Imperative 7

Recognize, Reward, Incent, and Celebrate

Creating Knock Your Socks Off Service is a human endeavor. It happens when a group of people willingly and enthusiastically work together to create something none could accomplish alone. Human nature is a key factor. Understand it and respect it and it will work for you. Disregard it, ignore it, downplay its impact, and it will work against you.

The people who work for and with you want to do a good job. They want to work for an organization and in a department that is successful. They need something back in return. They need to know how they are doing: whether they are succeeding or failing, whether they are average or exemplary, and what they can do to improve when improvement is needed.


They need to be recognized and rewarded for both their accomplishments and their efforts—sometimes individually and sometimes as a part of a group effort.

And they need to be enfolded in something beyond their own ability to achieve through celebration of the effort and achievements of the corporate “all of us together.”