of you. You never had much of a life before.”
“I did too.” I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest.
“Sorry, Li, but going to the bar occasionally and taking care of me is not much of a life. I didn’t mean to offend you, I’m just glad you’ve got a little excitement in your life now.”
I smiled and let his words sink in. “You’re right. Jack has certainly spruced things up.”
“I’ll say. If you had asked me a month ago if you would be practicing the Charleston for a date I would’ve laughed you out of the room.”
We shared another laugh at how much things had changed.
“Now if you don’t mind, I need to practice.” I shooed him from the living room.
I spent the rest of the afternoon listening to blues, jazz, and ragtime music that would’ve been broadcasting on radios across the nation during Jack’s human lifetime. Many of the recordings were scratchy, but it only made me enjoy them more, knowing they had been preserved all these years.
* * * *
I opened the door and my mouth fell open. Jack stood in front of me, wearing a stunning lapis-blue, three-piece suit with a creamy white shirt and a matching blue bow tie. His hair appeared to be wet and was combed back away from his face, slicked against his head. His pants were wide legged, with sharp creases down the front and perfectly ironed cuffs. The suit jacket was narrow and long and fit him beautifully. He held a black fedora in one hand and an orchid boutonniere in the other. I shivered and realized my hand was still on the doorknob, and the freezing night air had surrounded me while I gaped.
I shook my head and smiled. “Sorry! Please come in.”
Jack moved next to me on the landing and closed the door behind him.
I closed the gap between us and touched the smooth material covering his chest. “You look like you just stepped out of the past.”
“I did. Circa 1924.” Jack put the hat on for the full effect. It took my breath away. “I must say it again, you are simply stunning in that dress.” Jack reached out to me, brushing his fingers along the tiered fabric around my waist. “Your lipstick is a perfect rosebud. You’ve done your research.”
I smiled and nodded. “I spent the day listening to music, practicing dances, and reading all about the 1920s.”
Jack grinned at me.
My dad appeared at the top of the stairs and whistled. “Boy, you two look like you’re right out of an old-time movie.” Jack and I both smiled.
“Let me just grab my hat and coat, and we can go.” I rushed up the stairs past my dad. I tugged the cloche hat over my head and tied my black dressy coat around my waist. I joined Jack on the landing in front of the door.
“This is for your hat.” Jack showed me the boutonniere. I took my hat off and handed it to him. Jack pinned the delicate flower in the center of the black bow, the deep pink tepals glowing against the ribbon. He gave it back to me and grinned as I repositioned the hat on my head.
I smiled.
“Oh, before I forget. Bob, these are for you and Lila. I hope you’ll come see the exhibit when it opens next week.” Jack pulled two tickets to the museum out of his breast pocket and walked the few steps to hand them to him.
“Thank you, Jack. Lila has been talking about the glass flowers nonstop since she saw them. I would love to see them too.” My dad smiled and held the tickets like they were a treasure. “When?”
“The exhibit?” Jack asked. “It opens next Monday, six o’clock sharp.”
“We’ll be there. Now go before you starve to death.”
I laughed and took Jack’s arm, letting him lead me to the car.
* * * *
Jack pulled into the nearly full parking lot outside of Deco. The lobby was stunning with a beautiful white and gold marble floor and a golden glass ceiling that was backlit, making it glow like honey. The golden glass was arranged in a sharp triangular art deco pattern, radiating out from the inner doors leading into the restaurant.
Just inside the inner doors, a hostess stood at a podium, and as we approached, her eyes were drawn to Jack. “Do you have a reservation?”
“Yes, two for Hall.” Jack removed his hat.
I followed his lead and took my hat off.
The hostess melted against the podium, struggling to maintain her composure. “Of course. Right this way.”
She tucked two menus in her left hand and led us through the main level of the restaurant, which was dotted with full tables, past a stage and dance floor, and up a stairway to the second level. “Will this be all right?” The hostess motioned to a table positioned near the edge, looking down on the dance floor. There were six other tables near ours, but none of them were occupied. The second level wrapped around the perimeter of the main floor, separated into sections by the massive support beams.
Jack smiled. “It’s perfect.” The hostess blushed and told us our server would be with us shortly. Jack kindly offered to take my coat and held my chair out so I could sit first, pushing my seat in until my knees brushed against the white tablecloth hanging to the ground. Jack took the chair right next to me. The hostess disappeared back down the stairs, glancing at our table as she crossed the dance floor. Jack gave her another smile and she hurried back to her post.
