- Ability praise
- ABL Connect (Harvard University)
- Active learning
- Activity-based learning; principle for envisioning
- Agarwal, P. K.
- Aleven.
- Ambrose, S. A.
- Angelo, T. A.
- Animal Farm (Orwell)
- Aristotle
- Art of Changing the Brain: Enriching the Practice of Teaching by Exploring the Biology of Learning (Zull)
- Assumption College (Worcestor, Massachusetts)
- “Astronomy Picture of the Day” (NASA)
- Atkinson, R. K.
- Backward fading
- Badura Brack, A. S.
- Bain, K.
- Bain, Patrice
- Banerjee, A.
- Banning, M.
- Barnard College
- Bassok, M.
- Bean, J. C.
- Bjork, R. A.
- Blazer, A.
- Blocked class sessions versus interleaved class sessions
- Blockers
- Bloom, Benjamin
- Bloom, K. C.
- Bloom's taxonomy
- Bowen, Jose
- Bridges, M.
- Brown, P. C.
- Bruff, D.
- Burns, Robert
- Butin, D.
- Butler, A. C.
- Carey, B.
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Carnes, M.
- Carpenter, S. K.
- Cavanagh, Sarah
- Chambliss, D. F.
- Chi, M.T.H.
- Chiu, J.
- Chiu, M. H.
- Chronicle of Higher Education
- Classroom Assessment Technique (Angelo and Cross)
- Clergyman's Daughter (Orwell)
- Clicker predictions
- Closing predictions
- Columbia University
- Comprehension, monitored
- Concept maps
- Cong.
- Connecting: and concept maps; and facilitating connections; introduction to; and leveraging peer learning power; and minute thesis; models for; principles of; and providing framework; small teaching quick tips; in theory; and what do you already know (and what do you want to know?)
- Contagious fire
- Cornelius, T. L.
- Cross, K. P.
- Cultural attitudes/behaviors
- Cumulative learning
- DeLeeuw.
- DiPietro, M.
- Discussion in the College Classroom (Howard)
- D'Mello, S.
- Duckworth, A.
- Dufflo, E.
- Dweck, C.
- Effort praise
- Engaging Ideas: The Professional's Guide to Integrating Writing, Critical Thinking, and Active Learning in the Classroom
- Entity theorists
- Expanding: and activity-based learning; and games and simulations; introduction to; models, principles, and resources for; resources for; and service learning; small teaching quick tips for; and Twitter; Web resources for
- Expectancies
- Explanations
- Extrinsic motivators, intrinsic motivators versus
- Faculty Focus (Magna Publications; Website)
- Faculty Focus (website)
- Far transfer
- Finken, L. L.
- First-Year Learning Initiative (Northern Arizona University)
- Flipped classroom
- Games and simulations; principle for
- Games$+$Learning$+$Society institute (University of Wisconsin)
- Glaser, R.
- Gooblar, David
- Google
- Goucher College
- Gregory, S.
- Growing: and communicate for growth; and design for growth; and feedback for growth; and give growth-language feedback; and growth talk; introduction to; models; principles of; and promote success strategies; and reward growth; small teaching quick tips for; in theory
- Gruneberg, M.
- Hare, Dorothy (fictional character)
- Harvard University Press
- Haselhuhn, M. P.
- Henderson, M.
- How College Works (Chambliss and Takacs)
- How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based
- How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching (Ambrose, Bridges, DiPietro, Lovett, and Norman)
- How We Learn (Carey)
- Howard, Jay
- Hoyle, J.
- Incremental theorists
- Inference rules
- Inspiration
- Interleaved class sessions, blocked class sessions versus
- Interleaving: and block AND interleave; and cumulative learning; and explaining and supporting; introduction to; and keeping it small and frequent; and mixing classroom learning; models for; and online learning environments; principles of; small teaching quick tips for; in theory
- International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
- Intrinsic motivators versus extrinsic motivators
- Jenson Hayes, M.
- Jones, C.
- Jossey-Bass Publishing
- Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition (Kornell, Jenson, Hayes, and Bjork)
- Kane, M.
- Kansas City Royals (baseball)
- Keller, Marjorie
- Khanna, M. M.
- Knowledge
- Kolditz, T.
- Kornell.
- Kray, L. J.
- Laboratory for Cognitive and Affective Science (Assumption College)
- Lang, J.
- Langer, E. J.
- LaVancher, C.
- LeBlanc, Cary
- Lewis, M. W.
- Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching
- Lovett, M. C.
- Make It Stick (Roediger, McDaniel, and Brown)
- Mazur, Eric
- McDaniel, M. A.
- Memory Lab (Washington University in St. Louis)
- Merrick, A.
- Merrill, M. M.
- Miller, M.
