The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
- Abel, Rudolf
- Abu Ghraib
- Access Hollywood tape
- Acheson, Dean
- active measures (aktivnyye meropriatia)
- AIDS and
- Gorbachev and
- McMahon’s testimony on
- Reagan and
- Soviet
- See also political warfare
- Active Measures Working Group
- Adams, Paul
- Adoula, Cyrille
- Afghanistan
- African Air Force One
- African National Congress
- African-Americans, IRA’s targeting of
- Agency for International Development
- agent of influence
- AIDS, disinformation involving
- Albright, Madeleine
- Alexander I
- Alexander II
- Allen, Richard
- All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage (VChK; Cheka)
- Alsop, Joseph
- America Firsters
- American Communist Party
- American Desk of IRA
- Ames, Aldrich
- Andropov, Yuri
- active measures against CIA from
- death of
- doctrine of deception and
- Hungarian uprising and
- media influence of
- Poland and
- Putin and
- Service A (KGB) and
- Strategic Defense Initiative (“Star Wars”) and
- Angleton, James Jesus
- Ansip, Andrus
- Arab Spring
- Area 1
- Armstrong, Louis
- Assange, Julian
- atomic bombs
- Bailey, Kathleen
- Baker, James A., III
- Balkans
- Baltics. See also Estonia
- Bamboko, Justin
- Bannon, Steve
- Barr, William P.
- Bay of Pigs invasion
- Bedell Smith, Walter
- Belgium, Congo and
- Ben-Gurion, David
- Berlin, Isaiah
- Berlin Airlift
- Berlin Wall
- Bernstein, Carl
- Biden, Joe
- bin Laden, Osama
- Binza group
- Bissell, Richard
- Alsop and
- Congo and
- Council on Foreign Relations and
- Marshall Plan and
- plot against Lumumba and
- as replacement for Wisner
- U-2 missions and
- Black Lives Matter movement
- “Blacktivist” Facebook page
- Bogacheva, Anna
- Bohlen, Charles
- Boland, Edward
- Bolshevik revolution
- Bolton, John
- Bombay Blitz
- Borusewicz, Bogdan
- Braden, Tom
- Breedlove, Philip
- Brennan, John
- Brezhnev, Leonid
- Bronze Soldier
- Bross, John
- Brown, Irving
- Brzezinski, Zbigniew
- assessment of Poland by
- background of
- Carter and
- information warfare and
- Polish workers’ movement and
- Solidarity and
- Buckley, William F.
- Bulgaria
- Bundy, McGeorge
- Bush, George H. W.
- Ford administration and
- foreign policy under
- Gorbachev and
- Iran-Contra scandal and
- Mobutu and
- National Security Planning Group and
- reunification of Germany and
- Bush, George W.
- American decline and
- Iraq and
- on NATO
- Putin and
- second inaugural address of
- Butina, Maria
- Cambone, Steve
- Carlucci, Frank
- Carpenter, J. Scott
- Carter, Jimmy
- covert operations and
- inauguration of
- KGB forgeries and
- Lake and
- Mobutu and
- Poland and
- Casey, William E.
