
I wish I could say that everything went swimmingly once the Dolcettas were—ehm—out of the way. Unfortunately, that’s not exactly how the world works. The Sacred Spirit Coven was still out in the wild, and as dangerous as ever, even without their fearless leaders. Luna, Emma, and James all had to go back to school. And me? Well, with some helpful tinkering of some very nice folks, I at least existed. 

With the twins and my mate back at school, it had fallen to me to make alliances with the local white witches and wiccans around our area, which was made much easier when Luna’s father taught me how to drive and use a cell phone—you know, all the things that a dog never needed to know. And, he helped me join forces with shifters in the region. 

Luna called daily, but it wasn’t the same as having my mate at my side and in my bed every night. Web cameras were a savvy invention, and mutual masterbation was fun and all—can I point out that I love having hands again, and also that I don’t have to lick my own ass? But I wanted to be inside her. I couldn’t wait to have my mate’s body wrapped around mine, to feel her quake around me as she found release. 

I counted down the minutes until her car would be driving down the lane. Occupying myself with email missives that needed attention, and tidying the house. But then she was there. Her little red Prius parked in front of the cold stone house I had lived in for the better part of a century. The house had been my prison while the Dolcettas had been my masters. And now, it was my haven. My place in the world with my mate and my humans. 

“Honey, I’m home!” Luna dropped her duffle on the marble floor of the entryway, and I was up the stairs in a flash, swooping her up into my arms. “Did you miss me?” 

“Only every second.” I bent down and captured those perfectly pink lips with mine. “Mmm. The twins are headed to London tonight, so we have all week to ourselves.” 

I kicked the door shut and took the stairs to the second floor two at a time, my mate tucked close to my body. 

“Whatever shall we do with all this time alone?” she asked as I tossed her onto the bed. 

“Take your clothes off.” I kicked my shoes off and shut the double doors behind me. 

“Demanding.” Luna grinned as she toed off her boots and socks. “Where did my shy little virgin mate go?” 

“You like it when I take charge.” I whipped my shirt off over my head and crawled across the mattress to my beautiful mate. “You are not naked.” 


“Really?” I ripped the zip of my jeans down and dropped them off the side of the bed. “Patience? This coming from the girl who couldn’t wait five minutes for me to get off the phone with the alpha of the Grey Wolf Pack, no, you had to shove your magic wand thing in your pussy while I watched with you on mute, while Henry prattled on about borders and security.” 

“Sorry, not sorry.” She shrugged and shimmied out of her entirely too painted-on jeans. “You enjoyed the show.” 

“I am fairly certain that I told you to take off your clothes.” I growled and nipped at her lip.

Thank you for reading Dog Days. If you enjoyed reading Luna and Hunter’s story you can subscribe to K.O.’s Newsletter for all the latest releases and shenanigans she’s getting up to!