Chapter Four


Travis paid Mona and left a nice tip before heading back to the table.

“Y’all ready to go?”

They rushed Robin to the truck, because they would start drawing a crowd soon just from their scent.

The boss-slash-wannabe-boyfriend wasn’t around to say no now and, even if he was, Travis got the idea that Robin would tell him to go fuck himself. Seriously, if Terry needed a hook up, him and Casey knew at least three guys who would beg for an assbeating and a good hard fucking.

Robin, now, this sweet kit needed fucking and petting, possibly at the same time. More than anything, he needed to loosen up. Those business casual clothes Robin wore looked altogether too… prissy. Penny loafers. Tan britches. Lord.

Casey chuckled, then winked and pulled Robin into the truck.

Robin’s eyes went wide. “Smells amazing in here.”

“I know, right? When it’s good, it’s good.”

Robin nodded, even as he wore this perplexed expression. Casey crowded into the backseat with him, and Travis cursed the trend toward bucket seats rather than bench.

“You keep him warmed up, baby,” Travis said. “But no finishing.”

“It’s a deal.”

Travis slid into the driver’s seat, turning the key so the big diesel rumbled to life, and Casey reached out, cupped Robin’s crotch. “Come on, let’s walk on the wild side.” “Mmmnh!” Robin jerked and danced, and Travis knew how good that was.

“Say yes. Say you want to come play, kit.”

Travis almost pointed out that Casey was totally cheating, but it was going to be worth it, so he kept his mouth shut.

“Yes? Oh, God. Please,” Robin panted, and his scent made Travis so hard he was leaving a wet spot on his jeans.

“Good. Let’s go, Travis. Let’s go play.”

Travis got the truck headed down the highway to the Sandman. The place was owned by a croc shifter who rarely left the office or the pool. The guy was a hoot, the beds were huge, and the showers had great water pressure.

The wet sounds of kissing reached him, and Travis didn’t dare look in the rearview. He would get distracted and crash the truck.

That would be, at best, awkward as fuck.

“Don’t you let him shoot, buddy,” he warned.

“No. No, I won’t let me, either.” Casey was ready, primed to go. Hot as hell.

“He’s bossy, huh?” Robin’s voice was more groan than words.

“Real bossy,” Casey said. “He can tie a man up to get what he wants.”

Travis grinned, knowing that, if Robin could see him, the kit would run. He liked to play games, but Casey was no shrinking violet.

The trip to the motel took about six minutes flat, but Casey still had one hand down Robin’s pants when they got there.

“That’s for sharing,” he warned as he parked and then hopped out of the truck. He tugged Robin to him, dislodging Casey’s hand. “Go get the room?”

“Asshole,” Casey murmured, and he stopped his lover on the way by, yanking him up against Robin to take Casey’s mouth.

“Be good. Go get the room.”

“I’m always good, you bossy fuck.” Casey wiggled that sweet ass and left them.

Robin stared up at him, blue eyes bright and a little worried. “You really are bossy.”

“I really am. You’re really going to enjoy it.”

“Promise?” Robin blinked, looking drugged, and Travis got it. Casey could do some kissing.

“Oh, baby. You have my word.” Travis stepped up and took a deep, hard kiss, just plundering Robin’s mouth.

The tiny moan he got made him grunt, and Robin wrapped both arms around his neck. The kiss went nuclear hot, and he jerked, his hips rocking.

Damn, he needed to peg that. Now. Hard and fast. He lifted Robin clean off the ground, rubbing them together.

“Don’t you fucking dare.” Casey’s voice was like a shot.

“Inside,” Travis said. He growled the words, needing so badly.

“Room three.”

“My lucky number,” Robin said, with a weak chuckle. They needed to get him in there, get them all touching before he tapped out on them.

They towed him to the room, Casey unlocking it with the old-fashioned metal key. The place smelled like Carolina -- all musky, but otherwise clean. The sheets were perfect and the mattress a nice firm king. Travis plopped Robin right down on it.

