Alger, Frances Aura, 164
Ancient Order of United Workmen (AOUW), 12, 203
AOUW. See Ancient Order of United Workmen (AOUW)
Arkansas City Republican, 124
Armour, Phillip, 159
arsenic: anecdote for, 68; behavior of eaters of, 68–69; calculation required to use for murder, 107; for the complexion, 35, 38, 43, 92, 98–99, 103, 111, 119; copycats, 103; eaten by Walkup, 52, 53–55, 55–56; and Ketcham’s death, 148; lethal dose, 72; and male sexual powers, 83, 86; Minnie’s purchases of, 35, 38, 41–43, 51, 56, 72, 93, 97, 98, 99, 111, 112, 119; symptoms of poisoning, 39; and syphilis, 78, 83; Walkup as alleged eater of, 76, 81, 82, 83, 83–85, 106, 107, 108, 117, 119; and Walkup’s death, 43–44, 51, 68, 71–73
Atchison, Topeka, & Santa Fe Railroad, 12, 13, 21, 33, 41, 63, 204
Atlanta Constitution, 75
Baldwin, Eben: further career and death of, 204; photograph, 12; testimony, 76, 78, 90, 92, 95, 101, 112; Walkup accompanied to World’s Fair by, 13; Walkup described by, 11; and Walkup’s illness, 13–14; and Walkup’s interest in Minnie, 15–16
Barnum, P. T., 77
Bates, Moses, 67, 93, 97, 98, 112
Bates, Moses H., 32, 33, 35, 36, 42
Baudelaire, Charles, 134
Berman, William F., 166, 167, 170
Bill, Dwight, 38, 39, 40–41, 42, 51–52, 81, 118
Bill & Walkup Company, 28
Born, William, 50
Boston Daily Globe, 108
Bostrom, Charles, 189
Bowers, Dora, 31
Braun, Charles, 190
Braun, Claribel Louderback, 190, 193
Brown, H. V., 27
Buchanan, “Dr.,” 55
Buck, J. Jay, 64, 107–8; sketch of, 107
Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show, 136
Burke, James Lee, 3
Burnham, Daniel, 159
Butler, T. H., 101–2
Butterfield, Mr., 78
Capote, Truman, 45
Carleton, Josephine Carrel, 129
Cattlemen’s Convention, 78, 101, 102
Chicago, IL: bribery in, 183; elevated lines, 183–84; Lake Forest, 160; Levee area, 127–28, 160, 172; Minnie’s move to, 121, 124; Prairie Avenue area, 159, 160
Chicago Athletic Club, 135, 159, 160, 161, 166, 170
Chicago Daily Tribune, 140
Chief Justice Waite, 156
Cinnamon Pete, 109
City of Greenville, 79
Clarke, William, 137
Clifford, Judge, 168, 171, 172, 174, 175
Cody, “Buffalo Bill,” 136, 212
Collard, James, 28
Columbian Exposition. See World’s Columbian Exposition
common-law marriage, 146, 175, 176
Connaway, A. N., 83
Cotton Exposition. See World’s Fair
Coughlin, “Bathhouse John,” 128
County Union, 119
Covington, KY, 23
Crushers, “Handsome Charlie,” 9, 90
Crysler, Charles, 63
Cummings, John, 195
cyanamide: and Louderback’s death, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196; symptoms of ingestion of, 191, 196
cyanide, 148
Dalton, Willie, 214
Daugherty, Mae, 142
Davey, Robert, 133
David, Jefferson, 10
DeJonghe Restaurant, 170
Democracy of the State of Washington, 133
DeVeny, Stephen, 143, 144, 147
Dodds, George S., 65, 106–7, 117, 119, 206
Dreyfus, Gus, 174
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 188
Emporia, KS: drugstores of, frequented by Minnie, 31–34; and Minnie, 16, 24–25, 26, 27, 45, 50, 115, 195; photograph, 36, 37; population, 21; Walkup in, 11, 12, 13
Emporia Daily News, 74; and the Gutekunst-Wilhite affair, 123; Jay’s letter to the editor, 58; Minnie portrayed in, 123; poem on the Walkup trial published by, 87–88; Walkup trial covered by, 74, 77–78, 80, 103; Wilhite in, 82
Emporia Daily Republican, 45, 73; and the Gutekunst-Wilhite affair, 123; Judge Graves’ jury instructions printed by, 105; Minnie portrayed in, 123; transcript of Walkup trial published by, 63–64, 73–74, 77–78, 94, 105–6; Wilhite in, 82
