1. ‘A’ class submarine snort mast and periscope, 1949.
2. Affray before leaving for Australia, October 1946.
3. Affray, Simonstown, South Africa, December 1946.
4. Crew of Affray, September 1950.
5. Jeffrey Barlow and shipmates on board Affray.
6. Affray’s Engine Room crew.
7. Control Room, HMS Affray.
8. Officers and ratings on board Affray, Casablanca, October 1950.
9. HMS Affray and HMS Tiptoe, Gibraltar, 1950.
10. HMS Affray, Tangier, Morocco, October 1950.
11. The game of ‘Uckers’.
12. Down the hatch on Affray.
13. Lt Cdr John Blackburn on board HMS Sea Scout, spring 1950.
14. Padre with naval ratings prepare to join the search party for the Affray.
15. Search-and-rescue pilots.
16. Ships search for Affray, English Channel, 17 April 1950.
17. HMS Amphion.
18. ‘A’ class submarine searches for Affray.
19. Annotated newspaper photograph of Affray.
20. Lt John Blackburn, aged 28.
21. Lt Derek Foster, Affray’s ‘Number One’.
22. AS George Leakey.
23. AS John Goddard.
24. LS George Cook.
25. Telegram sent by AS John Goddard.
26. Marine Sgt Jack Andrews.
27. Telegraphist Harold Gittins.
28. HMS Reclaim.
29. W. Rosse Stamp and Jock Phillips on board HMS Reclaim.
30. Diver from Reclaim.
31. ASDIC reading confirms location of Affray, 12 June 1951.
32. ‘Ugly Duckling’ casing for the underwater television camera.
33. Underwater photograph of Affray’s bridge.
34. Underwater photograph of broken snort mast.
35. Snort mast is raised onto the deck of Reclaim, 1 July 1951.
36. Snort mast undergoes tests, Admiralty’s Central Material Laboratory, Emsworth.
37. The television camera ‘receiving station’ in the Captain’s cabin on board HMS Reclaim.
38. Snort mast collar.
39. Detail of the broken snort mast.
40–3. Scale model of HMS Affray as it was found on the seabed.
44. David Bennington’s letters reproduced in the Sunday Pictorial, December 1951.
45. Submarine memorial, Royal Navy Submarine Museum.
46. Memorial service sheets, Portsmouth, Gosport and Chatham, April and May 1951.
47. Commemorative first-day cover, fiftieth anniversary of the loss of Affray.
48. Disaster Relief Fund Scheme.
49. Grand Performance, HMS Affray Disaster Fund, Sunday 3 June 1951.


Annotated profile of HMS Affray, Acheron Class Large Patrol

Submarine. (Drawn by Gary Symes) Page 8