vision and communism, the exhibition
order reflects exhibition installation catalog numbers 1-89, all courtesy of the Ne Boltai! Collection


1. Viktor Koretsky, Africa Fights, Africa Will Win! (Afrika boretsia, Afrika pobedit!), 1968, original maquette: pencil, gouache, white, collage, paper, wooden board, 31½ × 47¼ in. (80 × 120 cm).
2. Viktor Koretsky, Africa Fights, Africa Will Win! (Afrika boretsia, Afrika pobedit!), 1971, poster, 22068 × 34¼ in. (58 × 87 cm).
3. Viktor Koretsky, Africa Fights, Africa Will Win! (Afrika boretsia, Afrika pobedit!), 1971, poster, 22 069 × 34¼ in. (58 × 87 cm).
4. Viktor Koretsky, Capitalism Is War, the People’s Suffering, and Tears (Kapitalizm—Eto voina, narodnoe gore, i slezy), 1960s, original maquette: gouache, paper, wooden board, 33 070 × 49071in. (85 × 126.5 cm).
5. Viktor Koretsky, Witches’ Sabbath of the Bombworshippers (Shabash bombopoklonnikov), 1960s, original maquette: pencil, gouache, paper, photo paper, wooden board, 47¼ × 31½ in. (120 × 80 cm).
6. Viktor Koretsky, Witches’ Sabbath of the Bombworshippers (Shabash bombopoklonnikov), 1960s, original maquette: pencil, gouache, white, collage, paper, photo paper, wooden board, 14072 × 10⅜ in. (37.2 × 26.3 cm).
7. Viktor Koretsky, American Policy (Amerikanskaia politika), 1970s, poster, 23⅝ × 33073in. (60 × 85.5 cm).
8. Viktor Koretsky and Yuri Kershin, If This Is the Land of the Free, Then What Do You Call a Prison? (Esli zdes’ svobodnyi stroi, chto zh togda nazvat’ tiur’ moi?), 1968, black-and-white photograph, 11074× 8½ in. (29.7 × 21.6 cm).
9. Viktor Koretsky, America’s Shame (Pozor Ameriki), 1968, poster, 39075 × 26076in. (101.1 × 68.4 cm).
10. Viktor Koretsky, America’s Shame (Pozor Ameriki), 1968, original maquette: pencil, gouache, white, collage, paper, wooden board, 47077 × 078in. (120.2 × 79.6 cm).
11. Viktor Koretsky, America’s Shame (Pozor Ameriki), 1968, poster, 39079 × 27 in. (101.5 × 68.6 cm).
12. Viktor Koretsky, Justice American-Style (Sud po-Amerikanski), ca. 1960, original maquette: pencil, gouache, white, air brush, paper, wooden board, 47080 × 31081in. (120.5 × 80.2 cm).
13. Viktor Koretsky, Racism (Rasizm), 1970s, black-and-white photograph, 4082 × 6083 in. (11 × 16.4 cm).
14. Viktor Koretsky, Smash the RSA! (Republic of South Africa) (Sokrushit! IuAR), 1970s, black-and-white photograph, 4084 × 6085in. (11 × 17 cm).
15. Viktor Koretsky, USA. Free at Last! (SShA. Nakonets-to svoboden!), ca. 1970s, black-and-white photograph, 7086 × 4¾ in. (18.2 × 12 cm).
16. Viktor Koretsky, US. Vietnam. ExportingHuman Rights” (from the series “The Bloody Business of Imperialism”) (US. V’etnam.Prava Cheloveka”—na eksport, from the series, “Krovavye dela imperializma”]), ca. 1960s, black-and-white photograph, 7087 × 4¾ in. (18.2 × 12 cm).
17. Viktor Koretsky, Twins in Spirit and Blood (Bliznetsy po dukhu i krovi), 1960s-1980s, original maquette: pencil, gouache, white, air brush, paper, wooden board, 47⅝ × 31⅞ in. (121 × 81 cm).
18. Viktor Koretsky, The Shameful Mark of American “Democracy” (Pozornoe kleimo Amerikanskoi “demokratii”), 1963, poster, 33⅛ X 23¼ in. (84.2 × 59 cm).
19. Viktor Koretsky, Equal Rights!!! (Ravnopraviia!!!), 1960s, original maquette: gouache, white, paper, 49⅝ × 33088in. (126 × 85 cm).
