App workspace assignment

Just as organizations have the flexibility to allocate their purchased v-cores across one or multiple premium capacities, there are also multiple options for assigning app workspaces to premium capacity. To bulk assign multiple workspaces to a capacity within the Admin portal, click the Assign workspaces button for a capacity. This button and the list of workspaces already assigned to the capacity is below the Change capacity size button described in the previous section.

In the following screenshot, two workspaces have been selected for assignment to a premium capacity:

Assign workspaces

As shown in the preceding screenshot, the workspaces associated with individual users or groups of users can also be assigned to a premium capacity. If applied to specific users, any existing workspaces assigned to those users, including workspaces already in a separate capacity, will be moved to the capacity assigned. 

As an alternative or complementary approach to assigning workspaces in the admin portal, administrators of a capacity can also grant users or groups of users the permission to assign workspaces to premium capacity. In the following screenshot, a user (brettp76) is granted assignment permission to a premium capacity:

Assignment Permissions

The USER PERMISSIONS options, which also includes Capacity admins described in the following section, is also just below the Change capacity size button, such as the Assign workspaces button. Users granted this permission will also require administrative rights to any app workspace they wish to assign to premium capacity.

In the following screenshot, a Power BI Pro user (brettp76) and administrator of an app workspace have opened the Edit workspace dialog to assign a workspace to premium capacity:

App workspace administrator: Assign to premium capacity

The differences between app workspace administrators and members were described in the Application Workspaces section of Chapter 14, Managing Application Workspaces and Content