I’m startled awake by a loud noise and when I look across the room, I see Olivia dragging herself to bed in the same clothes she was wearing the night before. “Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you.”

“That’s alright.” Looking at the clock I see it’s six in the morning, “I’m guessing by the time that you had a good night last night?”

“Yes.” She rips the covers off her bed and jumps in fully clothed. “He even wants to see me again later today.”

“Ohhh, so it went really well then?” Except just like the rest of her relationships, this one isn’t going anywhere.

I swear she picks guys that she knows won’t lead anywhere serious on purpose.

“It did, but sorry for ditching you last night.”

Her ditching me last night actually worked out perfectly. “It’s fine but I want to hit the slopes and judging by your appearance, I guess you won’t be going anywhere for the rest of the day.”

“Nope.” She pulls the covers over her head and I hear a muffled, “If anyone wants to know where I am, let them know that I’m dying a slow and miserable death.”

Within minutes the sound of her breathing evens out and I have no doubt she will be asleep for the rest of the day.

Seeing as she woke me up, I decide to get up for the day and after a quick shower, I make my way out to the restaurant to have breakfast.

I can’t see anyone else from our group yet, so I grab a plate and take a seat by myself.

After only a few minutes, the chair opposite me moves and a large body sits in it.

Expecting to see Dad as he is an early riser, I’m surprised when I look up to see Tyler instead. “Hey Matty.”

My smile is instant, “Hey Tyler.”

This is a good start.

After last night, I thought he might be weird with me but so far everything seems normal.

“Did Olivia make it back in okay?” he asks while grabbing the salt from the table.

“Yes.” I smile knowing he’s not going to like the fact that she only just got back to the room about an hour ago.

He cringes slightly, “Do I want to know what time?”

Smirking, I say, “No.”

He groans and shakes his head, after taking a sip of his coffee he says, “I swear Dad being so protective of her has had the opposite effect.”

“Yep.” Too bad Uncle Mason hasn’t figured that out yet.

Our first few months away at college, Olivia really let her hair down with how much freedom she had. I was about to put a stop to her wild behavior myself when she ended up calming down all on her own.

He clears his throat, “So about last night…”

“What about it?” I say casually. Don’t tell me he’s regretting last night already?

He hesitates slightly, “I, I just want to make sure you’re okay.”

“Why wouldn’t I be okay?” Getting to have sex with Tyler again is the highlight of my year.

Nothing else compares to that feeling.

“Just, after everything I said to you. I want to know you understand where I’m coming from. I don’t want you to think I’m using you because I’m not,” he gently shakes his head, “At least not intentionally anyway. I really care about you Matty and I’m only trying to do what’s best for you.”

I try to act casual and wave away his concern. “It’s fine, I totally get it but that does mean you are backing out of our promise?”

He grimaces, “I shouldn’t have made that promise to you Matty, I was drunk.”

He wasn’t that drunk. “I don’t care, I want my one night a year with you and you can’t take back a promise.”

He mutters under his breath, “Fuck it, why not? But for the record I think this is a really bad idea.”

Grinning, I say, “Don’t care, I think it’s a great idea.”

He eyes me warily but then we are interrupted by Dad pulling out the seat next to me. “Good morning sweetheart. Tyler.”

Tyler nods his head, “Hey Uncle Jayden.”

“Hey Dad,” I say cheerily.

At least I was able to confirm he’s not backing out of our deal before my dad showed up.

I doubt I will have much time with him over the next couple days so it was good to get that out of the way.

Dad looks curiously between us. “So where are Olivia and Laura?”

I can’t help but chuckle, “I’m pretty sure you won’t be seeing Olivia until at least tonight, if at all, she’s pretty hungover.”

Dad raises one eyebrow, “Big night then?”

“Big for her at least,” and for me but in a very different way.

He looks to Tyler, “And Laura?”

Tyler glances at me quickly before looking back at my dad. “She passed out last night and I’d say she is feeling about as good as Olivia is. She’s not planning on venturing far from the room either.”

“Does that mean you are going to get off the baby slopes today?” Dad and I share a small chuckle. Growing up, we were always super competitive and would have races down the mountain.

Tyler ignores the jab. “Yeah, I’m planning on hitting the black-diamond runs.”

Dad grins, “Good, the boys have been practicing all week and want to see how they go against you.”

I roll my eyes, my brothers are obsessed with Tyler, almost as much as I am but in a different way. “Dad, the boys can’t even win against me, how do they think they are going to beat Tyler?”

