Egg-texture-cards is a command-line utility provided with Panda3D. It takes an image and creates a single rectangular polygon with the image set as its texture. The output is an egg file that contains the polygon and the texture information for it. We can also supply multiple images to egg-texture-cards and it will create a polygon for each of them, all in one egg.
The options for egg-texture-cards are accessed by using flags. Each flag is a combination of a hyphen and a letter, or set of letters, and should be followed by the setting for that option. Here are a few examples:
An example usage of egg-texture-cards could be:
Egg-texture-cards.exe o output.egg input.png
By default, the polygons created by egg-texture-cards are automatically placed in a sequence node that we can use to animate them like a flipbook. Of course, we don't have to.
The output egg will have relative filepaths to the images it was created with. It's best to create the egg file in the folder that it will be loaded from, or the filepaths will have to be edited by hand later.