Let's get a feel for how this works by creating a preloader to load our models before the game starts.
. Then, add these two import lines to the top of the file:from direct.gui.DirectGui import * from pandac.PandaModules import *
method, and have them look like this:class Preloader: def __init__(self, fonts): self.createGraphics(fonts)
method we just made a call to. We're going to do this in one big shot because the method is going to look very similar to the methods we used to create the HUD components. Even so, let's make sure we get everything right.def createGraphics(self, fonts): self.modTS = TextureStage("Modulate") self.modTS.setMode(TextureStage.MModulate) self.frame = DirectFrame(frameSize = (-.3, .3, -.2, .2), frameColor = (1,1,1,0), parent = base.aspect2d) loaderEgg = loader.loadModel("../Models/EnergyBar.egg") self.loaderBG = loaderEgg.find("**/EnergyBG") self.loaderBar = loaderEgg.find("**/EnergyBar") self.loaderFrame = loaderEgg.find("**/EnergyFrame") self.loaderBG.reparentTo(self.frame) self.loaderBar.reparentTo(self.loaderBG) self.loaderFrame.reparentTo(self.loaderBG) self.loaderBG.setPos(0, 0, -.2) alpha = loader.loadTexture("../Images/LoaderAlpha.png") alpha.setFormat(Texture.FAlpha) alpha.setWrapU(Texture.WMClamp) self.loaderBar.setTexture(self.modTS, alpha) self.text = DirectLabel( text = "Loading Suicide Jockeys...", text_font = fonts["orange"], text_scale = .1, text_fg = (1,1,1,1), relief = None, text_align = TextNode.ACenter, parent = self.frame) return
method and add this line to it:self.prepLoadGroup()
def prepLoadGroup(self): self.models = ["../Models/Track.egg", "../Models/Planet.egg", "../Models/Ground.egg", "../Models/LinearPinkSkySphere.bam", "../Models/TargetCone.bam", "../Models/ShieldBar.egg", "../Models/SpeedBar.egg", "../Models/EnergyBar.egg", "../Models/RedCycle.bam", "../Models/RedTurr.bam", "../Models/YellowCycle.bam", "../Models/YellowTurr.bam", "../Models/GreenCycle.bam", "../Models/GreenTurr.bam", "../Models/BlueCycle.bam", "../Models/BlueTurr.bam", "../Models/Disc.bam", "../Models/MachineGun.bam", "../Models/Cannon.bam", "../Models/LaserFlash.bam", "../Models/LaserProj.bam", "../Models/Explosions/Laserburst1.bam", "../Models/Explosions/Laserburst2.bam", "../Models/Explosions/Laserburst3.bam"] self.totalItems = len(self.models) return
method again; we have a bit more code to add there. Before we start loading anything, we need to set the loading bar to be initially empty, force a new frame to be displayed, and create a variable that will let us count how many things we've loaded so far. Add these lines to the bottom of the __init__
method:self.loaderBar.setTexOffset(self.modTS, .015, 0) base.graphicsEngine.renderFrame() base.graphicsEngine.renderFrame() self.itemCount = 0
loop to iterate over the list of paths to make it happen:for M in self.models: item = loader.loadModel(M) self.itemCount += 1 progress = self.itemCount / float(self.totalItems) self.loaderBar.setTexOffset(self.modTS, -progress + .015, 0) base.graphicsEngine.renderFrame() base.graphicsEngine.renderFrame()
method. Add this line to the very bottom of the method:self.destroy()
method. Here it is; place it at the bottom of the class:def destroy(self): self.loaderBG.removeNode() self.text.destroy() self.frame.destroy()
.from PreloaderClass_01 import Preloader
method where we load up our fonts. Right after that, add this line:preloader = Preloader(self.fonts)
and run the game. We'll see something like this as the game loads up:That wasn't so bad, was it? In practice, a better way to use this sort of loading screen is in between levels. Since we only really have one level in this game, putting the preloader at the beginning of the game worked just fine. Note that in the places where we called base.graphicsEngine.renderFrame()
we called it twice. That's necessary because of the order of frame display and processing we discussed before the Time For Action. Keep that in mind for every time we need to force an update to the window.