The ceiling, dance floor, and the support beams leading to the second level were all highly glossed dark wood, softly reflecting the light coming from the chandelier hanging over the dance floor. There were individual lights in the middle of each table, making each one below us look like a glowing island in the dim room. It was the most beautiful restaurant I’d ever been to.
Jack handed me a menu, but before I could open it, a woman appeared at the open side of our table. “Hello, my name is Jenny, and I’ll be your server for the evening. Our specials tonight are blackened salmon, petite fillet mignon, or pasta primavera with pine nuts and a light cream sauce.”
“Ooh, I’ll have the pasta primavera.” I was already beginning to salivate.
“We have a lovely tomato bisque soup or—”
I cut her off. “Yes to the soup. Thank you.” She smiled at me and nodded, indicating I’d made a good choice.
“Would you like something other than water to drink?” Jenny asked. I shook my head.
“And for you sir?”
“Just coffee. Black. Thank you.” Jack handed his menu to her, smiling politely as she fumbled to take it from him.
Jenny cleared her throat. “I’ll go put your order in right now.” She smiled and disappeared.
Jack gave me a warning look and I held my hands up.
“I wasn’t going to say anything.” I was going to have to get used to people’s reaction to Jack, plain and simple. “One thing I don’t understand is why I don’t swoon like that every time you talk.”
“Maybe my allure has worn off.” Jack pouted.
“Well, I wouldn’t say that.” His face brightened. “Maybe I have a new baseline of what makes me swoon. There are other things far better than your voice.” I winked.
“Such as?” Jack raised an eyebrow and waited for me to answer.
“Just look at your suit. I’ve never been with such a snappy dresser. Is it really from the twenties?”
“Yes, just like the rest of me. This is how I used to style my hair. It’s nice not to have it cut all the time.” He slicked his hair back, taming the few strays knocked out of place by his hat.
“Your appearance hasn’t changed at all?” I hadn’t even thought of that.
“My cells are in a state of perpetual stasis, each one containing a memory of exactly where it was when I died.”
“So, that’s why you heal when you get hurt?”
He nodded. “So you’re only with me because of my fashion sense, huh?” he teased, changing the subject.
I nodded. “I’ve been meaning to tell you for some time now.”
Jack chuckled. Jenny reappeared with a cup of coffee, placing it carefully in front of Jack. “Thank you, Jenny,” Jack purred, making Jenny jump when she heard her name. Luckily, she had removed her hands from the cup. Otherwise she might have dumped it all over Jack’s lap. She mumbled something, blushed, and then went back to work.
“Now you’re just showing off,” I sassed.
“Maybe. Why, you’re not going to get jealous again, are you?” Jack wrapped his long fingers around the cup, warming his cool skin.
I pouted and crossed my arms over my chest. “I already apologized for that night at the bar. But, in my defense, I would be crazy not to be jealous. I saw the way that blonde was looking at you.”
“Did you happen to see how I was looking at her?”
I nodded and cleared my throat, changing the subject. “Um, I may have lied about the reason I’m with you.” Jack looked amused and let me finish without interrupting with a snarky comment. “It’s the sex, not the clothes. I can’t seem to get enough. It’s like an addiction.”
“Well you know I can’t get enough of you.” Jack’s hand glided from his cup to my lap. “So I guess we’re in the same boat.” His warm fingers spread across my thigh, inching the wispy material of my dress up.
I wiggled in my seat to accommodate him. My breath caught in my throat.
He turned his body toward me, resting his other hand on the back of my chair so his body blocked the movement of his arm. Despite the fact we were in a public place, I happily opened my legs. His fingers danced across my panties, dragging them to the side. Jack pushed a finger between my wet lips and leaned forward to capture my mouth.
“I love how wet you are, baby.” He thrust his tongue into my mouth and plunged his finger deep inside me, trapping my moan with his mouth. He curled his finger and rubbed against my G-spot, sending a tremor through my body as I came in intense bursts of energy.
I pulled away from him and gasped for breath. I could feel the heat in my cheeks, and when Jenny reappeared moments later with a bowl of soup, I didn’t know what to do. Jack made no move to pull away from me, and so I didn’t move either. I thanked her for the soup and gave her a polite smile until she left.
“Oops, I seem to have dropped my napkin.” Jack threw his burgundy napkin under the table.