20. Viktor Koretsky, Untitled, ca. 1960s, black-and-white photograph, 6⅛ × 9⅛ in. (15.6 × 23.1 cm).
21. Viktor Koretsky, Apartheid and Mass Murder Are Synonymous Concepts (Apartheid i massovye ubiistva—poniatiia-sinonimy), 1960s, original maquette: gouache, white, charcoal, air brush, paper, wooden board, 49 × 34089in. (124.5 × 86.5 cm).
22. Viktor Koretsky, Soweto. Law and Order (from the series “The Bloody Business of Imperialism”)(Soueto. Sila i pravo, from the series “Krovavye dela imperializma”]), ca. 1970s, black-and-white photograph, 4090 × 7091in. (11.9 × 18.2 cm).
23. Viktor Koretsky, Freedom American-Style (Svoboda po-Amerikanski), ca. 1980s, black-and-white photograph, 7092 × 4093in. (18 × 11.9 cm).
24. Viktor Koretsky, USA. Republic of South Africa. World Policeman (from the series “The Bloody Business of Imperialism”) (SShA. IuAR. Mirovoi zhandarm [from the series “Krovavye dela imperializma”]), ca. 1970s, black-and-white photograph, 7⅛ × 4094 in. (18.1 × 11.9 cm).
25. Viktor Koretsky, Untitled (from the series “The Bloody Business of Imperialism”) (from the series “Krovavye dela imperializma”), ca. 1970s, black-and-white photograph, 3095 × 5⅛ in. (9 × 13 cm).
26. Viktor Koretsky, NO to Oppression, Slavery! (NET—Ugneten’iu, rabstvu!), ca. 1970s, black-and-white photograph, 4½ × 7 in. (11.5 × 17.8 cm).
27. Viktor Koretsky, Freedom for All African Nations! (Svobodu vsem narodam Afriki!), ca. 1970s, black-and-white photograph, 7¼ × 4⅝ in. (18.4 × 11.7 cm).
28. Viktor Koretsky, Apartheid and Mass Murder Are Synonymous Concepts (Apartheid i massovye ubiistva—poniatiia-sinonimy), ca. 1970s, black-and-white photograph, 6096 × 4⅝ in. (17.6 × 11.8 cm).
29. Viktor Koretsky, RSA (Republic of South Africa) (IuAR), ca. 1970s, black-and-white photograph, 7097 × 4098in. (18.3 × 11.9 cm).
30. Viktor Koretsky, New Dialog—Old Goals (Novyi dialog—starye tseli), 1963, original maquette: gouache, paper, wooden board, 49 × 099in. (124 × 85 cm).
31. Viktor Koretsky, CIA Affairs
(Dela TsRU)
, 1960s, original maquette: gouache, white, paper, wooden board, 29½ × 59100in. (75 × 150 cm).
32. Viktor Koretsky, Chains Breaking—The Echo of Our Revolution! (Tsepi rvutsia—Eto otzvuk nashei revoliutsii!), 1968, poster, 23101 × 33102 in. (58.5 × 84 cm).
33. Viktor Koretsky, Africa Shall Be Free! (Afrika budet svobodnoi!), 1960, poster, 37103 × 26⅜ in. (94.1 × 67 cm).
34. Viktor Koretsky, South Africa. Angola. Racism in Action (IuAR. Angola. Rasizm v deistvii), ca. 1970s, black-and-white photograph, 7104 × 4105in. (18.3 × 11.9 cm).
35. Viktor Koretsky, Profession: Mercenary, Murderer from the Republic of South Africa (Professiia: Naemnik, Ubiitsa iz IuAR), ca. 1970s, black-and-white photograph, 6⅜ × 4¼ in. (16.2 × 10.8 cm).
36. Viktor Koretsky, I Can’t Take It Anymore! (Ia bol‘she ne mogu), 1944, original maquette: pencil, white, air brush, photo paper, wooden board, 44½ × 31⅞ in. (113 × 81 cm).
37. Viktor Koretsky, Oleg Savastiuk, and Boris Uspensky, Glory to the Great Soviet People, the Builders of Communism! (Slava velikomu sovetskomu narodu, stroiiteliu kommunizma!), 1955, poster, 18½ × 46106in. (47 × 117 cm).
38. Viktor Koretsky, Lenin, 1983, original maquette: collage, white, air brush, photo paper, wooden board, 107in. (88 × 56 cm).
39. Viktor Koretsky, 1945, 1965, poster, 108in. (85 × 56 cm).
40. Viktor Koretsky, We Will Defend Peace Forever! (Mir, otstoim na veka!), 1965, poster, 33¼ × 21⅞ in. (84.5 × 55.5 cm).
