Chapter Fifteen


Eli’s comment made Bellamy laugh as she finished opening his shirt, then went to work on his belt buckle, the pink tip of her tongue caught between her front teeth like the contraption required a lot of concentration and dexterity.

Tugging his shirt loose, she peeked around him to check on the fire, giving him a brief glimpse of the practical Bellamy before the sex kitten returned to ease her fingers beneath the waistband of his briefs and grasp his cock.

He let out a very undignified—definitely unmanly—high-pitched noise. “Fuck, cold!”

She jerked her hand away, grimacing. “I’m sorry. Did I kill your hard-on?”

Eli chuckled. “Caused it to shrink a little.” Her cheeks turned red before she buried her face in his lap, which made his dick perk right back up. “Don’t be embarrassed, Bell. Just a sudden shock, that’s all.” He squeezed her with his legs. “I bet something warm and wet would make him rock hard again in no time.”

That earned him a bite on the inside of his thigh. “Subtle.”

“I’m about as subtle as a two-by-four to the back of the head.”

Rubbing her hands over his legs to warm them up first, she reached for his jeans again. This time she tugged them lower on his hips and out of her way, tucking his briefs beneath his balls. Instead of grasping his cock, she licked him from root to tip, blowing warm breath over the damp trail she left behind. Her fingers joined the mix, tentative at first, giving him what he wanted in gradual doses. They slid around the base to finally form a fist of heat. No chill at all, just pressure on the surface while the raw lust in her eyes and the promise of her mouth made it build between his hips.

“I love your cock,” she said, bold despite the color that climbed her throat. Something told him Bellamy Haile had never been so brave and shameless with the dirty talk.

“What do you love about it?” he asked, pushing against her self-imposed boundaries. He groaned when she squeezed him, hand sliding down to circle the root.

“How soft the skin is. How hard you get for me. The size. You’re big.”

“Your biggest?” his ego demanded.

“Yes,” she said, gaze flicking up to meet his briefly.

He wanted to be the best sex she’d ever had, ruin her for any other man.

It felt as if she was moving in slow motion and the air around them became shifting steam on his skin. Just the whisper of her breath was almost too much to take, the reverent way she looked at him. He watched her lips part, her jaw soften as she eased her mouth over him, but he realized uncertainty might be the cause of her measured actions. Could be that she was nervous too, if the rapid pulse fluttering in the hollow of her throat was any indication.

What she didn’t know was she could do no wrong here. That she made him forget every woman who came before her. God knew there’d been a lot of ’em. He’d received his first blowjob at fifteen from a girl three years older. He’d heard it said that your first is always the best, or at the very least, a gauge by which you would measure all others. It was a lie. Every single sex memory he had that didn’t involve Bellamy Haile went up in smoke the moment she closed her lips around him and took him to the back of her throat in a slow, wet glide.

Eli gritted his teeth and wrapped his hands around the cold chains, needed something solid to ground him. Fighting against the urge to whimper or beg, her mouth felt so amazing. And because he couldn’t reach for her instead. Again, probably a good thing because he would likely take over, get bossy and ruin her fantasy.

Her tongue traced his cock as if it were a map—the veins down the underside of his shaft, the flared ridge, the sensitive slit in the tip. That last place made his balls tighten and his hips lift into the unhurried pulls of her warm mouth. When she changed course and sucked him hard, a low groan worked its way up from the soles of his feet.

“So good.” Silky black hair fell across part of her face, blocking his view of her eyes. Something he needed to see. “Move your hair for me, darlin’.”

She released him with a wet pop that spiked his arousal in an awfully filthy way, and tucked her hair behind her ears. “It won’t stay,” she murmured, her gaze still trained on her hand as she continued to stroke his cock, up and down, her fist tight, just as he liked it. When a drop of fluid welled at the tip, she caught it with her thumb, basting him.

Eli was so close to coming already he had to bite the inside of his cheek to temper the need. The pace she’d set was perfect though, keeping him right on the edge without shoving him over too fast. Tied up or not, Bellamy on her knees for him, enacting a fantasy, had to be one of the hottest things he’d experienced with her to date. Maybe the hottest. Certainly something to be savored, not rushed.

But then her mouth was on him again, sliding down, making his shaft slick for her hand to follow as she worked her way back up. A few more deep passes and she pressed her tongue into the hypersensitive spot where cap met shaft, lifting her beautiful green eyes to his. Heat raced down his spine, pooled in his groin, spreading between his hipbones in warning.

“I’m close,” he said, giving her a chance to decide whether to move or stay. Eli knew what he wanted, but he was a greedy bastard and didn’t expect her to necessarily agree with that choice.

