Chapter 4

Short Passages

As noted in Chapter 2, short passages consist of about 160 words in one to two short paragraphs, usually with one to three associated questions. If you struggle with pacing on the GRE, you might want to do a quick preview of the number of questions associated with a given passage. If it's only one, you might be able to afford skipping or skimming that passage. Previewing also helps you to know what to pay special attention to while reading the passage.

To approach short passages, recall the seven principles of active, efficient reading:

  1. Engage with the passage.
  2. Look for the simple story.
  3. Link to what you already know.
  4. Unpack the beginning.
  5. Link to what you have just read.
  6. Pay attention to signals.
  7. Pick up the pace.

Imagine that you are taking the GRE and up pops a new RC passage. How do you apply these reading principles? Let us imagine two scenarios:

Positive scenario: You are feeling good about your performance on the GRE overall and on the Verbal section in particular. You are on pace or even ahead of pace. You are focused and energetic. Even better, the passage is about killer whales—and you happen to have majored in marine biology, a subject close to your heart.

Negative scenario: You are feeling anxious about your performance on the GRE overall and on the Verbal section in particular. You are short on time. You are tired and scatterbrained. Making matters even worse, the passage is about killer whales—and you happen to hate biology. You even dislike the ocean.

In the positive scenario, it will be easy for you to apply the seven principles. You love the subject, you already know something about it, and you are in good shape on the exam. In this case, what you should do is simply read the passage. Enjoy it as you quickly digest it; simply be sure not to bring in outside knowledge. In the positive scenario, you can read the passage rapidly, easily, and effectively, and you can then move to answering the questions, a subject that will be covered later in this book.

The negative scenario might happen to you during the GRE. In fact, it is likely that you will be stressed at least some of the time during the exam. Moreover, even in the best of circumstances, you might find that only one or two passages fall on your home turf of topics. The others will probably be unfamiliar territory. In addition, the GRE makes otherwise interesting passages as boring and tedious as possible by using dry, clinical language and overloading the passages with details.

So how do you apply the seven principles in the negative scenario, that is, when the passage is unfriendly and you are stressed out?

Don't Just Read, Do Something!

The temptation will be simply to read the passage and then jump into the questions. The problem with this approach is that your grasp of the passage will be superficial. Moderately difficult questions will trick or stump you. You will have to reread the passage nonsystematically. In fact, you might even answer every question without feeling that you ever understood this passage!

When the passage is unfriendly, you should NOT just read it!

There is a better way. Students use three general methods to learn something new:

  1. They read, as when they read a college textbook (or this guide).
  2. They write, as when they take notes during a college lecture.
  3. They listen, as during a lecture in a college course.

You can build your comprehension more quickly and effectively—especially when the passage is unfriendly—by using more than one learning method. Under normal circumstances, you cannot have someone read the passage aloud to you, nor can you read the passage aloud to yourself (although you might benefit from mouthing it or quietly mumbling to yourself). Thus, you should make use of writing, which activates a second learning process that facilitates comprehension.

Identifying and writing down key elements of the passage will force you to read actively as opposed to passively. If you write in the right way, your comprehension of unfriendly passages will improve dramatically. Indeed, you should develop a writing strategy for every passage during practice, because you need that strategy to be robust under all circumstances.

Of course, it is not possible to rewrite an entire passage in the time allocated for Reading Comprehension questions. But even writing and summarizing key elements will help you understand the structure and content of a passage while saving you time for questions.

Now, what you write during the GRE must be different from other kinds of notes you have taken (e.g., during a college lecture). In college, you take notes in order to study from them later. In contrast, you take notes during the GRE in order to create comprehension right there and then. This is a very different goal. In fact, you should take notes that, in theory, you could crumple up and throw away before answering any questions, if you were forced to. Why take notes, then? To force your mind to carry out the Seven Principles of Active, Effective Reading—not to study for some later test. So you must fundamentally change your approach to taking notes.

You are looking for the simple story of the passage. You do not want much detail! Imagine that you have limited ink and need to create an outline of the story. What is so important that you're willing to spare some precious ink to jot it down?