41. Viktor Koretsky, 1941, 1941, original maquette: chalk, gouache, paper, 109 in. (37 × 24.5 cm).
42. Viktor Koretsky, Save Us! (Spasi!), 1942, poster, 110 in. (36 × 23.5 cm).
43. Viktor Koretsky, Communist and Workers’ Parties Will Develop International Cooperation and Solidarity on the Basis of the Great Ideas of Marx, Engels, and Lenin (Kommunisticheskie i rabochie partii budut razvivat’ internatsionalistskie sotrudnichestvo i solidarnost’ na osnove velikikh idei Marksa, Engel’sa, Lenina), 1976, poster, 111 in. (127.1 × 189.9 cm).
44. Viktor Koretsky, A Deputy’s Main Concern Is the People’s Interest (Glavnaia zadacha deputata—Interesy naroda), 1978, poster, 112 in. (66.5 × 46.5 cm).
45. Boris Klinch, Toward the World October! (Vpered k mirovomy Oktiabriu!), 1933, poster, 40¾ × 28⅞ in. (103.5 × 73.4 cm).
46. Viktor Koretsky, For Rule of the Soviets! (Za vlast‘sovetov!), 1977, poster, 113 in. (103 × 204 cm).
47. Viktor Koretsky, Greetings to the Fighters Against Fascism (Privet bortsam protiv fashizma), 1937, poster, 114 in. (93 × 61.8 cm).
48. Viktor Koretsky, Vera Gitsevich, and Boris Knoblok, This Is Our Final and Decisive Battle (Eto est’ nash poslednii i reshitel‘nyi boi), 1936, poster, 115 in. (99.5 × 137 cm).
49. Viktor Koretsky, Fight for Worldwide October (In Kampf für den Weltoctober) [sic], 1933, black-and-white photograph, 6⅝ × 9⅝ in. (16.8 × 24.5 cm).
50. Viktor Koretsky, A Multimillion Army of Aggression: USA/An Army of Unemployed: USA (Mnogomillionnaia armiia agressii: SShA/Armiia bezrabotnykh: SShA), ca. 1980s, black-and-white photograph, 116 in. (18 × 12.1 cm).
51. Viktor Koretsky, The People Will Break the Monopolies (Narody porvut puty monopolii), ca. 1960s, black-and-white photograph, 117 in. (18 × 12 cm).
52. Viktor Koretsky, The Bloody Business of Imperialism (Krovavye dela imperializma), ca. 1960s, black-and-white photograph, 118 in. (18.3 × 12 cm).
53. Viktor Koretsky, Justice American-Style (Sud po-Amerikanski), ca. 1970s, black-and-white photograph, 119 in. (18.2 × 11.8 cm).
54. Viktor Koretsky, Untitled, ca. 1970s, black-and-white photograph, 4⅝ × 6⅞ in. (12 × 17 cm).
55. Viktor Koretsky, The Yellow Devil’s Snarl (Oskal zheltogo d’iavola), 1978, black-and-white photograph, 6⅜ × 4⅜ in. (16.5 × 11 cm).
56. Viktor Koretsky, Imperialism Is War (Imperializm—Eto voina), ca. 1960s-1980s, original maquette: pencil, gouache, white, air brush, paper, wooden board, 120 in. (120 × 80.2 cm).
57. Viktor Koretsky and Yuri Kershin, American Imperialism Is War, Slavery, Racism! (Amerikanskii imperializm—Eto voina, rabstvo, rasizm!), ca. 1960s-1970s, black-and-white photograph, 121 in. (12.6 × 17.3 cm).
58. Viktor Koretsky, Imperialism Is War, No Rights for Millions, and Racism Practiced Legally and Daily (Imperializm—Eto voina, bespravie millionov liudei, rasizm, uzakonennyi i povsednevnyi), 1980, poster, 38⅜ × 26⅜ in. (97.5 × 67 cm).
59. Viktor Koretsky, America’s Shame (Pozor Ameriki), 1968, black-and-white photograph, 122½ in. (17 × 11 cm).
60. Viktor Koretsky, The Face of Aggression (Litso agressii), ca. 1950s–1960s, black-and-white photograph, 8¾ × 6¼ in. (22.3 × 15.9 cm).
61. Viktor Koretsky, There’s the Bourgeois World’s “Freedom”! (Vot ona “svoboda” burzhuaznogo mira!), 1959, original maquette: gouache, paper, wooden board, 123 in. (70 × 92 cm).
62. Viktor Koretsky, No Forgiveness for the Aggressors! (Net proshcheniia agressoram!), ca. 1960s, black-and-white photograph, 124 in. (16.9 × 10.7 cm).