Evans, Maggie, 26
“Experience of Ladies Attending the Walkup Trial” (Nottingham), 87–88
Feighan, John W., 62; attorney for Lyon County, 64; closing arguments, 105, 108, 109; Elizabeth Wallace cross-examined by, 89; and the experiment with Squibb bismuth, 51; further career and death of, 205; and the prosecution, 67, 81, 82, 85, 117, 118; and the rebuttal, 101; on Sunday during the trial, 73; and the verdict, 110
Fenlon, Thomas P.: banter with Sterry, 87; closing arguments, 108; death of, 205; and Elizabeth Wallace’s testimony, 89; Minnie defended by, 59, 65, 117; Minnie introduced to Frankie Morris by, 77; and Minnie’s direct examination, 90–91, 94, 96, 97; strategic savvy, 108
Field, Marshall, 160
Filkins, John, 82
Findlay, Dora Kirby (half sister): appearance of, 3, 7; children of, 4, 57; contacted by Morton, 79–80; death of, 215; education of, 8; entertaining at the Wallace House, 9, 14; and Judge Houston, 3–4, 7; marriages, 4, 9, 215; mentioned, 46, 95; move to New Mexico, 120; in New York, 124, 201; World’s Fair visited by, 16
Findlay, Edward George: businesses offered by Walkup to, 25–26; death of, 123, 201; marriage, 9; mentioned, 16, 17, 91, 106; Minnie supported by, 116–17; move to New Mexico, 120; post-trial claims, 117
Findlay, Edward Kirby George “Edwin” (nephew), 9, 123, 124, 201–2
Findlay, Milton Howard (nephew), 9, 16, 17, 56, 76, 123; death of, 124, 201
Findlay, Minnie Jay (niece), 60, 123, 124, 202
Fisher, Nettie, 16
Fitzgerald, Edward, 209
Fitzgerald, Lord Gerald Purcell, 209
Fleetwood, H. R., 80
Foley, Ann, 173
Forbes, Gladys, 131; child raised by, 173; falling out with Josephine Moffitt, 173–74; further career of, 208–9; and Gale Thompson’s bachelor party, 159, 160; mentioned, 132, 163, 168; and Minnie, 129, 130, 131, 139, 146, 197; procuress of women, 130; testimony in Moffitt v. Pike, 172, 173–74
Forbes, Margaret. See Thorpe, Margaret
Forepaugh, Adam, 119
Forest Home Cemetery, 131, 146, 202, 215
Fowler’s Solution, 78
G. W. Newman’s Department Store, 26, 27, 36, 37–38, 47, 49, 105, 113
Goodchild, Ella, 212
Graves, Charles B., 64, 73, 88, 110, 117; instructions to the jury, 104–5, 106, 117; and laughter in the courtroom, 63, 87, 206; photograph, 65
Greenbaum, Bernard, 210
Greer, Bill: on the defense, 70, 80; on Dodds’ closing arguments, 106; Jay described by, 57; Judge Graves viewed by, 64; Kansas law researched by, 103–4; on post-trial Emporia, 115; reporting on Minnie Walkup, 47, 61, 89, 100; reporting on the Walkup case, 45–46, 64, 73; and the verdict, 110; on the Walkup trial’s physicians and experts, 55, 70–71
Gregory, Bernard Francis, 210
Guillemet, Adrien, 129
Gutekunst, Edward, 121, 122–23, 205
Gutekunst-Wilhite affair, 121–23, 205
Hall, Mary Turnbull, 212
Hamilton, John, 150
Hansen, Dethlef C.: attempts to scam Minnie, 152–54, 158, 168 (see also Hansen v. Ketcham); breakdown in lawsuit against Minnie, 157, 166, 170; further career of, 206–8; and Ketcham’s estate, 138, 146, 151, 152–54; and Ketcham’s will, 142, 143, 144, 155; law practice of, 132, 133; in Minnie’s house, 149, 152; and Minnie’s marriage to Ketcham, 139–40, 142; revenge against Josephine Moffitt, 166; revenge against Minnie, 166; sketch of, 132
Hansen v. Ketcham, 154–58, 166, 168, 181, 206, 208
Harrison, Carter, II, 211