When you encounter a short passage, create a Headline List of the passage during your first reading.

A Headline List serves two main purposes:

  1. It provides a general structure and overall understanding without getting you bogged down in details.
  2. It promotes a fast first reading of a passage that still gives you enough time to answer questions.

The Headline List

To create a Headline List, follow these steps:

1. A headline summarizes the main idea of a newspaper article. Likewise, your Headline List should summarize or indicate the main idea of each paragraph.

Most paragraphs have one topic sentence. Generally, the topic sentence is the first or second sentence, although it can also be a combination of the two.

Read the first sentence or two of the first paragraph. Identify the topic sentence and summarize it concisely on your scratch paper in the form of a headline. Use either the Text It to Me style or the Table of Contents style (a headline of five words or fewer). If you cannot identify a topic sentence, then your headline should summarize the main idea or purpose of the paragraph in your own words.

2. Read the rest of the paragraph with an eye for big surprises and results.

As you read the rest of the paragraph, briefly summarize anything else that is very important or surprising in the paragraph. Often, this will consist of jotting down just a word or two. You may not add anything to the original topic sentence if the paragraph fits neatly within the scope of that sentence.

3. If there is a second paragraph, follow the same process.

Each paragraph may introduce a whole new idea. Therefore, your approach to any second paragraph should be the same as with the first paragraph. As you create your Headline List, relate the headlines to each other.

How much do you read before stopping to take notes? It depends. If the passage is really tough, slow down and go sentence by sentence. If the passage is easier and you think you are getting it, read more (even a whole paragraph) before taking notes on that chunk. Stopping to take notes can take you out of the “flow.” At the same time, you should force yourself to stop periodically and consider adding to your Headline List.

4. Once you have finished the passage, identify the passage's Point.

After you have finished reading the passage and creating the Headline List, make sure you know what the Point of the passage is. If it is not in your Headline List already, be sure to add it. Then, label or mark the Point, so that you articulate it to yourself. Now proceed to the first question.

Common Notations

To create your Headline List as quickly as possible, consider the following notations:

  1. Abbreviate long terms, particularly proper nouns.
  2. Use arrows (e.g., images) to indicate cause-effect relationships or changes over time.
  3. If a passage contains speakers, writers, points of view, arguments, etc., keep them organized by placing the person with the opinion before a given opinion with a colon. For example, if a passage says that historians believe that economic interests led to the outbreak of war, you might write: H: econ int images war.
  4. If you write down examples, mark them with parentheses or “Ex.” For example: Insects = inflexible (wasp).
  5. Number each paragraph. Paragraph breaks are important to remember.

You will have your own notetaking style. For instance, if you are a visual thinker, you may draw pictures or use graphs to show relationships. Regardless of the notations you use, practice them and keep them consistent.

Using Your Headline List

How do you use your Headline List to answer questions about the passage?

Timing for Short Passages

To determine how much time to spend on a passage, use this as a rule: you have about 1.5 minutes per Reading Comprehension question, total. The total number of minutes includes time for reading the passage, creating a Headline List, and answering all the questions. So, if a short passage has two questions associated with it, you would have roughly 3 minutes to read and sketch the short passage and then answer the two associated questions.

Out of this 3-minute period, you should spend approximately 1.5 minutes reading the passage and generating your Headline List. Then you should spend an average of 45 seconds actually answering each question. You should try to answer General questions in about 30 seconds. Specific questions will be more time-consuming, since they demand that you review the text of the passage. You should allocate up to 60 seconds for any Specific question.

You can best learn to create Headline Lists with repeated practice. Study the model below, then do the Problem Set exercises. Later, for more practice, create Headline Lists for passages from the ETS Guide.