Those blue as Wyoming skies eyes stared up at him, worried, aroused, needy and lost all at once. Thank God for Casey and the way he pushed up behind Robin. Those clever hands wrapped around Robin’s body, working buttons and zippers, Casey gnawing on Robin’s nape.

Oh, nice move.

I am a stud.

You so are, baby. Casey made him crazy. He did adore that man. He knelt before the bed, leaning in to nuzzle Robin’s jaw, meeting Casey’s lips there.

“Oh.” The tiny puff of sound told him Robin was back with them. Perfect. Fuck yes. He licked at Robin’s lips, wanting a deep, hard kiss and, when Robin opened up, he took what he needed.

Travis tasted that mouth thoroughly, pushing in with his tongue. Casey stroked his cheek, his neck, finally gripping his shoulder to hold him in place.

“Mmm.” He crawled up, straddling Robin’s thighs, trapping him between them.

Casey grabbed his hips, and they were all breathing hard, Robin’s eyes huge when the kiss ended and they stared at each other. When Casey groaned, Travis leaned past Robin to kiss him, as well.

Robin tugged at Travis’ T-shirt, pulling it out of his jeans, baring his belly. Curious, Robin stroked his stomach, fingers catching on the tiny rough hairs. “So hot. Your skin is on fire.”

“His cock is always like that, too, honey. Dig it out and see,” Casey said.

Oh, he thought that was a spectacular fucking idea. He sucked his stomach in and leaned back to give Robin some room. His button was already open thanks to Casey, so Robin worked the zipper, then got the fabric peeled away.

When air hit his aching cock, Travis moaned, pushing up and begging for a touch. Robin reached out, fingertips playing over the flared head, teasing him unbearably.

His balls drew up, and he reached down to tug them. No coming too soon, damn it.

Casey laughed. “Eager man. Let’s get this one naked.”

“Oh, good idea.”

“We should all probably strip down, huh?” Robin must have screwed up all his courage to say this, and Travis rewarded him with a kiss.

“Last one naked is a rotten egg!” Casey knelt up behind Robin and began throwing off clothes.

Robin blinked, but then soft laughter started, just as hot as all get out. Then he stripped off his shirt and struggled with his pants.

Travis tore off the rest of his stuff, boots and socks flying. Now they could really explore and explore he would. Robin was lean and fine, a little fleur-de-lis tattooed on one pec. Cute.

Casey leaped at him, kissing him hard, then moved to Robin, climbing up his body and growling happily.

“Listen to you.” Robin acted like he’d never heard one of them growl before, ever.

“Mmm. You make me hungry.”

“Metaphorically, right?” Robin frowned a little.

Travis tilted his head. “Of course. It’s not like you’re a moose or something.”

“No. No, I’m relatively small for a moose. Do they have moose here?”

“Nope. Deer is our biggest prey.” He watched Robin carefully. Something was off with this pretty kitty. Something substantial, he thought. Surely the guy knew -- Maybe he couldn’t shift or something.

“Hunters, huh? Not my thing. I’m not from PETA or anything, I just… Not my thing.”

Casey paused, staring at Travis. Did we get it completely wrong, mate?

No way. No fucking way.

Are you sure?

“I -- Is everything okay? Did I upset you?” Robin started to fidget.

“No. No, man.”

Robin looked at him, then shook his head. “This was a stupid idea. I don’t just hook up with guys. I’ll call a cab from the office.”

“Shh.” Casey turned Robin to face him, staring into those worried eyes. “We’re good. No one is upset. Not a bit.”

Then Casey took another kiss, long and deep and guaranteed to drive Robin insane. Better. They could figure out the rest later.

Travis reached out, sliding one hand over Robin’s tight ass. Oh, damn that was fine as frog hair. He repeated the touch, then used his free hand to stroke a lazy circle over the small of Robin’s back.

Robin’s stiff muscles eased, the worry clearly fading away. He was humping Casey like a mad fiend.

See? No way he’s not one of us. No. Way. Rub the back of his neck.


Grrr. Casey’s mental laughter was so warm.