Harrison, Carter, Sr., 151
Haslam, Robert “Pony Bob,” 136, 137, 139, 212
Hennessy, David, 203
Hill, Alonzo H., 185–86, 212–13
Hill, Elizabeth McMillan, 212, 213
Hill, Elmer, 186
History of Kansas (Cutler), 65
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 116
Hood, Calvin, 22, 117, 204; and Minnie’s house arrest, 59, 60
Hood, Henry “Harry” Platt: and the Gutekunst-Wilhite affair, 123; mentioned, 204, 205; and the prosecution, 64–65, 75, 106, 117, 118, 122–23; and Walkup’s marriage to Minnie, 22, 23
Hood, Mattie Walkup, 13, 16, 39, 40, 41, 204; and the Gutekunst-Wilhite affair, 123; relationship with her father, 21; and Walkup’s funeral, 49; and Walkup’s marriage to Minnie, 22, 23, 27, 37, 68; and the wedding/welcome party in Emporia, 24; wrongful death suit considered by, 115
Houston, James D., 4, 5, 5, 47, 203
Houston, Judge William T., 17; death of, 202; defended by brother James, 4, 5, 6; depicted by Minnie, 119; further career of, 202; relationship with Dora Kirby, 3–4, 7; relationship with Minnie, 3, 8, 48, 95, 112, 119, 120; and the Walkup case, 47, 48, 56–57
Hunsberger, Mrs. Wesley, 141, 142
Hunsberger, Wesley A., 140, 141, 142, 149, 170
If Christ Came to Chicago (Stead), 128
In Cold Blood (Capote), 45
Ireland, William, 42
Jacobs, Luther D., 118; and the antidote, 68, 70; arsenic poisoning suspected by, 39, 42, 43–44; and Born’s poisoning, 50; cross-examined by Scott, 68; death of, 204; and the experiment with Squibb bismuth, 51; and the inquest, 51, 52; Minnie’s demeanor viewed by, 44; Walkup treated by, 33, 37, 68, 73, 92, 111
James, Frank, 63
James, Jesse, 63
Jay, Mary, 66, 73, 113, 114, 205
Jay, William, 61; appearance and character of, 57; death of, 124; and the deliberation, 108–9; denounced in the County Union, 119; and the Gutekunst-Wilhite affair, 121; during jury selection, 66–67; and Minnie’s departure from Emporia, 115; Minnie viewed by, 57, 58, 83, 85, 205; and Minnie Walkup’s defense, 58–59, 64, 108, 117; in Nottingham’s poem, 88; post-trial behavior, 113, 114; sketch of, 84; on Sunday during the trial, 73; and Walkup as arsenic eater, 83, 86, 110; and Walkup’s estate, 116
Jefferson, Thomas, 133
John A. Moore’s Drugstore, 31
Jones, Stanhope, 5
Jones, William, 70
Kansas: and Minnie’s post-trial behavior, 115; murder in, 66, 103–4; notoriety of, 45; widow’s estate in, 29
Kansas City Journal, 52
Kansas City Times, 73, 88, 103, 115, 116
Keating, Estelle. See Ketcham, Minnie Wallace Walkup
Keller, Joe: employed by Minnie, 132, 137, 155; and Ketcham’s death, 196; and Ketcham’s will, 143, 150; and Minnie’s marriage to Ketcham, 140, 142, 144, 148–49; and Minnie’s party house, 139; sketch of, 141
Kellogg, William Pitt, 120–21, 132, 203; photograph, 120
Kelly, R. B., 31, 32, 35, 43, 92, 93, 97
Kenna, Michael “Hinky Dink,” 128
Kern, Jacob, 153
Ketcham, George, 138, 142–43, 146, 147, 148; and John’s death, 144, 150
Ketcham, John Berdan, 133; and alcohol, 135, 136, 137, 139, 148; autopsy, 145, 146–47; background of, 134; behavior in Chicago, 136; burial rights, 144–45, 147; common-law wives, 146; death of, 144, 148, 153, 181, 195; illness of, 139, 140, 142, 143, 147, 148, 153; imprisoned in Minnie’s home, 136–37, 147–48; inquest, 144–48; marriage to Minnie, 140–42, 143, 144, 148–50; murder, 147, 148; sketch of, 135; social life of, 134, 135–36, 161; will made by, 142, 143–44, 144, 148, 150, 195