Model Short Passage: Insect Behavior

Insect behavior generally appears to be explicable in terms of unconscious, inflexible stimulus-response mechanisms. For instance, a female sphex wasp leaves her egg sealed in a burrow alongside a paralyzed grasshopper, which her larvae can eat upon hatching. Before she deposits the grasshopper in the burrow, she inspects the burrow; if the inspection reveals no problems, she drags the grasshopper inside by its antennae. As thoughtful as this behavior appears, it reveals its mechanistic character upon interference. Darwin discovered that prior removal of the grasshopper's antennae prevents the wasp from depositing the grasshopper, even though the legs or ovipositor could also serve as handles. Likewise, Fabre moved the grasshopper a few centimeters away from the burrow's mouth while the wasp was inside inspecting. The wasp returned the grasshopper to the edge of the burrow and then began a new inspection. Fabre performed this disruptive maneuver forty times; the wasp's response never changed.

Model Headline List: Insect Behavior

Insect behav. = unconsc. stim/resp. = inflexible        ← Point

— Ex: wasp

D: w. won't drag g. w/o ant.

F: endless cycle

The Headline List summarizes the topic sentence of the paragraph, and the example is briefly listed. Likewise, the two experiments are simply bullet points. Note that single letters can stand for whole words (w = wasp, g = grasshopper). Remember that you are not taking notes that you need to study from later!

In this example, the Point of the passage is the first sentence of the paragraph. The rest of the passage is Support for the Point.

Problem Set

1. Read the following passage and create a Headline List within 2.5–3 minutes (note that this is a bit more time than you'll want to spend on the actual exam). After answering the questions below the passage, compare your Headline List to the sample in the answer key. How well did your Headline List succeed in pushing you to read actively? How well did it capture the simple story of the passage without getting bloated with details?

Passage: Arousal and Attraction

In 1974, psychologists Dutton and Aron discovered that male subjects who had just crossed a precarious wire-suspension bridge reacted to an attractive female interviewer differently than subjects who had instead crossed a low, solid bridge. Specifically, in response to a questionnaire that secretly measured sexual arousal, subjects from the wire-suspension bridge revealed significantly more sexual imagery than the others; moreover, a far greater fraction of wire-suspension subjects than of solid-bridge subjects contacted the interviewer afterward. Dutton and Aron explained their results in terms of misattribution. In their view, subjects crossing the wobbly bridge experienced physiological fear reactions, such as increased heart rate. Such reactions with ambiguous or suppressed causes are easily reinterpreted, in the presence of a potential partner, as sexual attraction. However, Foster and others later found that an unattractive interviewer is actually perceived as much less attractive by subjects physiologically aroused by fearful situations. Thus, the arousal is reinterpreted either as attraction or as repulsion, but in either case, the true cause is masked.

2. What is the Point of this passage? Justify your choice.

3. Identify the other components of the passage, if present: Background, Support, and Implications. Again, justify your assignments.

4. Based on the passage, which of the following could be reasonably assumed about passengers of a particularly turbulent flight? Select all that apply.

images They would be likely to misattribute the cause of a sexual attraction they felt to a fellow passenger during a lull in turbulence.

images They would be likely to misattribute the cause of a sexual attraction they felt to a fellow passenger a few days after the flight.

images They would be more likely to find themselves viscerally disgusted by a baggage handler at their arrival gate whom they typically would have found merely unappealing.

5. Read the following passage and create a Headline List in 1.5 minutes. After answering the questions below the passage, compare your Headline List to the sample in the answer key and provide critiques.

Passage: Animal Treatment

In the early nineteenth century, educated Britons came to accept the then-novel notion that animals must be treated humanely, as evidenced by the outlawing of certain forms of domestic animal abuse, as well as the founding of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in 1824. This trend may be regarded as part of a broader embrace of compassionate ideals, such as abolitionism and alleviation of poverty. For instance, in 1785 a Society for the Relief of Persons Imprisoned for Small Sums persuaded Parliament to restrict that archaic punishment, and similar societies focused on various issues of humane treatment emerged around this time. However, a deeper explanation should be traced to socioeconomic conditions related to ongoing industrialization. Those protesting cruelty to animals were city-dwellers who viewed animals as pets rather than as livestock, despite the ubiquity of horse transport. In fact, nature was no longer considered menacing, since society's victory over wilderness was conspicuous. Animals were to some extent romanticized as emblems of a bucolic, pre-industrial age.

