

  1. Ability praise
  2. ABL Connect (Harvard University)
  3. Active learning
  4. Activity-based learning; principle for envisioning
  5. Agarwal, P. K.
  6. Aleven.
  7. Ambrose, S. A.
  8. Angelo, T. A.
  9. Animal Farm (Orwell)
  10. Aristotle
  11. Art of Changing the Brain: Enriching the Practice of Teaching by Exploring the Biology of Learning (Zull)
  12. Assumption College (Worcestor, Massachusetts)
  13. “Astronomy Picture of the Day” (NASA)
  14. Atkinson, R. K.


  1. Backward fading
  2. Badura Brack, A. S.
  3. Bain, K.
  4. Bain, Patrice
  5. Banerjee, A.
  6. Banning, M.
  7. Barnard College
  8. Bassok, M.
  9. Bean, J. C.
  10. Bjork, R. A.
  11. Blazer, A.
  12. Blocked class sessions versus interleaved class sessions
  13. Blockers
  14. Bloom, Benjamin
  15. Bloom, K. C.
  16. Bloom's taxonomy
  17. Bowen, Jose
  18. Bridges, M.
  19. Brown, P. C.
  20. Bruff, D.
  21. Burns, Robert
  22. Butin, D.
  23. Butler, A. C.


  1. Carey, B.
  2. Carnegie Mellon University
  3. Carnes, M.
  4. Carpenter, S. K.
  5. Cavanagh, Sarah
  6. Chambliss, D. F.
  7. Chi, M.T.H.
  8. Chiu, J.
  9. Chiu, M. H.
  10. Chronicle of Higher Education
  11. Classroom Assessment Technique (Angelo and Cross)
  12. Clergyman's Daughter (Orwell)
  13. Clicker predictions
  14. Closing predictions
  15. Columbia University
  16. Comprehension, monitored
  17. Concept maps
  18. Cong.
  19. Connecting: and concept maps; and facilitating connections; introduction to; and leveraging peer learning power; and minute thesis; models for; principles of; and providing framework; small teaching quick tips; in theory; and what do you already know (and what do you want to know?)
  20. Contagious fire
  21. Cornelius, T. L.
  22. Cross, K. P.
  23. Cultural attitudes/behaviors
  24. Cumulative learning


  1. DeLeeuw.
  2. DiPietro, M.
  3. Discussion in the College Classroom (Howard)
  4. D'Mello, S.
  5. Duckworth, A.
  6. Dufflo, E.
  7. Dweck, C.


  1. Effort praise
  2. Engaging Ideas: The Professional's Guide to Integrating Writing, Critical Thinking, and Active Learning in the Classroom
  3. Entity theorists
  4. Expanding: and activity-based learning; and games and simulations; introduction to; models, principles, and resources for; resources for; and service learning; small teaching quick tips for; and Twitter; Web resources for
  5. Expectancies
  6. Explanations
  7. Extrinsic motivators, intrinsic motivators versus


  1. Faculty Focus (Magna Publications; Website)
  2. Faculty Focus (website)
  3. Far transfer
  4. Finken, L. L.
  5. First-Year Learning Initiative (Northern Arizona University)
  6. Flipped classroom


  1. Games and simulations; principle for
  2. Games$+$Learning$+$Society institute (University of Wisconsin)
  3. Glaser, R.
  4. Gooblar, David
  5. Google
  6. Goucher College
  7. Gregory, S.
  8. Growing: and communicate for growth; and design for growth; and feedback for growth; and give growth-language feedback; and growth talk; introduction to; models; principles of; and promote success strategies; and reward growth; small teaching quick tips for; in theory
  9. Gruneberg, M.


  1. Hare, Dorothy (fictional character)
  2. Harvard University Press
  3. Haselhuhn, M. P.
  4. Henderson, M.
  5. How College Works (Chambliss and Takacs)
  6. How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based
  7. How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching (Ambrose, Bridges, DiPietro, Lovett, and Norman)
  8. How We Learn (Carey)
  9. Howard, Jay
  10. Hoyle, J.


  1. Incremental theorists
  2. Inference rules
  3. Inspiration
  4. Interleaved class sessions, blocked class sessions versus
  5. Interleaving: and block AND interleave; and cumulative learning; and explaining and supporting; introduction to; and keeping it small and frequent; and mixing classroom learning; models for; and online learning environments; principles of; small teaching quick tips for; in theory
  6. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
  7. Intrinsic motivators versus extrinsic motivators


  1. Jenson Hayes, M.
  2. Jones, C.
  3. Jossey-Bass Publishing
  4. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition (Kornell, Jenson, Hayes, and Bjork)


  1. Kane, M.
  2. Kansas City Royals (baseball)
  3. Keller, Marjorie
  4. Khanna, M. M.
  5. Knowledge
  6. Kolditz, T.
  7. Kornell.
  8. Kray, L. J.


  1. Laboratory for Cognitive and Affective Science (Assumption College)
  2. Lang, J.
  3. Langer, E. J.
  4. LaVancher, C.
  5. LeBlanc, Cary
  6. Lewis, M. W.
  7. Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching
  8. Lovett, M. C.