Ketcham, Mary Granger, 134
Ketcham, Minnie Wallace Walkup: advice given to Josephine Moffitt by, 162, 167, 175; after Ketcham’s death, 181; death of, 215–16; and Ketcham’s estate, 152; and Louderback’s death, 195–97; and Louderback’s estate, 190, 193, 194, 195; names used by, 193, 215; relationship with Louderback, 181, 182, 185; subtlety of, 165
Ketcham, Nettie Poe, 134, 135, 137, 138
Ketcham, Rachel Berdan, 134, 138, 144
Ketcham, Valentine Hicks, 134
Kierkegaard, Søren, 201
Kilrain, Jake, 203
Kirby, Dora (half sister). See Findlay, Dora Kirby (half sister)
Kirby, Patrick, 7
Knights of Honor, 12
Krick, Helen, 212
Lambert, Isaac E., 65, 81, 82, 107, 117
Landry, Mr., 67
Lanphear, S. Emory, 71, 86–87, 206
Laura Lee, 79
Liberty Bell, 10
Louderback, Albert, Jr., 193
Louderback, Alfred, 182
Louderback, David, 183
Louderback, DeLancey Horton: background of, 182–85; and the Crystal House, 185, 188–89, 194; cyanamide taken by, 191, 192, 193–94, 196, 197; death due to cyanamide poisoning, 192, 193–94, 195–97, 213; estate, 192–93, 194, 195; at Hansen v. Ketcham, 154, 181, 182, 185; ill health, 187, 190, 191; photograph, 182; relationship with Minnie, 185, 195–96, 197; sleeping potions taken by, 190, 191, 192, 194, 196; will made by, 189–90, 191, 192, 194, 195, 197; and Yerkes, 183–85; and younger women, 185–87, 190–91, 192, 197
Louderback, Sarah, 182
Louderback, Susan, 182
Louderback, Virginia Mixsell, 182, 185, 192, 195, 197
Luetgert, Adolph, 133
Lusitania, 194–95
lynch law, 104
Mann Act, 206
Martin, Governor, 12
Martin, J. G. . See Morton, Nathaniel Benjamin
Martin, John, 124
Martin, John Elmore, 203
Maximilian, Prince, 176
Mayer, Isaac, 168
Mayer, Levy, 168
McCulloch, Frank, 68
McEnery, Samuel, 6
McKinley, William, 164
McKinney, Sallie, 34, 47, 51, 101
Mealey, Patrick, 203
Miersch, Annie, 142
Missouri & Pacific Railroad, 12, 13
Mixsell, Philip, 184
Moffitt, J. Westley, 130
Moffitt, Josephine, 129–30; advised by Minnie, 162, 167, 175; and Billy Pike’s money, 162, 163, 166, 167–68, 172, 173–74 (see also Moffitt v. Pike); direct examination, 170; end of story about, 210–11; falling out with Gladys Forbes, 173–74; and Gale Thompson’s bachelor party, 160, 161, 162; lies told by, 170–71; mentioned, 132, 139, 208; and Minnie, 129, 138, 146, 197; names used by, 129, 130, 172, 210, 211; photograph, 129, 169; and Prince Victor, 176–77, 209; procuress of women, 130; sketch of, 163; station in life, 165
Moffitt v. Pike, 168–75; entertainment for court crowd, 168, 171, 172, 174; Gladys Forbes’ testimony, 172, 173–74; Josephine’s direct examination, 170; and the Ketcham case, 175; men attendees, 169; verdict, 175
Monroe Restaurant, 130, 159, 160, 161, 163, 172
Moore, John A., 31, 32, 37, 68, 92
Morris, Frances (Frankie), 77
Morton, Nathaniel Benjamin, 78–80, 81, 101, 102, 109, 110
Moss, Mary, 25, 38, 39, 40, 42, 118; and Minnie’s drugstore purchases, 33, 34, 93, 98; testimony, 67–68; and Walk-up’s murder, 42, 60, 107
murder, 107; a hanging offense, 66, 103–4
Murphy, Joseph, 68
Myers, Michael, 115
Newman’s. See G. W. Newman’s Department Store
New Orleans Cotton Exposition. See World’s Fair
New Orleans Daily Picayune, 45, 47, 61; on the women attendees of the trial, 80
New Orleans Mascot, 4, 9, 48; and James Houston’s attack on editor, 5, 6–7, 21–22, 47, 95
New Orleans Times-Democrat, 46, 49
New York City, NY, 124, 154, 176
