When gluing directly onto concrete there are a couple of things that you must do to assure your success.
Preparing Concrete Before Gluing
Tools and materials
Working with concrete means that you have to have the proper adhesives to assure that your finished project will withstand the outdoor elements—especially if you live in a colder or rainy climate. Use a thinset mortar or waterproof silicone adhesive.
Thinset mortar is made from a combination of cement, aggregates, and special additives designed for attaching rock, stone, tile, china, and porcelain to concrete surfaces. You can purchase it pre-mixed or in a powdered form that you mix yourself. The benefit of thinset mortar, besides its strength, is that it gives you a fair amount of working time to move the pieces around. Thinset won’t solidify for at least 2 to 4 hours (but it takes at least 24 hours to dry); however, I would still suggest working in small sections to prevent it from drying out.
Since thinset mortar has a tendency to crack, you need to find one that is polymer or latex modified. Thinset is usually white or gray.
I purchase thinset mortar at my local home improvement and tile store, under several different brand names. I’ve been happy enough with those choices to stop looking for a better alternative.
For small projects, butter the mortar onto the back of the piece with a popsicle stick and glue the pieces onto the base. For larger projects, use a trowel or other spreading tool to spread the thinset directly onto the surface and push the pieces directly into the mortar. Remember to clean off any excess mortar before grouting.
The concrete mushrooms shown in this chapter were cleaned with TSP and allowed to dry. Concrete sealer was then applied.
Pieces were buttered with a silicone adhesive and applied to the mushrooms and then left to dry for 24 hours.
Sanded grout was used, but instead of mixing the grout with water, I used a liquid latex additive to make the grout more flexible and help to ward off future cracking.
Once the piece was grouted, cleaned and dry, I sealed it with grout sealer. As always, read the directions when using this kind of product.
Try to keep the piece free from dirt by applying a coat of grout sealer at least once a year.