  1. Make It Stick (Roediger, McDaniel, and Brown)
  2. Mazur, Eric
  3. McDaniel, M. A.
  4. Memory Lab (Washington University in St. Louis)
  5. Merrick, A.
  6. Merrill, M. M.
  7. Miller, M.
  8. Mindful learning
  9. Minds on Fire: How Role-Immersion Games Can Transform College (Carnes)
  10. Minds Online (Miller)
  11. Mind-set talk
  12. Mindset: the New Psychology of Success (Dweck)
  13. Mind-sets
  14. Minute thesis
  15. Mixers
  16. Mixing classroom learning
  17. Morris, P.
  18. Motivating: and acknowledge emotions in room; and get to class early, part; and get to class early, part; introduction to; and invoke purpose– especially self-transcendent purpose; and make it social; models for; principles; and share your enthusiasm; and show compassion; and show enthusiasm; small teaching quick tips for; and tell great stories; in theory
  19. Mueller, C. M.
  20. Mueller, F. E.
  21. Murphy, M.


  1. Nelson, Linda
  2. Newbury, Peter
  3. Norden, Jeannette
  4. Norman, M.
  5. Northern Arizona University


  1. Office, The (BBC television program)
  2. Ogan, A.
  3. Omar, A.
  4. On Course (Chronicle of Higher Education; Lang)
  5. “On Memory” (Aristotle)
  6. Online learning environments
  7. Online retrieval; and frequent quizzing; and reading checks; and spacing out due dates
  8. Opening questions
  9. Orwell, G.
  10. Overlearning
  11. Owen-DeSchryver, J.


  1. Pals, J. L.
  2. Paraphrasing
  3. Parceling out and practicing
  4. Paunesku, D.
  5. Pause-predict-ponder
  6. Pedagogy Unbound (Website)
  7. Peer instruction
  8. Peer power, utilizing
  9. Performance
  10. Pink Floyd
  11. Plato
  12. Podcast: Teaching in Higher Ed
  13. Power of Mindful Learning (Langer)
  14. Practicing: and analyzing assessments; introduction to; making time for, in-class; mindfully; models for; parceling out and; principles of; and providing feedback; small teaching tips for; spacing out; in theory; and unpacking your assessments
  15. Predicting: and clicker predictions; and closing predictions; and inducing reflection; introduction to; models for; and prediction-exposure-feedback; and pretesting; principles for; and providing fast feedback; small teaching quick tips for; and staying conceptual; in theory
  16. Prediction-exposure-feedback
  17. Pretesting
  18. ProfHackers group (Chronicle of Higher Education)
  19. Provide framework
  20. Providing feedback
  21. Pyc, M. A.


  1. Reacting consortium
  2. Reacting to the Past approach
  3. Redundancy effect
  4. Reimann, P.
  5. Renkl, A.
  6. Republic (Plato)
  7. Retrieving: and align practice and assessments; and frequency matters; introduction to; models for; and online retrieval; and opening questions; principles of; and requiring thinking; and retrieving syllabus; small teaching quick tips for; in theory
  8. Retrieving syllabus
  9. Richard Stockton College (New Jersey)
  10. Robins, R. W.
  11. Roediger, H. L.
  12. Rogerson, B.
  13. Rohrer, D.
  14. Romero, C.


  1. San Francisco Giants (baseball)
  2. Schacter, Daniel
  3. Schell, J.
  4. Schuell, T. J.
  5. Schwartz, B.
  6. Scientific American
  7. Self-explaining: introduction to; models of; and peer instruction; and pointing to principles; principles; and scaffolding self-explanation; and selecting principle; small teaching quick tips for; in theory; and thinking aloud; and utilizing peer power; and why are you doing that?
  8. Service learning; principle for
  9. Service Learning Essentials: Questions, Answers, and Lessons Learning
  10. Seven Sins of Memory (Schacter)
  11. Small teaching, description of
  12. Small teaching quick tips: and connecting; for growing; for interleaving; for motivating; for practice; for predicting; for retrieval; for self-explanation
  13. Smith, E..
  14. Sonic Foundry
  15. Spitzer, B.
  16. Squire, Kurt
  17. Stachowiak, Bonni
  18. STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics)
  19. Subjective values
  20. Sykes, R.


  1. Takacs, C. J.
  2. Talbert, R.
  3. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Classification of Educational Goals, Handbook I: Cognitive Domain (Bloom)
  4. Taylor, K.
  5. Teaching at Its Best (Nelson)
  6. Teaching Naked (Bowen)
  7. Teaching Professor (newsletter)
  8. Teaching with Classroom Response Systems: Creative Active Learning Environments (Bruff)
  9. The Spark of Learning: Energizing the College Classroom with the Science of Emotion (Cavanagh)
  10. Time magazine
  11. Turn to Your Neighbor
  12. Twitter


  1. Understanding
  2. University of California, Berkeley
  3. University of California, Los Angeles
  4. University of California, San Diego
  5. University of Chicago Press
  6. University of Oklahoma
  7. University of Richmond
  8. University of Wisconsin
  9. Unpacking your assessments


  1. Vanderbilt University


  1. Wall, The (Pink Floyd)
  2. Walton, G. M.
  3. Warriner, Christine
  4. Washington University in St. Louis
  5. Weimer, M.
  6. West Point
  7. What do you already know (and what do you want to know?)
  8. What the Best College Teachers Do (Bain)
  9. Why Students Don't Like School (Willingham)
  10. Willingham, Daniel
  11. Wrzensniewski, A.


  1. Yeager, D. S.
  2. “You Don't Have to Wait for the Clock to Strike to Start Teaching” (blog; Newbury)
  3. Yuhas, D.


  1. Zull, James