He took the hit and leaned forward, licking a long line along Robin’s nape as his fingers dug in.

“Fuck!” Robin arched back, the kiss with Casey breaking as he cried out.

“Mmm. You like that.”

“Uh. Uh-huh.”

“That’s good, honey.” He bit down, sliding his hand down to the small of Robin’s back.

“Gonna make me shoot, y’all.”

“Mmm. I love that idea.” Casey reached down, pumping Robin’s cock. “Nothing more relaxing than an orgasm.”

“Uh-huh. Fuck, y’all are pretty.”

Travis got it. He loved to watch, but he didn’t want to freak Robin out. Still, he nuzzled the curve of Robin’s ear, curious as fuck about what Robin was carrying down south.

Casey grabbed his hand and brought it around, letting him feel. Nice. Hot and long, not as thick as him, but a good length of rope that fit in his hand just fine.

Robin shouted again, hips snapping, and the man came for them. Hot seed fell on his hand, on Casey’s belly, the orgasm going on for a long moment. This dude was seriously pent up. He kept touching, loosening his grip, but needing to keep Robin up and raring to go.

“Sensitive.” Robin’s teeth chattered a bit. That skin pressed to his was hot, flushed. Sweaty.

“I bet. Breathe through it.”

“Mmm.” Casey pushed and pulled and Robin ended up on his back on the bed. “Now we can really explore.”

Robin stretched, the tension obviously letting go, nothing but easy desire in the man’s face.

“Pretty man.” He stroked that flat belly.

“Thank you. God, y’all. I needed that. Bad.”

“We could tell.” Casey hummed, moving in close to touch.

“Yeah?” Robin rubbed one hand up along Casey’s belly, reaching out for Travis with his other hand.

Travis leaned in, lips moving over Casey’s shoulder. His mate smelled like heaven, and tasted better. He licked, then bit, knowing how rough to go with Casey.

Watching them, Robin licked his lips, making these crazy kitty noises.

“Come kiss me, kit.” Casey dragged Robin over his legs and it looked like heaven, the way Robin went easy.

Travis touched them both, hands sliding on skin, learning how they all fit together.

Fuck. Electricity shot up along his arms, and his eyes crossed with the jolt. Case yowled softly, the sound muffled in Robin’s kiss, and Robin’s hair stood on end.


He wanted more, so Travis muscled up where he could rub his cock on someone.

He found Robin’s hip and sawed against it for a second before Robin grabbed ahold and showed him that Robin understood cocks and how they needed loving on. That was a damned fine thing, because Travis wanted fondling and sucking and fucking and --

Greedy. Casey’s mental voice filled Travis’ head with laughter.

God yes. You two are amazing together.

I want to eat him alive.

Robin grabbed Casey’s dick with his other hand, stroking them both in time. “It’s an embarrassment of riches.”

“Damn, kit. You have amazing hands.” Travis decided right then and there that Robin was wasted on design.

“I do?” Robin beamed. “I do. You’re easy to touch.”

Sweet baby. He dragged Robin in for another kiss, groaning as Casey pushed in to join, to make it a three-way. Lips and tongues met and explored, and Travis moaned, his whole body jerking.

This was way more than a nooner. This deserved a whole day.

Casey turned them, stretching Robin out on the bed, kneeling on one side.

“Oh, look at him.” Travis ran his hand up along one leg, spreading the taut little body out beneath them.

Robin flushed dark, but didn’t try to hide. His hands opened and closed as if he was still reaching for them, but Travis and Casey pushed his arms up over his head. Edible.

Fuzzy and dark, he’d bet. Travis wanted to see Robin’s feline, wanted to see what kind he was. He petted Robin’s chest, then ran one hand down his belly to grasp the straining cock. Heavy. Hot as fire. Crowned with black curls and curving about a ripped belly. Pretty pretty.

Travis rubbed his thumb over the tip. “You gonna suck it, Casey?”


He took that as a yes. Travis held the base of Robin’s cock, and Casey bent to suck the head.

Robin’s eyes were huge, the blue almost electric, almost glowing as Travis watched.