Dad chuckles slightly, “They said that Laura is making Tyler soft and he will be easy pickings this year.”

This comment earns a grin from Tyler. “Oh, it’s on.”

A full day on the slopes with Tyler.

I’m not sure that today could get any better.


Tyler didn’t hold back when it came to my brothers and even taunted them over his shoulder as he was kicking their asses.

It was actually fun to watch.

My brothers love Tyler and I can’t say that I blame them, he’s hard not to love.

As for Tyler and I, we had four races and won two each.

I wanted a final decider but by that time it was getting late and Tyler had had enough.

After hassling him about being an old man, he promised we would have a decider race tomorrow and to make it up to me, he would buy me a hot cocoa.

I was looking forward to some more time alone with Tyler but it seemed like the rest of our families had the same idea.

We were all sitting around the fire sipping hot cocoa when Olivia finally made an appearance and the heckling started.

It’s safe to say that Uncle Mason wasn’t happy with his daughter getting so drunk that she had to spend all day in bed recovering but his reaction is nothing compared to the one he would have had if he knew what really kept her up last night.

Groaning, she sidles up next to me on the couch which pushes me closer to Tyler and that’s how we have been sitting for the last half an hour.

Somehow, Olivia ended up finishing my drink and conned a few other people into bringing her food.

She still has her head on my shoulder when Laura walks out and joins us.

Seeing as this is the first time she has met everyone, she doesn’t receive the heckling that Olivia did but she does take the only vacant spot, which is practically on Tyler’s lap.

Olivia glances up at Laura. “I had fun last night.”

Laura groans, “I can’t remember the last time that I was that drunk.”

Unperturbed, Olivia says, “I’m meeting up with some people tonight if you are keen.”

Laura seems absolutely horrified with this suggestion. “Um, no, I think I’ll have to pass.”

“Tyler?” she prompts.

“No thanks, I’ll stay with Laura and I’m not really sure that I want to meet your friends.” The way he says friends sounds like he is sucking on a lemon.

But what he really means by not wanting to meet her friends is that he doesn’t want to meet the latest guy she’s fucking.

Olivia doesn’t seem to care though. “Suit yourself, you’re coming though right Maddy?”

“Yeah, I’ll come,” I agree.

Tyler glances at me like he wants to say something but then stops himself.

It’s about time that Tyler realizes that he can’t have it all.

I know he doesn’t like seeing me with other guys but I’ve had to put up with seeing him with other girls for years and it wouldn’t hurt him to have a taste of his own medicine.

I think when we get back to college, I’m going to make a real effort with Grayson.

If all I’m ever going to get with Tyler is one night a year then I have to stop putting my life on hold for him.

It’s not fair to myself and I would actually like to see his reaction if I turned up next year with a boyfriend.

I have a feeling it would be priceless.

“Good because we have a double date for dinner,” she grins at me cheekily.

“Why am I not surprised?” I say dryly.

She nudges me, “Don’t be like that, you love double dating with me.”

“Why would I love it when you get first pick and I end up with the leftover one that you don’t want?” With the guys that she sets me up on double dates with, it’s no surprise that I prefer to stay single.

She grins at me, “If you want to complain so much then why don’t you go and find us some double dates and give me your leftovers.”

That doesn’t sound like too bad of an idea. “Maybe I will.”

Tyler clears his throat next to me. “Do you want me to get you anything Laura? Hot cocoa?”

She smiles gratefully up at him, “Yeah actually, a hot cocoa would be great, thanks.”

He stands abruptly and is gone within seconds.

Olivia pouts against my shoulder, “How rude, he could have asked me if I wanted one.”

“You already finished mine, remember?”

She snuggles deeper into my side, “Yeah but now I’m hungry and I want fries.”

I’m actually starting to get pretty hungry too. “What time are we going to dinner?”

She yawns slightly and I have no idea how she’s going to last tonight. “Soon, we should probably go and get ready.”

When she makes no move to stand up, I ask, “You need a minute?”

She sighs deeply and closes her eyes, “Yeah, maybe a couple.”

Laughing along with my best friend, I can’t help but feel like my life has taken a turn in a new direction this trip.

I’m not sure whether it’s for the better or worse but I’m looking forward to finding out.

I’ve spent most of my life obsessing over Tyler when I should have been doing what he has done all along.

Live my life.

If one day, we end up together then great but if not, we get one magical night a year together and right now, that’s enough.