‘How are you going with the frogs, Jack?’ Miss Campbell says. She pulls up a chair to sit next to him.
‘Good, I think,’ says Jack shyly.‘Do you want me to start work now?’
‘This is work, Jack!’ Miss Campbell laughs. ‘These games will help your spelling and reading.’ Jack grins.
‘Sometimes when you come here we’ll work together at my desk,’ Miss Campbell explains. ‘Other times you will practise on these computer games, or work with the word puzzles. I think you will improve very quickly.
Look how fast you’ve learnt this one!’ Miss Campbell looks around the room and claps her hands.‘OK, my extra-special group!’ she calls.‘Time to go back to your classes.’
She turns back to Jack. ‘You’ve done well today.
Would you like to come back next week?’
‘Yes, please!’ says Jack.
Jack says goodbye to Aaron. Then he runs down the hallway to join his class in the art room.
Billie waves and pats the stool next to her where she has saved a spot for him.
Suddenly Jack feels bad. He wishes he hadn’t lied to Billie. They usually tell each other everything.
‘Billie,’ he whispers.‘I wasn’t really at Sick Bay.’
‘I know,’ Billie whispers back.‘I saw you go into Miss Campbell’s room.’ ‘Really?’ Jack feels his face burn hot.‘So then you know I was …’
‘Getting extra help.’ Billie nods. Then she frowns at Jack.‘It hurt my feelings when I found out you lied to me.’
Jack hangs his head.‘I’m sorry,’ he says in a quiet voice.‘I thought you’d think I was dumb.’
‘Jack!’ Billie says. ‘Did you really think that? Don’t you remember how bad I was at ballet? And swimming? And you never thought I was dumb, did you?’
‘Of course not!’ Jack says. ‘Nobody can be good at everything,’ Billie says.
‘Jack, you are good at lots of things. In fact, you are great at the most important thing.’
‘What’s that?’ Jack asks. ‘Being a best friend.’ Billie smiles.
Jack grins. ‘Thanks. I’m glad we’re still friends.’ ‘Best friends,’ Billie says. ‘But that means telling the truth, OK? Always.’ ‘OK!’ says Jack. He feels very happy. Ms Walton was right.
Sometimes things turn out much better than Jack thinks they will.