- active measures report and
- Active Measures Working Group and
- Gates and
- John Paul II and
- Kirkland and
- Kuklinskis and
- Mobutu and
- National Security Planning Group and
- Nicaragua and
- Reagan and
- Castro, Fidel
- Catherine the Great
- Cebrowski, Art
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
- approval of Cuban invasion and
- clandestine service of
- Congo and
- covert operations of
- covert-operations directorate of
- creation of
- crippling of
- Department D and
- Dulles and
- Eisenhower’s investigation of
- foreign agents of
- funding of covert operations of
- Indonesia and
- international propaganda and
- Iranian coup and
- media influence of
- misconduct of
- Mobutu and
- paramilitary operations and
- Poland and
- Polish exiles and
- propaganda and
- Soviet Union and
- Sukarno and
- support for Christian Democrats from
- torture by
- “Chance for Peace” speech (Eisenhower)
- Chancellor, John
- Chebrikov, Viktor
- Cheka (All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage; VChK)
- Chekist Day
- chemical warfare
- Cheney, Dick
- Chernenko, Konstantin
- Christian Democrats (Italy)
- Christopher, Warren
- Churchill, Winston
- civil rights movement
- Clapper, James
- Clark, William
- Clausewitz, Carl von
- Clay, Lucius
- Clinton, Bill
- Balkans and
- Estonia and
- foreign policy of
- impeachment of
- NATO expansion and
- reelection of
- support of Yeltsin from
- Tempelsman and
- Ukraine and
- Yeltsin and
- Clinton, Hillary
- conspiracy theories against
- IRA’s opposition to
- Obama and
- presidential campaign of
- Qaddafi and
- Russian cyberattack on
- on Russian elections
- Russian information on
- Russian relations and
- Russian sleepers and
- Coalson, Rob
- Cogan, Charles
- Colby, William
- cold war
- dilemma of
- Kennan’s strategy for
- propaganda and
- start of
- United States victory in
- Collins, James
- color revolutions
- Comey, James
- Committee for State Security (KGB). See KGB (Committee for State Security)
- Communist International (Comintern)
- Congo
- Belgium and
- US military support for
- See also Lumumba, Patrice; Mobutu, Joseph-Désiré
- Congress for Cultural Freedom
- Conover, Willis
- Conrad, Joseph
- Conservative Political Action Conference
- containment
- Contract with America
- contras
- Council on Foreign Relations
- Counterintelligence Staff (CIA)
- Cozy Bear
- Crimea
- Crossfire Hurricane
- CrowdStrike
- Cruz, Ted
- Cuba
- Cummings, Richard H.
- Cushing, Ben
- Cutler, Robert
- cyberwarfare
- Russian use of
- start of
- in Ukraine
- use of in Georgia
- Czech Republic
- after collapse of USSR
- lack of democracy in
- NATO and
- D-Day invasion
- Dead Zone, The (King)
- democratic enlargement
- Democratic National Committee
- cyberattack on
- publication of documents from
- Department D
- Department Ten (Poland)
- Deriabin, Peter
- Deripaska, Oleg
- Devlin, Lawrence R.
- Congo and
- Helms and
- Lumumba and
- Mobutu and
- plot against Lumumba and
- on work with CIA
- Diamond, Larry
- Dillon, C. Douglas
- disinformation
- czars and
- in Georgia
- power of
- in Pravda
- Soviet
- in Ukraine
- See also fake news campaigns; information warfare; propaganda
- distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks
- Dobrynin, Anatoly
- Domińczyk, Miroslaw (Coleslaw)
- Doolittle, Jimmy
- Downer, Alexander
- Dulles, Allen
- CIA support for Christian Democrats and
- Congo and
- Council on Foreign Relations and
- East German uprising and
- Hungarian uprising and
- Indonesia and
- information warfare and
- Iranian coup and
- Khrushchev’s “secret speech” and
- on Lumumba
- media influence of
- National Committee for a Free Europe and
- on NSC
- Poland and
- Poznań uprising and
- Radio Free Europe and
- U-2 missions and
- Dulles, John Foster
- East German uprising and
- Hungarian uprising and
- Kennan and
- on NSC
- Poland and
- Dzerzhinsky, Felix
- East Germany, uprising in. See also Germany, reunification of
- economic inequality
- Edelman, Eric
- Eide, Kai
- Eisenhower, Dwight D.
- Bedell Smith and
- cold war dilemma facing
- on Communism
- Congo and
- Council on Foreign Relations and
- covert operations and
- D-Day invasion and
- East German uprising and
- election of
- at Geneva peace conference
- Hungarian uprising and
- Iranian coup and
- Kennedy and
- Khrushchev and
- National Committee for a Free Europe and
- NATO and
- Poland and
- Polish divisions under
- political assassinations and
- as president
- reelection of
- Russia and
- spending of
- Stalin and
- Third World focus of
- USIA and
- Eisenhower, Milton
- “Eisenhower Doctrine”
- election interference
- in Afghanistan
- in Georgia
- in Italy
- by Russia
- in Russia by Putin
- in Ukraine
- by United States
- in United States
- Ellington, Duke
- Energetic Bear
- espionage/spying
- failure of US
- history of in Russia
- history of in United States
- moles and
- success of communist
- Estonia
- interconnectedness in
- NATO and
- Russian cyberattack on
- Russia’s history with
- ethnic cleansing
- European Union
- expansion of
- Ukraine and
- exceptionalism, doctrine of
- Facebook
- fake news campaigns
- efforts to counter
- Iranian coup and
- by KGB
- Soviet
- See also disinformation; information warfare; propaganda
- Fancy Bear
- fighting power
- Finkel, David
- FireEye
- firepower
- Firtash, Dmytro
- Fischer, David J.