Her grip on his cock tightened while she worked her other hand beneath his balls, cupping their weight in the warmth of her palm, applying just enough pressure for him to feel it at the base of his skull. Using two fingers, she rubbed the patch of nerves behind his sac, then took him deep and swallowed around him.

“Oh, fuck.”

He was done. His control shattered. Orgasm tore through him, making his muscles rigid and his vision darken as he spilled across her tongue. Watching her cheeks hollow and her eyelids flutter down was like tossing gasoline on the lit fire behind him. Pleasure doubled in on itself, tripled into a shockwave, before sweeping one last time through his body, draining him dry.

Eli let his head drop back, closed his eyes for a moment while his heartbeat slowed, and inhaled deeply, catching the smell of the fire, and beneath that, the sweet, mouthwatering scent of Bellamy’s arousal. Her chin was resting on his knee when he opened his eyes.

Goddamn, I’m a goner.

She smiled softly, licked at her lush bottom lip. “If you make a protein joke right now, I will thump you in the balls.”

Laughter burst from his chest, loud enough to bounce off the walls of the kitchen. “You kinda did it for me, sugar.”

She laughed too, rubbing her forehead against his thigh. Some of her hair brushed his drying cock and tickled the skin of his lower belly, reminding him that he was still at her mercy. Also, she had to be unbearably turned-on and in need of relief herself.


Her head rolled on his leg as she looked up at him through the dark fall of her hair, the flush on her cheeks a telltale sign that he was correct in his assumption. “Hmm?”

“How wet are you right now?”

“Very,” she said on a sigh.

“Prove it.”

She stood, brushed off her bruised knees and straddled his lap again. First, she kissed him, pressing her breasts to his chest and threading her fingers through his hair. Well, really it was more like she devoured his mouth. Thrusting her tongue past his lips, she swept it over his. Her tiny whimper of longing made him ache to touch her, fill her body with his and spend the night there. Days even. Weeks, months, years. Buried inside her.

From his mouth, she moved to his jaw, his ear, shoving his shirt out of her way to bite at the sensitive spot where his neck met his shoulder. He had to be scorching her lips because she was burning him alive.

“Show me, Bell,” he said, reminding her of what he wanted to see, smell, taste.

The look on her face was slightly dazed when she drew back. “I’m afraid if I touch myself, I’ll come.”

Eli nodded eagerly. “Yes, do that. But not before you let me have a taste first.”

She bit his bottom lip. “God, you’re so bad.”

“Be bad with me, darlin’. Touch yourself. Or unchain me and I’ll do it.”

“Not yet.”

“Has the really dirty fantasy been fulfilled?”

“Not entirely.”

“Okay then. Until we get there, give me one of mine.”

With a shaky sigh, she slid her hand inside her panties. He knew the second she touched her clit by the way her eyelids went heavy and her mouth fell open. Eli couldn’t decide where to train his gaze, her face or where her fingers moved behind that veil of pink satin. So he tried to do both.

The wet sounds she invoked made his head spin with lust. Blood poured into his cock in hot pulses. Then she withdrew her hand and he opened his mouth for her to slide two damp fingers between his lips. Her taste exploded across his tongue—sweet, salty and all Bellamy. It coursed through him like an illicit drug, making his heart race. He sucked the digits clean, but pinned them in place with a careful bite so she couldn’t withdraw from his mouth.

She plunged her free hand back inside her underwear, and this time she wasn’t timid or lazy. Any remaining shyness evaporated as she gave in to the urge and began to stroke her pussy with purpose. Straight white teeth dug tiny divots in her bottom lip. Her head tipped back while she rode the sensations toward their natural end.

To help get her there, Eli kept up the assault on her fingertips, wishing instead that it was her nipples or clit. Between their bodies, his cock throbbed, ready again, aching to be buried to the hilt inside her. To feel her warm sheath clench around his length as she came. It would happen soon enough.

Her jaw tensed on a moan, then her eyes met his, liquid and full of fire. He let her fingers slip from his mouth. She pitched forward, kissing him hard, and he swallowed her soft whimpers. A hand tangled in his hair, fisting it enough to sting, her stuttering breaths gusting over his lips and chin.

“Fuck, that was hot,” he said, as breathless as her.

“I’ve never done it before.”

He moved his head so she had to look at him. “What, got yourself off in front of someone?”

She nodded.

“Damn honored to be your first, honey.”

“You have a way of breaking down my walls.”

“That good or bad?”

“It’s very good.” A softer kiss and she slid off his lap. “I’m going to throw another log on the fire. It’s dying down some.”

“Then you’ll free me?” he asked as she pulled the robe back over her shoulders and walked past him.

“You don’t need me to get free.”