- Mindful learning
- Minds on Fire: How Role-Immersion Games Can Transform College (Carnes)
- Minds Online (Miller)
- Mind-set talk
- Mindset: the New Psychology of Success (Dweck)
- Mind-sets
- Minute thesis
- Mixers
- Mixing classroom learning
- Morris, P.
- Motivating: and acknowledge emotions in room; and get to class early, part; and get to class early, part; introduction to; and invoke purpose– especially self-transcendent purpose; and make it social; models for; principles; and share your enthusiasm; and show compassion; and show enthusiasm; small teaching quick tips for; and tell great stories; in theory
- Mueller, C. M.
- Mueller, F. E.
- Murphy, M.
- Nelson, Linda
- Newbury, Peter
- Norden, Jeannette
- Norman, M.
- Northern Arizona University
- Office, The (BBC television program)
- Ogan, A.
- Omar, A.
- On Course (Chronicle of Higher Education; Lang)
- “On Memory” (Aristotle)
- Online learning environments
- Online retrieval; and frequent quizzing; and reading checks; and spacing out due dates
- Opening questions
- Orwell, G.
- Overlearning
- Owen-DeSchryver, J.
- Pals, J. L.
- Paraphrasing
- Parceling out and practicing
- Paunesku, D.
- Pause-predict-ponder
- Pedagogy Unbound (Website)
- Peer instruction
- Peer power, utilizing
- Performance
- Pink Floyd
- Plato
- Podcast: Teaching in Higher Ed
- Power of Mindful Learning (Langer)
- Practicing: and analyzing assessments; introduction to; making time for, in-class; mindfully; models for; parceling out and; principles of; and providing feedback; small teaching tips for; spacing out; in theory; and unpacking your assessments
- Predicting: and clicker predictions; and closing predictions; and inducing reflection; introduction to; models for; and prediction-exposure-feedback; and pretesting; principles for; and providing fast feedback; small teaching quick tips for; and staying conceptual; in theory
- Prediction-exposure-feedback
- Pretesting
- ProfHackers group (Chronicle of Higher Education)
- Provide framework
- Providing feedback
- Pyc, M. A.
- Reacting consortium
- Reacting to the Past approach
- Redundancy effect
- Reimann, P.
- Renkl, A.
- Republic (Plato)
- Retrieving: and align practice and assessments; and frequency matters; introduction to; models for; and online retrieval; and opening questions; principles of; and requiring thinking; and retrieving syllabus; small teaching quick tips for; in theory
- Retrieving syllabus
- Richard Stockton College (New Jersey)
- Robins, R. W.
- Roediger, H. L.
- Rogerson, B.
- Rohrer, D.
- Romero, C.
- San Francisco Giants (baseball)
- Schacter, Daniel
- Schell, J.
- Schuell, T. J.
- Schwartz, B.
- Scientific American
- Self-explaining: introduction to; models of; and peer instruction; and pointing to principles; principles; and scaffolding self-explanation; and selecting principle; small teaching quick tips for; in theory; and thinking aloud; and utilizing peer power; and why are you doing that?
- Service learning; principle for
- Service Learning Essentials: Questions, Answers, and Lessons Learning
- Seven Sins of Memory (Schacter)
- Small teaching, description of
- Small teaching quick tips: and connecting; for growing; for interleaving; for motivating; for practice; for predicting; for retrieval; for self-explanation
- Smith, E..
- Sonic Foundry
- Spitzer, B.
- Squire, Kurt
- Stachowiak, Bonni
- STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics)
- Subjective values
- Sykes, R.
- Takacs, C. J.
- Talbert, R.
- Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Classification of Educational Goals, Handbook I: Cognitive Domain (Bloom)
- Taylor, K.
- Teaching at Its Best (Nelson)
- Teaching Naked (Bowen)
- Teaching Professor (newsletter)
- Teaching with Classroom Response Systems: Creative Active Learning Environments (Bruff)
- The Spark of Learning: Energizing the College Classroom with the Science of Emotion (Cavanagh)
- Time magazine
- Turn to Your Neighbor
- Twitter
- Understanding
- University of California, Berkeley
- University of California, Los Angeles
- University of California, San Diego
- University of Chicago Press
- University of Oklahoma
- University of Richmond
- University of Wisconsin
- Unpacking your assessments
- Wall, The (Pink Floyd)
- Walton, G. M.
- Warriner, Christine
- Washington University in St. Louis
- Weimer, M.
- West Point
- What do you already know (and what do you want to know?)
- What the Best College Teachers Do (Bain)
- Why Students Don't Like School (Willingham)
- Willingham, Daniel
- Wrzensniewski, A.
- Yeager, D. S.
- “You Don't Have to Wait for the Clock to Strike to Start Teaching” (blog; Newbury)
- Yuhas, D.