63. Viktor Koretsky, 357 Thousand Dissidents Thrown in Prison (357 Tysiach inakomysliash-chikh brosheny na tiurmy), ca. 1970s, black-and-white photograph, 7⅛ × 4¾ in. (18.1 × 12 cm).
64. Viktor Koretsky, Their “Democracy” (Ikh “Demokratiia”), 1970, poster, 125 in. (75.1 × 58.6 cm).
65. Viktor Koretsky, The Bloody Business of Imperialism (Krovavye dela imperializma), ca. 1970s, black-and-white photograph, 7126 × 4¾ in. (18.2 × 12 cm).
66. Viktor Koretsky, CIA Mercenary (Naemnik— TsRU), date unknown, original maquette: charcoal, pencil, paper, wooden board, 39⅜ × 28⅜ in. (100 × 72 cm).
67. Viktor Koretsky, Untitled, 1943, poster, 127 in. (49 × 34 cm).
68. Viktor Koretsky, USA. The Bill of Rights (SShA. Byl’ o pravakh), ca. 1980s, black-and-white photograph, 128x ¾ in. (18.3 × 12 cm).
69. Viktor Koretsky, The Marauder (Maroder), ca. 1970s, black-and-white photograph, 6⅞ × 4⅝ in. (17.4 × 11.8 cm).
70. Viktor Koretsky, CIA Mercenary (NaemnikTsRU), ca. 1970s, original maquette: pencil, gouache, crayon, white, photo paper, wooden board, 39¾ × 27¾ in. (101 × 70.5 cm).
71. Viktor Koretsky, The Marauder (Maroder), 1960s, original maquette: pencil, gouache, crayon, photo paper, wooden board, 39¾ × 31⅞ in. (101 × 81 cm).
72. Viktor Koretsky, The Marauder (Maroder), 1960s, original maquette: charcoal, pencil, paper, wooden board, 39⅜ × 28⅜ in. (100 × 72 cm).
73. Viktor Koretsky, USSR: For Total and Complete Disarmament! (SSSR: Za vseobshchee i polnoe razoruzhenie!), 1970s, black-and-white photograph, 129 in. (11.8 × 18.2 cm).
74. Viktor Koretsky, Untitled, ca. 1960s, black-and-white photograph retouched with white, pencil, Indian ink, 130 in. (50.5 × 38.5 cm).
75. Viktor Koretsky, The People’s Will for Peace Will Not Be Broken! (Voliu naroda k miru ne slomit’!), 1962, poster, 131 in. (58 × 80 cm).
76. Viktor Koretsky, The People’s Will for Peace Will Not Be Broken! (Voliu naroda k miru ne slomit’!), 1962, poster, 132 in. (58 × 80 cm).
77. Viktor Koretsky, Imperialism Is War (Imperializm—Eto voina), 1968, original maquette: pencil, gouache, white, paper, wooden board, 133 in. (120 × 80.2 cm).
78. Viktor Koretsky, Peace (Mir), 1980, poster, 134 in. (98 × 66 cm).
79. Viktor Koretsky, Life Will Triumph! (Zhizn’ pobedit!), 1972, poster, 135 in. (105.3 × 68.3 cm).
80. Viktor Koretsky, Put an End to the Aggression in Vietnam! (Polozhit’ konets agressii vo V’etname!), 1965, black-and-white photograph, 136 in. (11.8 × 18.2 cm).
81. Viktor Koretsky, Peace to the World! (Miru mir!), 1962, poster, 137 in. (107.5 × 76 cm).
82. Viktor Koretsky, Peace to the World! (Miru mir!), 1962, poster, 138 in. (107.5 × 76 cm).
83. Viktor Koretsky, A Solid Peace for the World! (Zemle-prochnyi mir!), 1965, poster, 139 in. (65.7 × 90.4 cm).
84. Viktor Koretsky, Freedom, Independence, Friendship! (Svoboda, Nezavisimost’, Druzhba!), ca. 1970s, black-and-white photograph, 140 in. (27.5 × 40.2 cm).
85. N. Tereshchenko, Long Live Peace Among Nations! (Da zdravstvuet mir mezhdu narodami!), ca. 1950s, black-and-white photograph, 141 in. (11.3 × 16.4 cm).
86. Viktor Koretsky, The Fate of Peace Is in the People’s Hands! (Delo mir v rukakh narodov!), 1973, poster, 142 in. (68.5 × 103 cm).