- Flying University
- Flynn, Michael
- Force Publique (Congo)
- Ford, Gerald
- Forden, Dave
- forgeries
- made by CIA
- made by KGB
- Forrestal, James
- Forum World Features
- Free Trade Union Institute
- Freedom Agenda
- Freedom and Independence Movement (WiN)
- FreedomFest
- Galeotti, Mark
- Gang of Eight, briefing on election interference for
- Gareyev, Makhmut
- Gates, Bob
- on Afghanistan’s elections
- Carter and
- NATO and
- Obama and
- on perestroika
- on Poland
- on Russia
- on reunification of Germany
- Russian sleepers and
- Gazprom
- Gdańsk strike
- Georgia
- NATO and
- Rose Revolution in
- Russian attack on
- Gerasimov, Valery
- Germany, reunification of
- Gibney, Frank
- Gierek, Edward
- Gillespie, Dizzy
- Gingrich, Newt
- Giuliani, Rudy
- glasnost
- Godley, G. McMurtrie “Mac”
- Gomulka, Wladyslaw
- Gorbachev, Mikhail
- active measures and
- attempted coup and
- collapse of Soviet Union and
- on failure of communism
- perestroika and
- reunification of Germany and
- Gore, Al
- Gottlieb, Sidney
- Grand Mosque of Mecca, seizure of
- Great Terror
- Grinwis, David
- Group of Seven/Eight
- Grove, Brandon
- GRU (Soviet military intelligence agency)
- Guccifer 2.0
- guerrilla warfare corps
- Guevara, Che
- Gulf War
- Haig, Alexander
- Haldeman, H. R.
- Hamas
- Hamilton, Alexander
- Hammarskjöld, Dag
- Hanssen, Robert
- Harriman, Averell
- Harrop, William C.
- Hashtag Gamers
- Haspel, Gina
- Hastert, Dennis
- Haunted Land, The (Rosenberg)
- Havel, Vaclav
- Hawkins, Adrian
- Hayden, Michael
- “Heart of Texas” Facebook page
- Helms, Richard
- Helsinki Agreement
- Henderson, Loy
- Henze, Paul
- Hewett, Ed
- Hill, Fiona
- Hitler
- Hoare, “Mad Mike”
- Hoffacker, Lewis
- Holbrooke, Richard
- Holiday, Billie
- Holocaust
- Hoover, J. Edgar
- House Foreign Affairs Committee
- House Intelligence Committee
- House Un-American Activities Committee
- Houseman, John
- How Propaganda Works (Stanley)
- Howard, Edward Lee
- Hoyt, Mike
- Hungary
- after collapse of USSR
- lack of democracy in
- NATO and
- uprising in
- Hurd, Will
- Hussein, Saddam
- hydrogen bomb
- Ilves, Toomas Hendrik
- “inauguration of organized political warfare, The” (Kennan)
- Indonesia
- Information KGB
- Information Security Doctrine
- information warfare
- after 9/11
- Putin and
- in Russia
- See also disinformation; fake news campaigns; propaganda
- “Inside Story of the Secret Police and the Party, The”
- Instagram
- International Information Department of the Soviet Communist Party
- International Monetary Fund (IMF)
- Internet Research Agency (IRA)
- Ioffe, Julia
- Iran, coup in
- Iran-Contra scandal
- Iraq
- after 9/11
- lack of US strategy for
- US bombing of
- war in
- Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait
- isolationists
- It Can’t Happen Here (Lewis)
- Italy
- Ivan the Terrible
- Jackson, William H.
