
A few weeks ago, Adam wouldn’t have dreamed he’d be able to do this. He stood near the pulpit in the church, waiting his turn to speak at the dedication of the new window.

He hadn’t thought he could even look at the window, but now his heart was drawn toward Tory’s beautiful creation. The dolphin rose from the sea, even more dramatic seen as it should be, with the sunlight behind it and the colors streaming across the faces of the people he loved.

His brother, his cousins, their spouses and children—every Caldwell had come. His heart swelled as he looked at his father sitting next to Uncle Clayton. They’d taken another faltering step in finding a relationship, sitting together in church for the first time since they were boys. The joy in Gran’s face was almost too intense to behold.

Music from the organ filled the sanctuary until it seemed the walls must breathe with it. Soon the organist would finish, and it would be his turn to speak. He’d have to talk about Lila.

He could, now. Loving Tory had let him find his way to forgiveness and peace.

Tory sat in the front row, between Mona and his daughter. The engagement ring he’d given her sparkled in the light from the window, and it occurred to him how appropriate that was. The window had brought Tory back to him.

They’d settled so many things in the last few weeks. Tory would continue to create her stained glass in the larger studio he was building where she could have both a workroom and a display area. She’d travel when she had to, but most of the time she’d be on the island, where she belonged.

His heart filled with thankfulness as he looked at her serene profile. God had given them such a precious gift in their love for each other.

Tory turned her head, her gaze seeking his, and gave him a small, private smile. For an instant some trick of the light turned her into the young girl in the white dress with stars in her eyes.

His Cinderella. He’d found her and lost her fifteen years ago, but when the time was right, God had brought her home to him at last.