87. Viktor Koretsky, The Fate of Peace Is in the People’s Hands! (Delo mir v rukakh narodov!), 1973, black-and-white photograph, 143 in. (15.8 × 24.3 cm).
88. Viktor Koretsky, Brotherhood and Equality Among All Nations! (Bratstvo i ravenstvo—vsem narodam!), ca. 1960s, black-and-white photograph, 144 in. (20 × 19.5 cm).
89. Viktor Koretsky, Untitled, 1950s, original maquette: white, gouache, collage, cardboard, 145 in. (21 × 32.5 cm).


1. Aleksandr Medvedkin, Mind Your Health (Beregi zdorov’e) (DVD, 1929, 9m).
2. Anonymous, The Launch of the Dnieper Power Station (Pusk Dneprostroia) (Archival DVD, 1932, 11m).
3. Chris Marker, See You Soon, I Hope (A bientôt, j‘espere) (Digibeta from 16mm, 1968, 40m).
4. M. Lifshits, Letter to Kolkhoz Farmers (Pis’mo kolkhoznikam) (Archival DVD, 1932, 10m).
5. N.N. Karmazinskii, How Is Life, Comrade Miner? (Kak zhivesh’, tovarishch gorniak?) (DVD, 1932, 10m).
6. S. Bubrik, A Link of Victory (Zveno pobedy) (Archival DVD, 14m).
7. S. Bubrik, Comrade-Prosecutor (Tovarishch prokuror) (Archival DVD, 1933, 15m).
8. G. Piotrovskii, Family (Rodnye) (Archival DVD, undated, 8m).
9. L. Snezhinskaia, Tadjikhon Shadieva (Archival DVD, 1934, 20m).
10. Aleksandr Medvedkin, Law of Baseness (Zakon podlosti) (Archival DVD , 1962, ca. 50m).
11. Aleksandr Medvedkin, Forced Friendship (Druzhba so vzlomom) (Archival DVD, 1965, ca. 50m).
12. Aleksandr Medvedkin, Letter to a Chinese Friend (Pis’mo kitaiskomu drugu) (Archival DVD, 1969, 10m).
13. Chris Marker, The Train Rolls On (Le Train en marche) (1973, 32m).
14. Chris Marker, The Embassy (L‘Ambassade) (Digibeta from 16mm, 1971, 21m).
15. Chris Marker, The Sixth Side of the Pentagon (La Sixième face du pentagone) (Digibeta from 16mm, 1967, 26m).
16. Chris Marker, A Grin Without a Cat (Le fond de l’air est rouge) (Digibeta from 35mm, 1977, 180m).


1. Radio Freedom Sign-On recorded on Radio Freedom: Voice of the African National Congress and the People’s Army [Umkhonto we Sizwe].
2. Power (Amandla), protest meeting recorded on Amandla, a Revolution in Four Part Harmony.
3. Nelson Mandela, “Introduction” recorded on South African Freedom Songs.
4. Amandla Group, Leave Our Parents Behind (Sobashiya Abazale) on South African Freedom Songs.
5. Toyi Toyi on South African Freedom Songs.
6. Mayibuye, Here Comes the Black Man (Naants‘ indod’ emnyama) on South African Freedom Songs.
7. Amandla Group, Freedom Charter on South African Freedom Songs.
8. Workers Choir, Government What Have We Done? (Hulumeni Senzeni?) on South African Freedom Songs.
9. Miriam Makeba, They Are Seated Together (Bahleli Bonke) on Amandla, a Revolution in Four Part Harmony.
10. Harmonious Serade Choir, Iyo on Amandla, a Revolution in Four Part Harmony.
11. Desmond Tutu, “Church Influence” on South African Freedom Songs.
12. African National Congress Choir London, God Bless Africa (Nkosi Sikelel’ iAfrica) on South African Freedom Songs.
13. Harmonious Serade Choir and Vusi Mahlasela, What Have We Done? (Senzeni Na?) on South African Freedom Songs.
14. Chant by Militants on Radio Freedom: Voice of the African National Congress and the People’s Army [Umkhonto we Sizwe].
15. We’ll Arrive in a Jumbo (Thina Songena Nge Jambo) on Radio Freedom: Voice of the African National Congress and the People’s Army [Umkhonto we Sizwe].
16. Soweto Community Hall, We Will Shoot with a Gun (Dubula Ngesi’bam) on Amandla, a Revolution in Four Part Harmony.
17. The African National Congress Choir, He Brings Us Peace (Usilethela Uxolo) on Amandla, a Revolution in Four Part Harmony.
18. Nelson Mandela, “Conclusion” on South African Freedom Songs.