New York Herald, 47
Nicolls, Princess Lida, 209–10
Nottingham, Naomi, 87
oxalic acid, 46
Paiute Indians, 136
Pam, Hugo, 155, 156, 157, 167, 211
Parkman, 80–81
Payne, John Barton, 168, 172, 175
Peacock, Everett, 213–15
Pike, Charles “Charley” Burrall, 161, 162, 164
Pike, Eugene “Gene” Rockwell, 161, 162, 166–67, 170, 173, 174, 211, 214
Pike, Eugene S., 159
Pike, William “Billy” Wallace: and alcohol, 161, 165; and Gale Thompson’s bachelor party, 159, 161–62; marriage and death of, 208; photograph, 169; relationship with Josephine Moffitt, 162, 163–64, 165, 167, 176; sketch of, 161, 169; testimony in Moffitt v. Pike, 174
Plumb, Preston B., 110
Poe, Edgar Allan, 134
Poe, Isaac, 134
Poinsette, Nancy, 77
poison. See arsenic; cyanamide; cyanide; strychnine
Pony Express, 136
Prendergast, Patrick, 151
Pullman, George, 160
purple prose, 46
Reutlinger, Arthur, 139
Rich, Delia, 114
Richards, Mary, 205
Rigley, G. W. See Morton, Nathaniel Benjamin
Riley, Tom, 149
Ritter, Henry App, 188
Ritter, Henry, Jr., 188–89, 193, 194, 196, 197, 212
Ritter, Sarah “Sallie” Eckert Louderback, 188–89, 191, 193, 194, 196, 197, 212
Roberts, I. P., 141, 142, 148, 149
Ruley, Jim, 9
Ryder, Charles, 32, 44, 51, 73
Ryder’s Drugstore, 32
Samuel, Johnnie, 38
Schneider, Bertha, 191, 192, 194, 195, 196, 213, 215
Scott, Charles W., 52, 53–55, 56, 78, 110, 111
Scott, Dred, 182
Scott, William W.: and Dr. Scott’s arsenic story, 52, 54, 55; encystment theory of, 69, 86; Gardiner cross-examined by, 68–69; Jacobs cross-examined by, 68; Mary Moss cross-examined by, 67–68; Minnie defended by, 59, 65, 75, 76, 82, 113, 117, 119; sketch of, 53; Sterry described by, 76; Stover cross-examined by, 86; on Sunday during the trial, 73; and the verdict, 110
Seeberg, Frederick, 156
Severy, Luther, 41, 42, 43–44, 51, 68, 204
Shannon, Thomas P., 173–74, 209
Sherman, John B., 159
Shope, Judge, 157
Smith, Asa, 80
Smith, “Silent” James Henry, 202
Snodgrass, Winfield, 34–35, 36, 49, 68, 112
Sommers, Julia, 34, 47, 98–99, 101
Sowka, Agnes, 185–87, 190, 212
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 45
State of Kansas v. Minnie Wallace Walk-up. See Walkup trial
Stead, William, 128
Sterry, Clinton N.: banter with Fenlon, 87; closing arguments, 92, 105, 106; described by Scott, 76; further career and death of, 205; gross error made by, 106; Jay cross-examined by, 84–85; Lanphear cross-examined by, 87; lies told by Minnie about, 118; Minnie cross-examined by, 94–100; Morton cross-examined by, 78–79; Parkman cross-examined by, 81; portrayed by Dodds, 106; and the prosecution, 65, 106, 117; and the rebuttal, 101–2; Scott cross-examined by, 78; and Scott’s cross-examination of Mary Moss, 67–68; Van Holmes cross-examined by, 76; viewed by the courtroom audience, 100
Stewart, Rhinelander, 202
Stover, H. W., 85–86
strychnine: calculation required to use for murder, 107; and the inquest, 51; and Ketcham’s death, 147, 148; Minnie’s purchases of, 31, 32–33, 34, 35, 36, 41, 42, 46–47, 68, 72, 93, 97–98, 111–12, 113; recovery from, 35; and stain removal, 33, 41, 42, 43, 97; symptoms of poisoning, 33, 92
Stuart, William, 190
Sullivan, John L., 203
syphilis: and arsenic, 76, 81, 82; and Walkup, 70, 87, 112; woman treated for, at Walkup’s request, 82, 85–86
Thiel Detective Agency, 137
Thompson, Gale, 159
Thompson, Mrs. William Hale, 209
Thompson, Percy, 161, 162, 163, 172
