Copyright © 2015 by Anita Miller
All rights reserved
Published by Academy Chicago Publishers
An imprint of Chicago Review Press, Incorporated
814 North Franklin Street
Chicago, Illinois 60610
ISBN 978-0-89733-743-4
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Miller, Anita, 1926–
Tea & antipathy : an American family in swinging London / Anita Miller. —First edition.
pages cm
ISBN 978-0-89733-743-4 (cloth)
1. Miller, Anita, 1926- 2. Miller, Anita, 1926—-Family. 3. Miller, Jordan, 1926- 4. Americans—England—London—Biography. 5. Knightsbridge (London, England)—Biography. 6. London (England)—Biography. 7. Knightsbridge (London, England)—Social life and customs—20th century. 8. London (England)—Social life and customs—20th century. I. Title. II. Title: Tea and antipathy.
DA685.K58M45 2015
Cover and interior design: Joan Sommers Design
Cover photo (bottom): Arbyreed
Printed in the United States of America
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