
Also by Hans and Ellen Erdman


The Gewellyn Chronicles:

Truthbearer: The Journeys of Connor Clark, Book 1

Trinity of the Truthbearer: The Journeys of Connor Clark, Book 2

Truthbearer’s Daughter’s: The Journeys of Connor Clark, Book 3

Song of the Truthbearer: The Journeys of Connor Clark, Book 4

Kestrel: A Fiona Clark Short Story

White Owl: The Adventures of Fiona Clark, Book 1

An Bhanrion (The High Queen): The Adventures of Fiona Clark, Book 2

Eyru’s Heirs: The Adventures of Fiona Clark, Book 3

Sword of the Great Queen: The Adventures of Fiona Clark, Book 2.5

Coming Soon:

Truthbearer’s Great Journey: The Journeys of Connor Clark, Book 5

Nine Worlds Together: The Gewellyn Chronicles Saga, Book 1

Christmas in Mill Forge

Gilberton: A Thriller

Aerielands Christmas

A Gewellyn Chronicles Novella



© Copyright 2017, Hans L. Erdman

Isanti, MN

All rights reserved

Revised Edition, 2018

Cover Design © by Melchelle Designs



Scripture Quote from “Birth of the Chosen One”

The First Nations Version (FNV) © 2013 Retold by Terry M. Wildman

Used with permission.



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, other than historical figures mentioned, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


This story is dedicated to Christmas in all of its glory. Christmas has always been my very favorite holiday, and it is my honor and privilege to share this story as a Christmas gift to those of you who follow the Gewellyn Chronicles. Santa Claus, the presents under the tree, the Christmas carols, the choirs, the children in the church Christmas pageant, the bells ringing in the storefronts, the cookies baking in the oven. Christmas trees, Christmas wreaths, Christmas stockings, Christmas memories; they all mean so much to me. The stories, Dickens’ Christmas Carol, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” “Polar Express,” and the stories I’ve written; The Rising of the White Eagle, the Coming of the Great Lion, and the story behind them all, the birth of our Savior in Bethlehem.

I know that there are those who have a hard time with Christmas. I know there are those who are having a hard time this Christmas. I know there are those who, sadly, want nothing to do with Christmas. I hope this story will give them hope because that is what Christmas is truly all about. Hope.

Faith, family, and friendship. That is what the Gewellyn Chronicles, “The Journeys of Connor Clark,” and “The Adventures of Fiona Clark,” are also all about. So, on behalf of Connor and Iolena, Alenia and Abrallan, Shannon and Lochlain, Menta Kai, Lona, and Joseph, Fiona, Berian and Abilynn, Arianna, Sean and little Connor, Talia, Taeral and Estella, Tanya Joy and Penant, Richard, Kitlaen and Alistronia, Tlannatar and Maeryn, Thallan and Lady Celantine, and all the rest of the characters who make up the wonderful worlds of the Gewellyn Chronicles, I wish you the Hope, Peace, Joy and the Wonder that is Christmas.

Nollaig Shona go léir!

Hans and Ellen Erdman

November 1, 2018

Elven and Irish Words Used in the Storyline

Adar – Father (Formal)

Adara – Mother (Formal)

Adda – Dad/Daddy (Term of endearment)

Amil – Mom/Mama (Term of endearment)

An Anotais – The Great Unifier (Sword)

An Bhanrion - The Queen (High Queen)

Aran – King

Bore Da – Good Morning/Day

Colum Cille - Saint Columba of Iona (In Irish, the letter C is always pronounced like a K.)

Cill Dara –  Kildare

H.A.G.S. – Heroes are Actually Girl Soldiers, Fiona, Menta Kai and Talia’s “Warrior Sorority” (for lack of a better term) identified by their forehead to heart Celtic scrollwork tattoos.

Melda – beloved

Melin er – dear one

Mellon - close friend

Mera – Great Elf Horses

Nin Mel – my love

Tar (name) – Queen (name)

Téigh le Dia – Go with God