Thompson, William “Big Bill” Hale, 159, 161, 162, 171, 172; photograph, 160, 171
Thompson, William Hale, 211, 214
Times-Democrat, 4
Times-Picayune, 4
Tolleston Club, 161
Toomey, Michael, 165
Topeka Daily Capital, 45
Torrey, Sena, 132, 139, 143, 149, 150, 154
Torrio, Johnny, 128
Trude, Alfred S.: Billy defended by, in Moffitt v. Pike, 168, 169–70, 172, 174–75; fishing lure named after, 211; in Hansen v. Ketcham, 151, 153, 154–56, 157
Tuthill, Judge, 155
Twombly, Hamilton M., 183
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 183
Vanderbilt, Grace, 207
Van Holmes, 76
Vinegar, Sis, 104
Walkup, Annie (first wife), 13
Walkup, Elizabeth Ann “Libbie” or “Lizzie,” 13, 15, 16, 17, 40, 67; diamond ring purchased by Walkup for, 91–92; and the fire incident, 39–40, 68, 94; and the Gutekunst-Wilhite affair, 123; marriage, 124, 203; Minnie’s attempts to implicate, 42, 47–48; relationship with Minnie, 16, 23, 25, 39, 49; sketch of, 24; and Walkup’s death, 41, 44, 49, 51, 60k, 107, 115
Walkup, Hannah Maddock (second wife), 13, 22; mentioned, 32
Walkup, James Reeves: age of, 11, 24; alleged arsenic eating, 52, 53–56, 60, 76, 78, 81, 82, 83–85, 92–93, 111, 117, 119; alleged illness in Topeka, 68, 80–81, 82, 92, 99; alleged suicide attempt, 36, 37, 68, 76, 112; appearance of, 11; arsenic poisoning, 37, 38–39, 48; author’s views on death of, 111–13; autopsy, 46, 55–56, 68, 70–71, 87; death of, 44, 47, 55, 124, 195, 204; depicted by the defense, 76; estate, 113, 114, 116, 121, 122, 123–24, 127, 151; funeral, 49–50, 147; interest in getting better, 54–55; kidney stone ailment, 13–14, 52, 55; marriage to Minnie, 14–15, 16, 23, 24, 29, 30, 48; mentioned, 34, 120, 203; and Minnie’s shopping, 27–28, 29, 113; Minnie suspected by, 40–41, 42; money given to Wallace family, 16, 25–26; in New Orleans, 15; niece of, in Chicago, 181; oysters eaten by, 38; political and financial success of, 11, 12–13; prescription medication taken by, 13–14; previous marriages, 11, 13; reaction of family and friends to Minnie, 21–23; and sexually transmitted diseases, 11, 56; sexual proclivities of, 11, 26, 29, 36, 37, 76, 78–79, 80, 88, 112, 113; sketch of, 23; strychnine poisoning, 33, 35; will made by, 195; and the World’s Fair, 10, 13
Walkup, Martha “Mattie”. See Hood, Mattie Walkup
Walkup, Minnie Wallace: appearance of, 3, 7, 35, 46, 66, 114, 117–18, 123, 150; arsenic purchased by, 35, 38, 41–43, 51, 56, 72, 93, 97, 98, 99, 111, 112, 119; birth of, 7, 8; in Chicago, 124, 127, 129, 130, 131; contacted by Morton, 79–80; copycats, 103; demeanor after Ketcham’s death, 145, 146; demeanor after Walkup’s death, 46, 47; education of, 8; in Emporia, 16, 24–25, 115; entertaining at the Wallace House, 9, 14; and Frankie Morris, 77; under house arrest, 46, 59; innocence protested by, 41–42; in jail, 59, 60, 121–23; and Judge Houston, 3, 8, 48, 95, 112, 119, 120; and Ketcham’s estate, 138, 150–51; lies told by, 26, 30–31, 46–47, 51–52, 60–61, 68, 118, 119; marriage to Walkup, 16, 17, 23, 24, 29, 48, 94–95; names used by, 8, 131; notoriety of, 59, 114; party house rented by, 138–39, 143, 146, 154; photograph, 114, 114; poems and songs about, 88, 100–101; post-trial behavior, 113, 114–15; post-trial plans, 109, 119; pregnancy hinted at, 60, 121, 122; quoted, 45; relationship with Libbie Walkup, 23, 25, 68; relationship with Walkukp, 11, 15, 16, 17; shopping in Emporia, 