Create, size, and monitor capacities

Office 365 global admins and Power BI service administrators can view, create, and manage all Power BI Premium capacities via the Admin portal. In the following screenshot from the Capacity settings page of the Admin portal, eight v-cores have been provisioned for the organization and a single P1 capacity has been created, which consumes all of these cores:

Admin portal: Capacity settings

As shown in the preceding screenshot, a Set up new capacity button is located above the list of premium capacities that have been configured. In this example, since all purchased v-cores have been used by a single capacity, the Set up new capacity button is grayed out. In the event that v-cores are available for a new capacity, clicking Set up new capacity button would launch a setup window, such as the following:

Set up new Premium Capacity

In this example, nine v-cores are available for the new capacity and thus a P1 capacity requiring eight v-cores can be created. The capacity is named and the capacity administrator(s) for the new capacity are defined. The Capacity size dropdown will expose all different capacity sizes (P2, P3) but sizes requiring more v-cores than the volume of v-cores currently available will be grayed out. Once these properties have been configured, click Set up to complete the process.

Note that the Capacity size and Capacity admins properties are required to set up the new capacity. Each capacity must have at least one capacity admin, who will have full administrative rights to the given capacity. Additional information on capacity admins is included in the Power BI Capacity Admins section later in this chapter.