- Jade Helm 15
- Janssens, Émile
- Japan, bombing of
- Jaruzelski, Wojciech
- jazz
- John Paul II, Pope (Karol Wojtyla)
- Johnson, Jeh
- Johnson, Lyndon B.
- Johnson, Richard E.
- Johnson, Robert
- Jones, Jim
- Joyce, Robert
- Kalugin, Oleg
- Katanga, secession of
- Kaufman, Michael
- Kennan, Annalise
- Kennan, George F.
- CIA covert operations and
- cold war strategy of
- Council on Foreign Relations and
- on expansion of NATO
- expulsion of from Soviet Union
- information warfare and
- Joyce and
- Khrushchev’s “secret speech” and
- Long Telegram of
- at National War College
- on organized political warfare
- paramilitary operations and
- in Poland
- Radio Free Europe and
- on Soviet spying
- Stalin and
- Kennedy, John F.
- Adoula and
- assassination of
- Bay of Pigs invasion and
- Congo and
- Eisenhower and
- Khrushchev and
- Mobutu and
- presidential campaign of
- on state of intelligence system
- Kennedy, Robert F.
- KGB (Committee for State Security)
- establishment of
- harassment of Americans by
- Poland and
- Putin and
- strategic adjustments of
- Khrushchev, Nikita
- after Poznań uprising
- Eisenhower and
- at Geneva peace conference
- Kennedy and
- Kennedy assassination and
- Lumumba and
- Mao and
- “secret speech” of
- U-2 missions and
- Kilimnik, Konstantin
- Kim Jong-un
- King, Stephen
- Kirkland, Lane
- Kissinger, Henry
- Kiszczak, Czesław
- Koh, Harold Hongju
- Kohl, Helmut
- Kolt, George
- Komer, Robert “Blowtorch”
- kompromat
- KOR (Komitet Obrony Robotników; Workers’ Defense Committee)
- Korean Air Lines Flight 007
- Korean War
- Kosovo
- Kosovo Liberation Army
- Krutskikh, Andrey
- Krylova, Aleksandra
- Kryuchkov, Vladimir
- Ku Klux Klan, Russian fake news using
- Kuchma, Leonid
- Kuklinski, Ryszard
- Kulerski, Viktor
- Kulikov, Viktor
- Kulkarni, Sri Preston
- Kushner, Jared
- Kuwait
- Kux, Dennis
- Lake, Tony
- Latvia
- Latynina, Yulia
- Lavrov, Sergey
- Ledgett, Richard
- Lenczowski, John
- Lenin, Vladimir
- Leningrad
- KGB in
- siege of
- Leopold, King
- Levchenko, Stanislav
- Lewis, Sinclair
- Liberation Committees
- Libya
- Lincoln, Abraham
- Lindsay, Frank
- linguistic forensics
- Lithuania
- Livingston, Robert
- “Long Telegram” (Kennan)
- Loomis, Henry
- Lubyanka
- Lumumba, Patrice
- Lute, Douglas
- Lynn, William
- Madison, James
- Malaysia Airlines Flight MH-17
- Malzahn, Dick
- Manafort, Paul
- Mandela, Nelson
- Manhattan Project
- Manor, Amos
- Mao Tse-Tung
- Marshall, George C.
- Marshall Plan
- Matlock, Jack
- McCain, John
- McCarthy, Joe
- McCarthyites
- McCone, John
- McConnell, Mitch
- McDonald, Larry
- McEachin, Douglas
- McFarlane, Bud
- McIlvaine, Robinson
- McMahon, John
- McNamara, Robert
- Medvedev, Dmitry
- Meehan, Francis
- Melady, Thomas P.