26, 27–28; signature, 145; sketch of, 23, 27, 30, 34, 138; stories told by, 68; strychnine purchased by, 31, 32–33, 34, 35, 36, 41, 42, 46–47, 68, 72, 93, 97, 98, 111–12, 113; suspected in Walkup’s illness and death, 40–44, 47, 61; unprepared for housework and marriage, 24–25; viewed as innocent, 52, 54, 60, 61, 73, 75, 88, 100–101, 109, 118; viewed by Greer, 47; viewed by Jay, 83, 85; and Walkup’s estate, 113, 114, 116, 121, 122, 123–24, 127, 151; Walkup’s friends’ background check on, 21–22; and Walkup’s funeral, 49–50; and Walkup’s murder, 29, 31, 112–13 (see also Walkup trial)
Walkup, William, 61
Walkup trial: attendance at, 62–63, 66, 75, 80, 89, 105; attorneys for, 64, 65, 117; author’s views on, 111–13; and the autopsy, 70–71; closing arguments, 105–8; and the defense, 74, 76, 77–83; deliberation, 108–9, 110; Elizabeth Wallace’s testimony, 88, 89–90; hypothetical questions, 71–73, 86; inquest, 51–52; judge, 64; jury instructions, 104–5, 106; jury selection for, 63, 66–67; Minnie’s complaints about, 103, 109; Minnie’s cross-examination, 94–100; Minnie’s demeanor during, 76–77, 90, 100, 106; Minnie’s direct examination, 90–94; Minnie’s testimony, 88; newspaper coverage, 45, 59, 73–74; notoriety of, 45, 50, 61; preparing for, 62–64; prosecution’s case, 67–71, 71–73; rebuttal, 101–2; reporters of, partial to Minnie, 73; song sung about, 100–101; Sunday during, 73–74; transcript of, 63–64, 73–74; verdict, 109–11, 118–19; women attending, 62–63, 80
Wallace, Elizabeth (mother): boarders taken in by (see Wallace House); buried in Forest Home Cemetery, 131, 146; in Chicago, 124, 127; children of, 7; and Cincinnati, 17; death of, 131, 201, 202; departure from Emporia, 115; and Houston’s relationship with Minnie, 3, 57; marriage and divorce of, 7, 8; and Minnie’s financial future, 8; and Minnie’s relationship with Walkup, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 25, 48–49; reactions to Walkup’s death, 48–49; testimony, 88, 89–90, 100; as unlikely coconspirator with Minnie, 29, 48, 89; and the Walkup case, 60–61, 66, 110, 112, 113; Walkup’s friends’ background check on, 21–22; World’s Fair visited by, 16
Wallace, James (father), 22; concerns for daughter, 6, 8, 48; death of, 201; divorce, 7, 8; and Minnie’s paternity, 48; and the Walkup case, 48, 65, 117
Wallace, Mabel Estelle. See Walkup, Minnie Wallace
Wallace, Minnie. See Ketcham, Minnie Wallace Walkup; Walkup, Minnie Wallace
Wallace House, 7, 9–10, 14, 22, 90; sketch of, 8
Walsh, Thomas F., 206–8
Warren, S. S., 102
Watson, Violette, 206–8
Wells Fargo Express, 27, 28, 93
Wheldon, Ben, 38, 39, 41–42, 43, 54
White, Margaret, 170
White, William Allen, 204
Wilde, Oscar, 159
Wilhite, Jefferson, 62, 82–83, 110, 205; and Minnie’s house arrest, 49–50, 59; photograph, 122
Wilhite, Oscar Milton “Mit,” 121, 122–23, 205; photograph, 122
Willis, William “Willie” (cousin): character of, 25; death of, 124; and the fire incident, 40; mentioned, 3, 15, 17, 28, 34; relationship with Minnie, 7; and Walkup, 25, 30, 36, 196; and Walkup’s death, 46, 47, 49, 59, 196; warning against oysters given by, 38, 39
Wilson, Mrs. Augustus, 65, 117
Wilson, Woodrow, 168
Wing, Frank, 128, 159, 162, 174, 186
Wing, Thomas, 150
World’s Columbian Exposition, 124, 127
World’s Fair, 9–10, 16, 21, 65, 124, 150
World’s Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition. See World’s Fair