This book exists because my editor, Liz Szabla, pushed me to write it. And I’m so grateful she did, because as I wrote this story, it forced me to really think about my childhood. And that was something I rarely did. I believed it was dark and painful and ugly and sad. But in between those things, there were beautiful moments. There were hopeful moments. There were moments of small victories and deep laughs. Chi-miigwech, Liz, for letting the light in.

Miigwech to my agent, Rosemary Stimola, for believing in my books, and Adriana’s books, and I hope you’re still agenting when Wolf writes his first book, so you can believe in his too. Gizaagi’in.

Miigwech to nimaamaa (my mom), Betty, for proving to the world that even the impossible is possible. You were a young Native American woman who raised three kids on your own. We had nothing but each other. And no matter how hard it got—you never gave up. You’re the strongest person I have ever known. Miigwech for being my mother, father, teacher, best friend, and someone I will forever look up to. Gizaagi’in.

Thank you to my beautiful wife, Adriana Mather, for being the best human being and aki’ waakaa’igewinini (world builder) I have ever met. I don’t know how a kid from the gutter like me struck gold and got an amazing girl like you. You make me happy every day. And I hope to one day be as good of a writer as you are. I love you. Always have. Always will. And to my beautiful son, Ma’iingan (Wolf). The day you were born is the day I finally figured out my purpose in life. It’s you. You’re my purpose. I’m so happy you chose me to be your papa. Gizaagi’in.

Miigwech to indinawemaaganidog (all of my relatives) including my Anishinaabe ancestors for doing what you did to allow me to be here today. I know it wasn’t easy. And I will do all I can to make sure the next generations of our people have a better earth to live in.

Miigwech Jean Feiwel and everyone at Feiwel & Friends. Thank you everyone at Macmillan. Thank you to all the authors who have supported my journey: Adriana Mather, Nic Stone, Jennifer Niven, Kit Vincent, Bridget Hodder, and A.S. King.

And lastly, miigwech to all the librarians, teachers, indie bookstore owners, and readers out there who love stories and devote their lives to sharing and spreading books to as many children as possible. Without you, there are no more books. And without books, there are no more bridges, open windows, or secret doors to other worlds.