“Feels so good, huh?” Travis grinned, bending to kiss Robin gently. “He’s so hungry. So damned oral.”

“Better than good. Heaven.” Robin opened to him, obviously dazed and hungry.

Travis took that mouth like Casey was taking in Robin’s cock. He wanted to taste every bit of Robin’s body, and this was a great place to start. Robin cried out as they both loved on him -- rocking back and forth, so needy, so fucking hungry that Travis wanted to roar.

Instead, he pushed up harder with his hand, pressing more of that thick cock into Casey’s throat. Casey’s lips brushed his hand, over and over, caressing him.

Together. They were always better when they did things together.

Love you, mate.


Robin moaned, arching like the kit heard them.

Maybe he had. They did have this crazy connection with him, didn’t they? Lord. He tugged Casey up. “My turn.”

“Oh fuck!” Robin tossed, hips jerking restlessly as Travis grabbed his cock.

“That’s it, honey. Travis is going to make you feel so good.” Casey hummed, sliding up to kiss Robin’s mouth.

He swooped down, mouth covering the sweet, needy prick, demanding that his new kit let him taste.

Robin grunted, going still for a moment. Yeah, honey. Casey needed time to go this deep. Travis could push all the way down right off the bat. Robin’s cock was lean, nice and long, the tip bumping hard along the roof of his mouth.

“More.” Casey pushed a hand into Travis’ hair, helping him move up and down. Oh, he was going to blister Casey’s ass.

God, that would be so much fun. Robin could hold him during, watch, maybe ask for some of his own. Oh, fuck.

Travis swallowed hard, his eyes crossing.

“I’m gonna -- I need to come. Please.”

How sweet. Robin thought he might want to pull off. Travis bobbed harder, demanding his reward.

Roll his balls, mate. Make him feel us.

He did just that, pressing his palm up under Robin’s sac and rotating it.

He heard Robin’s cry, loud even muffled in Case’s kiss. So sensitive. So Travis did it again, then pushed down, swallowing around Robin’s dick.

Salt poured into his throat, the flavor of their kit enough to make his hands shake. He moaned, swallowing hard, before Casey yanked him up to kiss him deeply, sharing what he’d taken.

Fuck. Fuck, T. Ours.

Yeah. Yeah, I want him.

“You’re beautiful.” Robin stared at them, blue eyes full of fire, lips swollen.

“You think so, kit? We want you, too. I think I might have to take Casey to task, though, for the hair pulling.”

“Did he tug? I’ll pet it, make it better.”

“Massage?” Travis ducked his head, letting Robin rub his head. Goddess, those fingers. They were like the best kind of voodoo.

Casey stroked his back. “I couldn’t help myself, lover. I wanted to see him come in your mouth.”

Rough little licks smoothed up along his back, Casey trying to make nice. Hmm. Maybe the spanking could wait until tonight when they had more time.

When Casey got to the nape of his neck, he gasped, and Robin tilted his head up to take a long, slow kiss.

Caught between them, Travis danced a little, his body undulating. Christ, they made him nuts.

Robin’s hand found his cock again and Casey rubbed all along his back, bumping and nudging and playing with him. He loved the way Casey finally draped over him, cock sliding between his ass cheeks.

“That’s -- Robin, honey. Your hands.” A man would commit crimes for hands like that.

“Mmhmm. You feel good. Want to touch you all over.”

“Okay. Stick with Casey and he’ll show you all my sweet spots.”

“Hell, yeah.” Casey reached around him, fingers pressing just under the glans on his dick. “Right here.”

His eyes flew open as Robin rubbed and traced, stroked and circled and tried to drive him out of his mind.

Robin stared right into him, fingers never slowing. Casey took advantage of his stillness to hump against his ass, dick pushing at his hole.

Yeah. Yeah, babe. Case. Take me.

Really? Casey surged against him, panting.

He didn’t catch very often, but he didn’t mind it. And with Robin to touch and kiss, he could really sink into it, let them hold him and drive him out of his mind.