“Ja-ack!” I hissed between clenched teeth, groaning as he pulled his finger out of me on the way down. He disappeared under the table, tucking the tablecloth around my lap, and hiding his body. Jack pulled my lower body closer to him, until my ass was barely supported by the seat. I leaned back in my chair, and held my breath.
The room was filled with quiet chatter and the soft clinking of utensils and glasses, but as Jack touched my legs, the sounds faded to a dull rumble. I squeezed my mouth shut, suppressing a low moan as Jack opened my legs and trailed wet kisses up the inside of one thigh and down the other. He stopped only briefly in the center, planting a kiss on my sensitive lips. My legs shook with desire, only encouraging him to go further, and then I heard a zipper slide down.
His ears pressed against my thighs as he pushed his face between my legs. He exhaled a long cool breath against my sex, setting my nerves on fire.
I was still holding my breath and beginning to feel lightheaded. When Jack’s tongue separated the folds of skin hiding my clit, I gasped and then gulped for air. His tongue flicked, making the tissue swell as my pleasure grew. He alternated sucking with each lick and I gripped the table, willing myself to keep my mouth closed as I came against his lips.
Jack’s finger worked its way back inside me, pumping in and out in a torturously slow rhythm. I grabbed my napkin off the table and held it to my mouth, muffling the mewling sounds I was not capable of containing as another orgasm threatened to erupt. Jack’s mouth moved away from my clit and planted sticky kisses against my inner thigh. Just as the third orgasm coursed through me, Jack slid his fangs into my warm pulsing leg right above my femoral artery. I bit the napkin as I came, shuddering against his hand and filling his mouth with blood. There was no pain, only pleasure, and I wrapped my other leg around his neck to encourage him to feed.
I opened my eyes as I came down and panted for breath. A voice nearby brought me back to reality. “Will this table be all right?” It was the hostess, back to seat another couple at a table five feet away from ours. The hostess glanced at Jack’s empty chair with a look of longing and then gave me an uncomfortable smile before heading back downstairs.
As the couple settled into their table, they overwhelmed the sounds coming from under the table: moans, sucking, licking, a zipper being pulled up, and a rustle of fabric as Jack tugged my dress back down over my knees.
Just as suddenly as he had disappeared under the table, Jack reappeared, this time gripping his napkin in one hand. “Found it,” Jack exclaimed, getting the attention of the couple at the table next to us.
They shared a look of confusion about where Jack had come from, and then as if on cue, they looked at the tablecloth, and then at each other with knowing smiles. I buried my face in my napkin and could hear Jack slide back into his chair and adjust his clothes as he situated himself.
“How’s your soup, baby?” Jack forced me to pull my face out of the napkin to look at him.
“I haven’t tasted it, for some reason.” I raised my eyebrows and stared.
He grinned at me. “Thank you for letting me eat first.”
I narrowed my eyes. “About that,” I started.
A panicked look crossed his face. “I’m sorry I didn’t ask first. I just got carried away, and your legs are so warm and inviting,” Jack apologized.
I put my hand on top of his to stop him. “Don’t apologize. I wanted to ask why it didn’t hurt.”
Jack gave me a sly smile and explained in a low voice. “I bit my tongue first, and coated your skin with my blood, which must have healed my bite as I made it. It’s something I’ve been meaning to try. I notice you wince when I feed from you, and I thought it might help lessen the pain.” He paused and stared at me, waiting for my response. “So it did?”
I nodded and smiled. “It was lovely.”
Jack looked proud. “It’s a good thing this was there with me.” Jack looked at the napkin balled up on the table. “Or I would’ve ruined my suit.”
I put the pieces together, finally realizing why I’d heard his zipper earlier.
“I can’t seem to taste you without releasing,” Jack said matter-of-fact.
My cheeks flushed again. “Well, I’m glad we both got so much pleasure out of your under-the-table adventure.” I chuckled.
I picked up the spoon in my bowl and sipped, letting the savory tomato soup coat my tongue. It was divine, even if it was a little on the cool side. I took another two sips and moaned. I glanced at Jack, who was watching me eat with a hungry look on his face. “Sorry, I forget I do that. I promise to be quiet.” I took another sip in silence.
Just as I finished, Jenny reappeared with my meal. “That soup was so delicious,” I told her.
She smiled at me and asked if we needed anything else, staring at the empty spot in front of Jack at the table, implying Jack might want to order something more than coffee.