- Merrill, Philip
- Merry, G. Wayne
- Mickelson, Sig
- Middle East
- Arab Spring and
- “Eisenhower Doctrine” and
- promotion of democracy in
- See also individual countries and leaders
- Middle East Partnership Initiative
- Mifsud, Joseph
- Milburn, Jim
- Military-Industrial Courier
- Milošević, Slobodan
- Mindiyarov, Marat
- Mississippi Peace Cruise
- Mitterand, François
- Mobutu, Joseph-Désiré
- CIA support and
- coup and
- death of
- Devlin and
- dissolution of parliament by
- Hoffacker and
- Manafort and
- in power
- US support for
- in Washington
- Modern War Institute
- Mogadishu
- moles
- money-laundering by CIA
- Monk, Thelonious
- Mook, Robby
- Morell, Mike
- Morgan Guaranty Trust
- Morell, Mike
- Mossadegh, Mohammed
- Motorin, Sergei
- Mowatt-Larssen, Rolf
- Mubarak, Hosni
- Mueller, Robert
- Munich Security Conference
- Murphy, Robert D.
- Nagy, Imre
- Najder, Zdzislaw
- Nandaka, Victor
- National Committee for a Free Europe
- National Endowment for Democracy
- National Rifle Association
- National Security Agency (NSA)
- National Security Council (NSC)
- Congo and
- directive on political warfare from
- East German uprising and
- Eisenhower and
- Hungarian uprising and
- on Iran
- Kennan’s policy planning and
- Poznań uprising and
- National Security Planning Group
- National War College
- NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
- Balkans and
- creation of
- expansion of
- G. W. Bush and
- as political warfare
- role of
- Trump on
- war games at
- NATO Expansion Act
- Ndola prison
- Negroponte, John
- New York Times
- on IRA
- Khrushchev’s “secret speech” and
- on Manafort
- on Russian interference
- Newlin, Michael
- Nicaragua
- 9/11 attacks
- 9/11 Commission
- Nixon, Richard M.
- Africa and
- East German uprising and
- Hungarian uprising and
- Lake and
- in Poland
- Poznań uprising and
- presidential campaign of
- North, Oliver
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). See NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
- Northrop Corporation
- Novorossiya (New Russia)
- Nowak, Jan
- NSC 20/4
- NSC 158
- nuclear weapons
- changes due to
- Eisenhower and
- Iran deal and
- proposed ban on
- Reagan administration and
- Stalin and
- “Star Wars” and
- Ukraine and
- Nuland, Victoria
- Oakley, Robert
- Obama, Barack
- Arab Spring and
- hacked email of
- Libya and
- as president
- presidential campaign of
- on Putin
- Russian election interference and
- Russian sleepers and
- Trump’s trolling of
- O’Donnell, Justin
- Okhrana
- Olympics
- Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy
- “Open Skies”
- Open Society Institute
- Operation Armageddon
- Operation Spring
- Orange Revolution
- Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
- “organized terror”
- Palestinian elections
- Panarin, Igor
- Panetta, Leon
- Papadopoulos, George
- Partnership for Peace
- Patrice Lumumba University
- Pelosi, Nancy
- Pelton, Ronald
- Penkovsky Papers, The
- perestroika
- Perlroth, Nicole
- Peter the Great
- Philby, Kim
- Picasso, Pablo
- Podesta, John
- Poindexter, John
- Poland
- CIA’s literary program in
- clandestine broadcasts in
- Conover in
- dissidents in
- economic crisis in
- historical context for
- lack of democracy in
- martial law in
- NATO and
- Nixon in
- Polish workers’ movement and
- Radio Free Europe and
- Soviet military exercises in
- uprising in
- US support for
- USSR collapse and
- polezni durak (useful idiot)
- Polish Communist Party
- political assassinations
- political warfare
- description of
- Kennan on
- NSC directive on
- propaganda and
- United States and
- See also active measures (aktivnyye meropriatia)
- Pomerantsev, Peter
- Popular Front (Italy)
- Potsdam conference
- Powell, Colin L.
