Chapter 29


Real Progress Takes Time

This book opens up a window into where we are. I want to finish this book by sharing a hard-learned lesson. We all look for ways to escape. Many of us are so sad that we worry if anyone can understand us. This leads to isolation and confusion. I know many are secretly depressed and wondering about their futures.

I have another book being released in 2017 titled The Depression Diet. This book is a work that was my focus for several years. I began to understand how we are all impacted by depression. I found that it is extremely tough to fight this condition. I learned that 350 million people face depression. It is one of the most costly diseases in the world. Above the material costs are the emotional wounds we carry.

I know we are in a time of depression. Many won’t admit it or talk about the truth. I have had conversations with the leaders of large Fortune 1000 companies. They admit that depression is an important topic but few are willing to bring me into their organizations. It seems there is a stigma for a company to admit their employees are experiencing a depression.

Why do we hide from the truth? Do we think that pretending all is well will take away our pain? Is it easier to think happy thoughts than to address our true emotions? I watch on Facebook as friends post glamorous shots from their lives. In private, they share how broke, depressed, lonely, and upset they are. Why are we not saying this publicly? Is it shameful to admit you are struggling? Are we trying to prove we are okay?

I will admit that I am depressed. I seek help and work on it all the time. Each day is a battle to keep going. I do exercise, listen to great motivational talks, and try to persist. I am not ashamed to be open about my pain. If you have faced severe problems, you are far from alone. It is the majority of us who are going through rough situations. We deny this to pretend that we are able to handle it all. I am sick of hiding. I will no longer tell you that life is perfect. I will admit how hard it has been. I tell myself that I need help and go seek it. You may also need assistance. The bravest souls keep trying even when it seems futile. I am no better or worse than anyone who reads this. I am choosing to have the courage to admit there is a problem.

There is a problem, not in America, but in our world. We have created a situation that won’t go away. The amount of depression being felt is higher than ever before. There are no simple answers or quick solutions. You won’t read a book and be saved. This doesn’t mean not to read. It means that change takes time.

Slow and steady growth is the key. It teaches us how to shift our thoughts and behavioral patterns. I have found from studying this for many years, we can actually make changes. It is up to us to come together and improve our world. I want to live in a place where my kids are happy. I want it to be a world where they have hope and dignity. I dream that they feel love and respect for all people. It includes a place to color, draw, and create. There are no limits on their lives and minds. They can be whoever they dream to be. I don’t know if this will ever happen. I will at least try my best to give them a happy home.