Casey used a little spit and two fingers to quickly prepare him. They didn’t need as much time as plain old humans, and they both liked it to burn.

Those clever fingers of Robin’s worked him until Travis wanted to scream, his cock super sensitive.

Somehow Robin and Casey found each other’s rhythm, their heartbeats. They worked him like he was an instrument and they were musicians. It was better than he’d hoped. More than he could have dreamed.

We’ve been good kitties. We deserve this.

We have. Goddess. More, Case. More.

More. Casey moved faster, that thick cock filling Travis deep. That first thrust took his breath away, and Robin tugged hard at him, free hand rolling his nuts. Robin’s kiss burned him to the ground, deep and wild.

Travis rocked, hung in this endless loop of pleasure. His ass clenched, his balls pulling up.

“He’s close, kit. I can feel him, all around my prick.”

“Want to feel it, Travis.” Robin’s eyes were wide, hot. “Want it in my hand.”

“Kit.” He growled, his eyes rolling back as he fought the urge to bite down, hard.

Bite him, lover. Do it now. Casey slammed into him, one finger sliding into his ass along with that amazing dick.

He didn’t stop to think. He leaned down and bit Robin’s shoulder, a huge growl popping out of him.

Robin’s entire body shuddered, arching underneath him, fingers clenching convulsively. Travis snarled, pushing back on Casey, his cock swelling impossibly. Then he shot, because he’d marked Robin as theirs. Just like that.

Casey pushed in hard, curving over him, slamming in deep and biting Robin as he shot.

Robin screamed, the exultant sound of a hunting cat, and slapped against him, humping his belly twice before he came again, hot and wet over Travis’ abs.

Casey groaned. Ours. Oh T. He’s ours.

I know. Keeping him. Travis had no idea how. For all he knew this kit would panic and run. But they were keeping him.

The best part was that they had time to learn each other, to play and love and discover. Robin would be here for weeks. Long enough for them to convince him to stay.

Someone’s cell phone went off, making all three of them laugh.

“It’s me. Tell me it’s not my boss?”

Travis chuckled at Robin. “I’m pretty sure spunk-coated fingers don’t work smart phones.”

Robin flipped him off. “Someone answer it? Seriously.”

Casey leaned over, sliding out of him. “‘Lo?” Then he rolled his eyes. “It’s for you.”

“It’s my phone.” Robin grabbed the phone and rolled his eyes. “Robin.”

Travis was close enough to hear Terry ask, “You need a ride, kiddo?”

“I don’t, no. I’m good. I’ll be at the hotel for our meeting this afternoon.”

“Okay. Just checking in. Long lunch to leave me with Dean-o the amazing bald dude.” Terry laughed. “See you later.”

“Bye.” Robin hung up, then looked at him and Casey and broke into slightly hysterical laughter.

“Maybe he was possessed last night, huh, Kit?” he asked.

“Yeah. Maybe. Or maybe he just really got worried.” Robin sobered and shrugged. “I mean, this is so not like me, but I’m not worried. Is that weird?”

“Probably, but who cares? Weird is relative.”

“Mmm.” Robin looked stricken for a moment. “You’re not related, right?”

“No. No kissing cousins.”

Casey cracked up, rolling on the mattress.

Robin plopped down on the pillows, his entire body shaking with laughter.

That was amazing. His hotties laughing together. Travis burrowed down in the covers, pulling them both to him. “When is your meeting, Kit?”

“Fourish. We have time to play a little longer.”

Quite a bit longer. Good thing he and Casey loved to play. Travis took a kiss from each of them. “I like it. Whatever should we do first?”

“Wash up.” Casey made a wry face.

Right. They’d barebacked. There was a goo factor.

Robin rolled to the edge of the bed. “I’ll get the water going.”

Look at that pretty ass.

Casey snorted. Look at the bite marks.

He winked over at his lover. We’ve got to start out like we can hold out, baby.

We keeping him, you think?

I have no doubt.

Cool. Casey bounced out of bed, whistling. His mate was pretty uncomplicated.

A new lover who had never shifted? That was a whole other story.