6. What is the Point of this passage? Justify your choice.

7. Identify the other components of the passage, if present: Background, Support, and Implications. Again, justify your assignments.

8. Based on the passage, which of the following is true about the first few decades of the 19th century? Select all that apply.

images English society was becoming more compassionate towards some oppressed animals and humans.

images England was entering a more bucolic age of industry.

images Some viewed industrialization as a victory over wilderness.

9. Select the sentence that, according to the author, would best explain the early 19th-century trends towards more humane treatment of animals.

1. Arousal and Attraction—Headline List

Psychs D+A:
—Wire bridge: aroused → attr.
Expl: misattrib. physiol. fear AS attractn.
BUT actually: attr. OR repuls. masks the cause     ← Point

2. The Point of the passage is in the last sentence: Thus, the arousal is reinterpreted either as attraction or as repulsion, but in either case, the true cause is masked. The author is taking a little stand here. Everything in the passage leads up to this Point.

3. The paragraph is all Background and Support, leading up to the Point at the end.

4. This is a Select-one-or-more question that asks you to extrapolate from the bridge example to an example involving an airplane. This isn't nearly as complicated as it sounds, as a turbulent flight would be almost exactly like crossing a wobbly bridge.

(A) CORRECT. This example is analogous to the one given in the passage. A passenger on a turbulent flight would still likely be experiencing “physiological fear reactions” even during a lull in the turbulence. This physiological arousal can be “reinterpreted either as attraction or repulsion,” so any feeling of attraction is likely to be caused by the fear reaction.

(B) The passage stresses the manner in which the researchers interviewed subjects immediately after crossing the bridge, when the “physiological fear reactions” were still fresh. A few days after a turbulent flight, passengers would be unlikely to continue to experience those reactions.

(C) CORRECT. This example is analagous to the one given in the passage. A passenger coming off of a turbulent flight would likely still be experiencing “physiological fear reactions,” which you are told can cause repulsion as easily as attraction. The passage states that an “unattractive interviewer is actually perceived as much less attractive by subjects physiologically aroused by fearful situations.”

5. Animal Treatment—Headline List

19th c.: Educ B's: animal cruelty = bad
Why: Part of broader embrace of compassn. Ex's     ← Point
Deeper Why: Industzn → citydwellers     ← Point
—Nature romantic

6. The Point here is complicated; it needs to be synthesized from key ideas spread throughout the paragraph. The main message of the author can be written thus:

19th c. British rejection of cruelty to animals was part of a broader embrace of compassion, but actually stemmed from a romanticization of nature by city dwellers.

7. The paragraph begins with Background (rejection of animal cruelty), then moves to Support (causes of this rejection).

8. This is a Select-one-or-more question asking about the beginning of the 19th century. The passage mentions a few dates, all of which will be useful in determining what was true at the dawn of the 19th century.

(A) CORRECT. The passage states that, in the early 19th century, some “forms of domestic animal abuse” were outlawed and society was also embracing “abolitionism and alleviation of poverty” (both of which are aimed at humans).

(B) The last sentence says that in the 19th century, animals became emblems of a “bucolic, pre-industrial age.” The point is that that bucolic age was coming to an end at this time. England was not “entering” that age.

(C) CORRECT. The author's “deeper explanation” relates the trends to “ongoing industrialization,” as city-dwellers came to view animals more as pets. The passage then states that “nature was no longer menacing, since society's victory over wilderness was conspicuous.” Society, in this context, is the city-dwellers who are living a more “industrialized” life.

9. This is another Select-in-Passage question asking for examples. The second sentence states, “This trend may be regarded as part of a broader embrace of compassionate ideals, such as abolitionism and alleviation of poverty.” This sentence provides one possible explanation, but the author presents a “deeper explanation” later on. “However, a deeper explanation should be traced to socioeconomic conditions related to ongoing industrialization,” is the correct sentence.