For many decades in the mid-20th century, cigarette smoking was common practice. People smoked at home, work, and school, while eating at restaurants, driving in cars, and flying on planes. A pack of cigarettes was proudly displayed in most men’s shirt pockets and lay nestled in women’s purses.
Fast forward to the present. Smoking is outlawed in nearly all public spaces and tobacco use has greatly declined. But cigarettes were such a mainstay of daily life and communal culture throughout the world that it was difficult to imagine things any other way.
We know now that the tobacco industry became aware of the disastrous health effects of smoking in the 1950s, yet it hid the accumulating evidence from the public whom it relied on to buy its products. For decades, the public was blatantly lied to about the safety of cigarettes.
It wasn’t until a few brave whistleblowers brought the hidden research and manipulative industry tactics to light that our government began taking steps to reduce dependence on tobacco products. But hundreds of millions of lives worldwide were likely prematurely lost in those intervening years.
As the calendar turned over to the 21st century, something began replacing all of those packs of cigarettes in shirt pockets and purses: cell phones. In the two decades since the turn of the millennium, these communication devices that were once a novelty have become an inescapable part of modern life.
Sadly, smoking and cell phones have more in common than their popularity. They also share the fact that they are each an enormous threat to individual and public health.
The danger of cell phones doesn’t come from the cell phones themselves, but from their electromagnetic fields (otherwise known as EMFs) that your cell phone—and other electronic devices that communicate wirelessly—use to function.
EMFs are invisible to your eyes and exist in a spectrum of frequencies that include radio and TV waves, microwaves, visible light, ultraviolet light, X-rays, and radioactive elements. Some sources of EMFs are natural, such as sunlight, while others are man-made—such as the energy used to cook foods by microwave ovens.
These EMFs have demonstrable negative physiological effects, but very few people fully grasp this. We have been lulled into a false sense of security by an industry that is going to great lengths to keep us in the dark, just like in the early days of smoking.
And our government appears endlessly willing, even eager, to allow technology companies to do pretty much whatever they want—including spending mountains of money to dissuade legislators from passing laws that would regulate an industry that is making it harder and harder to understand what the dangers are, much less avoid them.
A conservative estimate is that 3 percent of the population has electrohypersensitivity, which means they experience palpable symptoms—headaches, insomnia, fatigue, heart palpitations, sensations of skin prickling—when they are exposed to EMFs. The rest of us can’t feel EMFs.
But that doesn’t mean that the EMFs you are exposed to aren’t causing damage.
The wireless industry and the government agencies that are supposed to regulate this industry want you to believe that the science is settled and wireless exposures are safe. Unfortunately, this message is not reality. EMF damage can manifest in myriad ways that include many conditions that are occurring in ever-increasing amounts, such as decreased sperm counts, impaired sleep, anxiety, depression, Alzheimer’s disease, and cancer.
I first heard the concerns that cell phones might be harmful more than 20 years ago. At the time, I agreed that it made sense, but I failed to take any action. The truth is, I simply didn’t want to believe this to be true. As far as I could tell, the science was ambiguous at best.
And even if it were true, I figured my healthy diet and lifestyle would be more than enough to compensate for these relatively “inconsequential” exposures—sadly, one of the more foolish professional assumptions I have ever made. Hard to believe it, but I fell for the wireless industry’s propaganda.
I now see that unless you take serious action to lower your EMF exposure, you will not be able to achieve full health, no matter how carefully you eat or how strategic you are in your lifestyle choices.
I suspect many of you are in the same boat as I was, and you shouldn’t feel bad. After all, the wireless industry has far greater resources at its disposal than the tobacco industry ever did.
I understand that the news I’m delivering may be disheartening. After all, cell phones and Wi-Fi offer incredibly useful conveniences. And they are ubiquitous: Few of us are ever more than a few feet from our cell phones at any given time—even during sleep.
We spend most of our working hours an arm’s distance away from a computer that is connected wirelessly to the Internet. We live in homes, neighborhoods, and cities that are in direct and constant contact with these fields through electrical wiring, microwave ovens, cell phone towers, and Wi-Fi.
As society adopts ever more wireless technologies, we are increasingly bathed in high intensities of EMFs. Some EMFs are emitted by devices we own and use ourselves, but even if you refused to ever buy a cell phone or wireless router, you would still be exposed to ever-increasing amounts of EMFs thanks to the growing number of cell towers, wireless hot spots, and satellites that are used to broadcast these signals.
To make matters worse, with the advent of 5G (or the “fifth generation” of cell phone technology) that is rolling out as I write this, your EMF exposures—and the health and environmental ramifications they bring—are about to increase exponentially. By the time this book is in your hands, you will likely have access to 5G if you live in a large urban area.
As you’ll learn more about in the chapters ahead, some of the EMFs that 5G will use require new technologies to transmit and receive signals. This means we are about to experience an explosion in new antennas. And all the signals from all of those additional antennas and base stations will be layered on top of the EMF swamp that we are already swimming in.
These new EMFs have never been tested for long-term safety on humans, not to mention microbes, insects, animals, and plants. This means we are all participants in a massive involuntary public health experiment. Once you read this book, however, you won’t be an unwitting participant—you’ll know what you’re being exposed to, as well as what you need to do to protect yourself.
And that’s really what this book is about—giving you knowledge so you can minimize health risks for yourself and your family.
After all, if you don’t know the risks you’re taking every day when you slide your cell phone into your pocket or hold it to your head, buy a smart appliance, or upgrade to a 5G phone, you’re essentially gambling with your health, your life span, and even your ability to have children.
Worse yet, you’re gambling with your children’s health, their life spans, and their ability to have children (which is especially concerning as many children are allowed to start interacting with cell phones—whether to watch a video or just haphazardly press buttons—in an effort to keep them occupied as early as six months old.) 1
If we don’t start taking widespread action to mitigate this ticking time bomb soon, we will be EMF*d.
Am I saying you need to do away with all useful technology? Or even just cell phones and Wi-Fi? Certainly not. But I am saying that you and your family would benefit from educated measures to reduce your exposure to the radiation these technological developments expose you to. I wrote this book to help you do just that.
It is time to take a closer look at the risks of convenient wireless connectivity so that we can mitigate them. After all, you can’t correct a problem you don’t know you have.
As in all of my work, I want to give you the information you need so that you can understand your options for improving your health and make empowered and informed choices.
To do that, I have organized this book so that by the end of it you will understand:
Reading this book may be challenging at times: Some of the information is highly technical. I aim to make it as digestible as possible. While some of it may be upsetting, this book will empower you to make choices that will lead to your improved, long-lasting, and radiant health.
It is imperative that you begin making those choices now, because if you wait for the telecommunications industry or the government to protect you, you will be waiting for far too long. There is simply no more time to wait.