- Poznań uprising
- Pravda
- Andropov and
- disinformation in
- Hungarian uprising and
- Stalin at
- Prigozhin, Yevgeny
- Primakov, Yevgeny
- “Program for World Order”
- propaganda
- domestic
- Eisenhower and
- Trump’s use of
- United States and
- See also disinformation; fake news campaigns; information warfare
- Protocols of the Elders of Zion, The
- Putin, Vladimir
- background of
- on blaming of Ukraine
- on color revolutions
- on cyberattacks on Estonia
- election interference in United States and
- election of
- election of after Medvedev
- expansion of NATO and
- fall of Berlin Wall and
- G. W. Bush and
- Gazprom and
- Georgia and
- information warfare and
- on Iraq war
- KGB and
- media crackdown by
- media influence of
- NATO and
- political warfare and
- in power
- as prime minister
- Qaddafi and
- Russian sleepers and
- Skuratov and
- Trump and
- Ukraine and
- on United States
- Pyatt, Geoffrey
- Qaddafi, Muammar
- Radio Free Europe (RFE)
- evolution of
- Gomulka and
- Hungarian uprising and
- Kennan and
- Khrushchev’s “secret speech” and
- KOR and
- martial law and
- Poland and
- Polish workers’ movement and
- reach of
- Radio Liberation/Radio Liberty
- Radio Solidarity
- Raymond, Walter
- Reagan, Ronald
- active measures and
- contras and
- election of
- as FBI informant
- Gorbachev and
- information warfare and
- letter to Brezhnev from
- Mobutu and
- National Security Planning Group and
- Pope John Paul II and
- Radio Free Europe and
- Raymond and
- on Russian methods
- Strategic Defense Initiative (“Star Wars”) and
- Red Scare
- Reich, Otto
- Reid, Harry
- Rettie, John
- Rhodes, Ben
- Rice, Condoleezza
- Rickard, Donald
- Roberts, Owen
- Rockefeller, D.
- Rockefeller, Nelson
- Romania
- Romney, Mitt
- Roosevelt, Franklin D.
- Roosevelt, Kim
- Rose Revolution
- Rosenberg, Tina
- Roundtable group
- Rowan, Carl
- RT
- Rumsfeld, Donald
- Rusk, Dean
- Russia
- cyberattack on Estonia by
- Estonia and
- Italian elections and
- NATO expansion and
- political warfare capabilities of
- privatization scheme in
- sanctions on
- See also Soviet Union; individual leaders
- Ryan, Paul
- Rykov, Konstantin
- Saakashvili, Mikheil
- Salisbury, Harrison
- Salman, Mohammed bin
- Sanchez, Ricardo
- Sanders, Bernie
- Sandinistas
- Sanger, David
- Sarotte, Mary Elise
- Sartre, Jean-Paul
- Savimbi, Jonas
- Savinov, B. A.
- Schmidt, Howard
- Scowcroft, Brent
- secret police, history of
- Senate Intelligence Committee
- September 11 attacks
- Serov, Ivan
- Service A (KGB)
- Shackley, Ted
- Shah Reza Pahlavi
- Shalikashvili, John
- Shelepin, Alexander
- Shevardnadze, Eduard
- Shoigu, Sergei
- Shultz, George
- siloviki
- Simba
- Simons, Thomas W., Jr.
- Skuratov, Yuri
- sleepers, in United States
- Slipchenko, Vladimir
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Smith, Keith
- Smith, William French
- Snowden, Edward
- social media
- Société Générale
- Solidarity movement (Solidarność)
- Solidarity TV
- Soros, George
- “Sources of Soviet Conduct, The” (Kennan)
- South Ossetia
- “Soviet Active Measures”
- “Soviet Active Measures: Forgery, Disinformation, Political Operations”
- Soviet Intelligence Activities: A Report on Active Measures and Propaganda, 1986–87
- Soviet Political Action Working Group
- Soviet Union
- Africa and
- atomic bomb and
- attempted coup in
- collapse of
- Congo and
- espionage and
- forced unity of
- Hungarian uprising and
- hydrogen bomb and
- Iran and
- perestroika and
- Poland and
- reunification of Germany and
- Third World and
- US push back on
- See also Russia; individual leaders
- spear-phishing emails
- Special Group
- Special Warfare School, Fort Bragg
- spetsnaz
- spies. See espionage/spying
- Stalin, Joseph
- atomic bomb and
- background of
- Cheka and
- description of
- Eisenhower and
- Kennan and
- Khrushchev’s denunciation of
- nuclear weapons and
- pact between Hitler and
- Poland and
- start of cold war and
- Truman and
- Stanley, Jason
- Stasi
- StB (Czech intelligence service)
- Steele, Christopher
- Stein, Jill
- Stevenson, Adlai
- Strategic Defense Initiative (“Star Wars”)
- Strauss, Robert
- Sukarno
- Sulzberger, Arthur Hays
- Supreme Council for the Liberation of Ukraine
- SVR (Russian foreign intelligence service)
- Swiatlo, Josef
- Taft, Robert
- “Take the ‘A’ Train” (Ellington)
- Talbott, Strobe
- Taliban
- Tamene, Yared
- Tanner, Steve
- Taylor, William B., Jr.,228
- Tempelsman, Maurice
- terrorism
- Thatcher, Margaret
- Thompson, Llewellyn
- 303 Committee
- Timberlake, Clare
- Translator Department (IRA)
- Trujillo, Rafael
- Truman, Harry S.
