1. What was Kommandant Franz Stangl’s motivation for telling his staff not to treat the workers so harshly? Do you think he was an effective leader?
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2. What leadership traits did Tchechia display even though she was not in an official leadership role?
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3. What was it about Zelo that made him an effective leader? How did he use his leadership to inspire others?
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4. In the discussion between Bronka and Rudi about their supervisor Suchomel on whether he was a kind man or not, would you agree more with Bronka or with Rudi?
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5. Why was the loss of Zelo so impactful to the revolt organizers in Camp 1? How did they display their frustration?
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6. How did the gold Jews survive their interrogation from the Doll the day Dr. Chorazycki died? What lesson can be gained from them, if any?
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7. Was it helpful to the revolt organizers for Zelo to be transferred to Camp 2? Why, or why not?
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8. Did any of the Nazi guards have good qualities? Is it even possible to think in those terms considering their brutality? Why, or why not?
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9. How would you describe Tchechia’s philosophy in life? How could it be advantageous or disadvantageous in a place like Treblinka?
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10. As explained in this book, sometimes the Jewish workers would have sympathizers (those loyal to the Nazis who were informers) dealt with. Do you think this clandestine behavior of the workers was ethical in this circumstance? How is it different from the killings the Nazis were performing?
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11. What was Jankiel Wiernik’s role? How was he helpful to the revolt effort? Could the revolt have been pulled off without him? Why, or why not?
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12. How did camp elder Galewski contribute toward the revolt? Was he an effective leader?
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13. How did Tchechia handle herself during the revolt compared to Bronka?
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14. When Stangl departed Treblinka he decided to shake hands with the workers. Was this appropriate? Why do you think he did so?
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15. Who was your favorite character?
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16. What do you think is the main lesson of Treblinka?
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