“Thank you, but I’ve already eaten.” Jack gave me a little wink. Jenny nodded and turned her attention to the couple at the other table.
My meal was even more delicious than the soup. The cream sauce was velvety and coated every fold in the bowtie pasta, melting against my tongue. The veggies were perfectly steamed, complementing the soft and creamy crunch of the toasted pine nuts. I forced myself to slow and enjoy my meal, savoring each bite. I noticed movement on the dance floor on the main level and realized it was a group of musicians making their way to the stage.
“Are they going to play?” I asked between bites.
Jack nodded. “Deco has live music every night. I hope you’re prepared to dance.”
I grinned. “I practiced all day, remember?”
By the time the musicians were done setting up, I’d finished my meal. It was the perfect amount, leaving me contentedly full.
“Dance with me?” Jack stood and held his hand out to mine.
“I would love to.” I put my napkin on the table and took his hand. Jack led me down the stairs and across the dining area onto the empty dance floor. The chandelier gave Jack’s skin a beautiful glow, and when he held me in his arms and moved me to the soft jazz the band was playing, his eyes reflected the constellation of sparkling crystal above us. I rested my head against his chest and felt weightless in his arms. Jack wrapped his arms around me tighter, holding me so close it was difficult to know where my body ended and his began.
Jack and I spent the next three songs alone on the dance floor, waltzing in languid circles. The band increased the tempo of each song, and by the time they were playing a relatively fast-paced song, four other couples had joined us. Jack led me in a foxtrot, whisking me back and forth so fast I didn’t even have to think about where my feet were going to land. The song ended, and the people surrounding the dance floor applauded politely.
The next song was one I recognized; it was the Charleston. I grinned at Jack and we backed away from each other. With our arms by our sides and our knees together, Jack and I started kicking our feet out to the side, coming toward each other, and then back out. As we danced, people moved out of our way, which was good because Jack started swinging his legs, kicking his right leg out and letting it fall back into place. I stopped dancing and my mouth hung open. These were moves I’d seen on some of the older videos taken of famous Harlem dancers. He was amazing. His hands swung in huge circles and he gained enough momentum to do the splits in the air, landing to the applause of the surrounding diners. I joined them, beyond impressed by his dancing skills. He grinned at me and then motioned it was my turn to dance for him.
After a few seconds of being frozen watching him, the music finally thawed my body. My feet took off, flipping out to the side and then behind me, I swung my arms around in giant circles and let the power of the music move me. I focused on Jack and the growing smile on his face. My limbs felt like rubber as I moved around the dance floor, and Jack was clapping to cheer me on. I let go of all inhibition, and it was wonderful.
He held his hands out to me and I took them so we could finish the dance together. Holding on to each other, our bodies met and then parted over and over again, swinging in time to the music. I mirrored my feet to his, kicking back and turning in unison. When the song ended, Jack lifted me off the ground and kissed me. I pulled away to breathe, panting and smiling in his arms. The dark dining area filled with applause, and eventually, Jack put me down so we could face the band and join in the applause, only to find they were clapping for us along with everyone else. My cheeks were already flushed from dancing so hard, but I still noticed the heat of embarrassment.
Jack saw the look on my face. “Don’t be embarrassed, you were wonderful.”
I breathed hard and smiled until my face hurt.
The next few songs were slow, and Jack pulled me against him and we swayed to the music. I’d never had so much fun in all my life, and Jack had made it all possible. I felt like that more and more these days, and my dad was right: I didn’t have much of a life before I met Jack, and I was grateful for every minute I spent with him. I was overwhelmed with emotion and pulled away from Jack.
“Lila, are you all right?” Jack held my face between his hands, staring into my eyes.
I nodded. “I think I just need a drink of water.”
Jack led me across the dance floor and up the stairs. I stopped about half way, and Jack came back to the stair below me so we were almost the same height. I stared into his beautiful brown eyes and the tears that had threatened to fall boiled up and out of my eyes. “Being with you is so…” Instead of finishing my thought, I kissed him. He held me and kissed me with such tenderness it only made me cry more.
When we finally pulled away from each other, he smiled at me and wiped the tears off my cheeks. We walked up the stairs, hand in hand, until we were at our table. I drank my water in one long swallow and felt better immediately.
“Are you ready to go?” Jack pulled out a wad of cash and left it on the table with our bill.
I nodded and put my hat on, folded my coat over my arm, and followed him back downstairs and out of the restaurant.