- background of
- in Berlin
- bombing of Japan and
- Eisenhower and
- hydrogen bomb and
- Iranian coup and
- Italian political crisis and
- Kennan’s warning to
- NSC 20/4 and
- nuclear weapons and
- Stalin and
- US push back on Soviet Union and
- Trump, Donald
- Access Hollywood tape and
- as agent of influence
- damage done by
- impeachment of
- Mueller investigation and
- presidential campaign of
- Putin and
- on Russian interference
- Russian support for
- withholding of Ukrainian aid by
- Trump, Donald, Jr.
- Tshombe, Moise
- Turner, Stansfield
- Twentieth Congress of the Soviet Communist Party
- Twitter
- U-2 spy planes
- Ukraine
- change in Republican platform regarding
- covert CIA operation in
- independence of
- NATO and
- Orange Revolution in
- Putin and
- Trump’s pressuring of
- US foreign policy and
- Ukraine Communications Task Force
- United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America
- United Russia Party
- United States
- CIA surveillance within
- Congo and
- exporting of democracy by
- IRA mission and
- political warfare capabilities of
- political warfare of against US citizens
- presidential election of 2008 in
- presidential election of 2016 in
- propaganda efforts of
- Putin’s assessment of
- Russian spies in
- sleepers in
- Soviet spies in
- state of democracy in
- See also individual presidents
- United States Information Agency (USIA)
- Velvet Revolution
- Vietnam, as political war
- Virden, Richard
- Voice of America (VOA)
- Vorobyev, Ivan
- Voronin, Boris
- voter suppression
- Wałęsa, Lech
- on lack of progress
- Poland’s joining NATO and
- Solidarity movement and
- Walker, John, Jr.
- Walters, Vernon
- war, changes in nature of
- “War of the Worlds” broadcast
- war on terror
- Warsaw Pact
- Warsaw Uprising
- Webster, William
- Weinberger, Caspar
- Welles, Orson
- Whitney, John Hay
- Wick, Charles
- WikiLeaks
- WiN (Freedom and Independence Movement)
- Wisner, Frank
- background of
- as chief of covert operations
- East German uprising and
- as emissary to Marshall Plan administrators
- Hungarian uprising and
- Indonesia and
- Iranian coup and
- Poland and
- propaganda and
- Radio Free Europe and
- Ukraine operation and
- Wisner, Frank G.
- Wisner, Polly
- Wojtyla, Cardinal Karol (Pope John Paul II)
- Workers’ Defense Committee (Komitet Obrony Robotników; KOR)
- World Peace Council
- World War I
- World War II
- Wörner, Manfred
- Wyszynski, Stefan Cardinal
- Yanukovych, Viktor
- Yazov, Dmitry
- Yeltsin, Boris
- Balkans and
- Clinton and
- Clinton’s support for
- dissolution of legislature by
- economy under
- NATO expansion and
- Putin and
- reelection of
- reunification of Germany and
- Ukraine and
- Wörner and
- YouTube
- Yugoslavia
- Yushchenko, Viktor
- Zahedi, Fazlullah
- Zelensky, Volodymyr
- Zhukov, Georgy
- Zimmermann, Warren
- Zygar, Mikhail